Monday, August 26, 2013

Today Ava Made The Connection

Maybe I'm simply just a proud papa but when I pick up on small things in your growth and development I get excited. 

All food is finger food.
If you were two or three years old I would expect what I saw tonight, but this evening it took me by surprise. You're starting to understand what we say and connect it with what we mean/want. 

Sure, you turn your head when we say your name. You repeat "Mato, Mato" when you want to go pick the veggies from the garden, but this was different. You were getting tired and laying with a toy when I blurted out "where's your bink?" 

You immediately perked up and dropped your stuffed animal, walked over to a blanket on the floor,  grabbed your bink and put it in your mouth. I had no idea where your pacifier was when I asked, I just wanted to see if you made the connection. I was stunned, bot only did you know what I was saying, you remembered where it was and went to get it.

You're probably tired of me saying this by now, but I love watching you learn.

One thing we'll never know is why you've suddenly began using a pacifier. Within the last three weeks or so you've began using them - mostly when you're tired and ready for a nap or bed. As an infant, we couldn't get you to take one. You don't rely on it and don't throw a fit when we take it so I hope it's just a novelty for you.

One other thing of note - it's a well-known fact that you love your books and always ask mom and I to read them to you. Tonight, before bed, you read to yourself. Watch:

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