Friday, August 8, 2014

Today Ava Got Her Blue Trampoline!

12:01 a.m. Wed. Aug. 8, 2012.

The moment our lives changed forever and we wouldn't trade it for the world. 

We tell you this a lot, but slow down! You're growing up way to fast. 

Hard to believe it's been two full years since we were at the hospital welcoming you into the world in that whirlwind ride.

For weeks now you've been telling us "I get blue trampoline" when we ask you what you want for your birthday. It may, or may not have been sitting in the garage for a week or two now. 

I began to assemble your gift in the backyard before you woke up because we wanted you to come out back and begin jumping around. We didn't think it would have the same effect if we showed you the box.

You had woken up and were a few episodes in on Mickey by the time the build was complete. 

Uncle Kris and Aunt Suz as well as Uncle Joe had all sent gifts that arrived a few days ago. 

Mom secretly wrapped those while you were glued to your morning cartoons. 

Then, it was time to open. 

For the first time in your short life you really understood what to do with presents and wrapping paper. 

Uncle Joe is using your birthday's and holiday's to slowly assemble a one-man band. First it was cymbals and this time a drum. 

He is also thoughtful and aside from the noisy drum he gave you the "puppy movie" (101 Dalamations) that you always see commercials for.

Uncle Kris and Aunt Suz combined two of your favorite things into one gift - watching me mow the yard, and bubbles. You guessed it, they sent you a bubble mower! 

Soon, it was time to go outside and surprise you with your blue trampoline!

The reaction was better than I ever would have imagined. 

It's going to be impossible to ever get you back in the house now! 

Happy 2nd Birthday! Mom and I love you!

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