Saturday, January 3, 2015

Today Ava Played the Recorder

Uncle Joe has a love for getting his nieces loud gifts whenever he can. 

It's not all bad because they have a theme - music - and it all began with a pair of drumsticks he purchased for you when we met up with him at the Hard Rock Cafe in Myrtle Beach when you were about 10 months old.

From there it was a set of cymbals and then a drum.

He's incredibly excited about your latest gift saying "If she and Adeynne start a band I want credit for it's beginnings." 

Sure, Joe, royalties are coming your way. 

He also has been warning me for quite some time that on a nose scale of 1-10 it's roughly an 11. 

So, needless to say we've been looking forward to it for a little while now. 

Grandpa Bernie went down to Charleston to visit for the holiday's and brought the remaining gifts from Uncle Joe back with him. 

When he handed me the bag I was confused. How can something in such a small package make so much noise? Then again we do have two small children. :)

Mom knew what it was right away. "It's a recorder." she said as soon as she saw the package.

We called you over to open it and sire enough ... mom was right. Is she ever wrong? :)

What struck me as you played this is hat fact that you seemingly knew what to do with your fingers, lifting them and placing them back down. A natural? 

Time will tell, but soon enough you'll have an entire band ensemble compliments of Uncle Joe

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