Saturday, September 19, 2015

Today Ava Supervised the Deck Build

Our front deck has been in a bit of disrepair as of late. 

The front boards have warped to a point where mom and I don't feel that it's safe for you to go outside unattended without risk of falling if you lean on them. 

Grandpa Bernie and I got rained out this week and the forecast for today wasn't very promising, but we decided to give it a try before the weather rolled in.

You were really enjoying the drive to Home Depot to get materials until you spotted me recording the vocals.

Once we met Grandpa at Home Depot, you didn't leave his side. 

We purchased our materials and followed Grandpa and his truck back to our house. 

Our conversation on the drive went like this: "Dad, Grandpa Bernie has a blue car like ours." 

"He has a blue truck, honey."

"Yeah, a blue truck car."

"No, just a blue truck. A pickup truck." 

"Yeah, a blue pickup truck car." 

After a few minutes of this, you wore me down. I gave in. You were so insistent. See why I tell people you're going to be a CEO someday? Your unwillingness to back down is uncanny. 

At home, you wanted to be a part of the action like you always do. When we finished the demo of the railing, you insisted on being outside. 

Understand that there was no front to the deck anymore. One false move and you could go over the side to the driveway below. 

See my reluctance to let you out there? Yet again, you won. 

Our compromise was that you sit on the chair while Grandpa and I worked. Butt in chair. 

You even tried to negotiate that. 

"Ava, sit back down."

"I just put one foot on the floor. I'm still in the chair." 

"Put your booty in the chair or you'll go inside." 

"I just want one foot on the floor, Dad." 

"No. Sit down or you'll go back in." 

"I just not listen to you!" 

With Grandpa chuckling in the background I responded "Yeah, we are all too familiar with that now sit down!" 

I got some attitude, pursed lips and a grunt, but I won this one! 

I have a better understanding of what your Uncles and I put Grandpa through when we were little. 

We got as far as we could on the deck for the day and then it was on to project number two ... painting the living room. 

Of course you would want to help with that too! 

We appreciate the enthusiasm, but after some paint splatters on the floor and on your jeans, we had to take the brush from you. 

Don't worry about it, there's plenty more walls to paint! We were just hustling to get that one n the books before you two went to bed. 

Thanks for all of your help today!

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