Sunday, March 24, 2013

Today Ava was Relaxed

We're easy, like Sunday morning.
Our day started out pretty chill. You and I watched cartoons on the couch with your feet kicked up on my legs. It's not often you just sit and relax. You're a lot like me in that you do not sit still. You're not happy unless you're trying to crawl and get your little fingers into something. I chalk it up to learning. 

 I could go into detail about how unhappy you were at midday today or how that all changed and how well behaved you were at mom's basketball banquet, but what I really want to take from today is how it began, and how it ended. 

Like I stated above, you don't normally just relax with us. Well, the day ended much as it began, with you relaxing with us. 

As you began to wind down for the evening we were chilling in the living room recliner, with you on my left leaned back and playing with a toy as we rocked. 

I soak these moments up now. They won't last forever.
When you get tired, you become agitated. 

This is the tell tale sign you're giving up for the night. It was around 8:15 or so and your mom brought me a bottle as we wanted you to take it before going to bed in hopes that you'll sleep through the night. 

Lately, we've been greeted with a 3:40 a.m. wake up call from your monitor. I beg you to sleep through the night again as I wake up at 5 to go to the gym.

As quickly as you wake up, you fell asleep. Suddenly the bottle fell from your mouth, your head to the side and it was lights out. 

Of course I just sat there with you for a few minutes before taking you back to your crib. 

These are the moments that make being a father the greatest thing in the world. Moments to live for. 

Sleep tight, Gravy.

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