Saturday, March 23, 2013

Today Ava was Moving

You're quickly learning to put yourself into position to get things that are not within reach. A bit of a combination of a crawl and a scoot with a downward dog yoga pose thrown in there.

Mommy's glasses must have
had a spot on them.
I'm still uncertain of exactly how you accomplish getting from point A to point B. You crawl for a two or three steps, then sit up, and almost corkscrew yourself a few feet at a time. 

I'm going to try and record it soon to figure it out. 

Makes me think you're a good problem solver. 

Hopefully that means you have your mother's intelligence. You already were blessed with my good looks you need something from her. [Editor's note: for those that didn't get it, the previous sentence is chock full of sarcasm.] 

This evening friends came over and we played a few games, Christy and Rob brought their two year old son and their daughter who is only five weeks younger than you. We sat you and her together between the living room and dining room. All was well for a second until you slapped her across the face. 

There was no malice or ill intent, it looked like you were trying to reach for her but didn't quite have the control you desire. We're going to work on manners. 

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