Friday, August 29, 2014

Today Ava Went to the Fair

"I no have to!" was the answer we got tonight when we asked you if you wanted to go to the Stark County Fair and see the animals.

We knew you didn't know what you were saying and that you'd be excited once we got there.

Traffic really wasn't all that terrible, we waited in a line of cars for about 10 - 15 minutes before getting parked and making our way to the gate.

Stay young, kid. You're still free for most things and it only cost mom and I $6.00 each to get in.

We were staring directly at the dairy barn from the gate we entered and walked up to the cattle.

Mom and I began to pet the gentle beasts on the head while trying to encourage you to do the same.

"I no have to."

Moving on.

We saw bunnies, horses, and even bees.

Then, you spotted the pony rides.

"Ava, do you want to ride the horses?" Mom asked,

an enthusiastic "okay!" was our response.

I won't lie to you, mom and I thought this was going to be $5.00 wasted. We figured as soon as you entered the riding area you'd freeze up and refuse to get on the horse.

We were actually surprised when you eagerly sat on the horse and cheesed it up for mom when you and I went around the circle.

I felt bad for the horses, honestly. Doesn't seem like much of a living, but we got our five bucks worth out of the ride. It lasted for what seemed like 10 minutes.

Like the merry-go-round at the Akron Zoo, you asked to ride again. We convinced you that there was more to see and that maybe we'd come back to it.

As we walked towards the other end of the fairgrounds - where the rides and food vendors were - that's when you spotted it.

"I see Ferris Wheel."

Say what? When did you learn what a Ferris Wheel is? Mom and I both looked at each other inquisitively. Did she just say that?

 Yep. You sure did.

The only other time you would have ever seen a Ferris Wheel would have been a few months ago, back in May, at the Hall of Fame's Fan Fest.

We watched it for a few minutes before stopping to get a funnel cake. You see, there are certain staples of festivals and fairs and the funnel cake is one. They go hand-in-hand.

Once you were all sugared up, it was off to see more animals. 

We had trouble finding the pork barn on the initial pass but luckily we found it before heading back to the car. 

Once through the barn you wanted to go through again. I found this odd since you didn't want to get a close look at the hogs. 

After our second pass we stopped for a final look at the cattle and made our way to the car. 

For not wanting to go to the fair or see the animals, I think you had a good time. 

I have to share the following story as well. 

We have a little game we play called "corn on the cob" where mom or me will tickle your sides while pretending you're an ear of corn. 

You giggle and laugh uncontrollably. 

We used to think it was torture, but as you can see, you keep asking for more.

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