Monday, September 30, 2013

Today Ava Expanded Her Vocabulary

Again, mom has been diligently working with you on saying new things. Quite frankly it's time to replace "Mo!" with something new. Maybe we should follow it up with "please."

Two things that I saw - rather heard - the results of tonight is your answer to "Who's my girl?" and "Owl."
Mommy's girl.

She'll hold you close and whisper, "Who's my girl?" At first you'd answer something that resembles "Minnie!"

Tonight for the first time I heard "me!" It wasn't just a fluke as I you say it a more than a few times. I can't help but smile when I see these developments and advancements.

We need to work on "yes." I asked you "Are you daddy's girl?" and all I received in return was a blank stare. I suppose I should just be content that you didn't stat violently shaking your head no. 

You're probably thinking "Owl" is an interesting word to work on. It is, but it all started with a pair of PJs and you know your mom's love of PJs ... 

You have a set of Old Navy jammies with owls on them that have become your personal favorite. When we're folding your laundry you pick those out of the bunch or when you wear them you get really excited. 

We'll ask you "Where's your owl?" and you'll quickly point to your shirt. Capitalizing on this mom began to ask you to day "Owl." It's taken some work, but you're getting that one down as well. 

I took some video this evening and it's evident that you say "Owl" just don't mind the end of the clip, you were okay ...

Maybe we'll begin working on "please" to follow "mo!"

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Today Ava Fed The Ducks

Across the street from your grandparent's house is the "Playscape," a structure in Seltzer Park built by the community for kids to play in, on, and around. 

We like to let you swing, play and generally run amok. 

This morning we started on the slides. I climbed up the Playscape with you to the twisty slide and set you down. Your eyes widened and so did your grin as you anticipated what was to come. With a little nudge you were on your way to see mom at the bottom. 

You loved it and we were soon doing it again. Four or five times you went down and I noticed that if you were slowing down, you'd push and propel yourself forward. You know what you're doing.

A few minutes later and we were off to the tube slide. I thought we might be here all day, you didn't seem to tire of this one at all. "Mo! Mo! Mo!" was all we heard each time you came to a stop at the bottom. So, I'd lift you up to mom who would sit you down and we'd do it all over again.

Being a daredevil, you even went down the slide backwards on your stomach. 

Grandma brought some hot dog buns over to the Park so you could feed the ducks and with a little convincing we got you off the slides. Okay, let's be honest the "convincing" was picking you up and walking you over to the water. 

It took you a minute to warm up to the water fowl but once you did you enjoyed feeding them. 

The ducks weren't the only things getting fed this morning. I'd hand you a piece of bread and you'd coyly pick it apart and toss one half in the water and the other on your mouth. 

One for you, one for me!

Smart girl. 

I'm sure Cookie and McGee would disagree but it's so much fun to watch you interact with animals. Pretty soon we'll be teaching you more responsibility with a pet hamster or other small animal.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Today Ava Grew Her Hair Out

I've had short hair my entire life and thus far, so have you so it was quite humerus to me when we put Aunt Casey's extensions on you this afternoon. 

Mom and I had a wedding to go to this evening for a high school acquaintance of hers and Grandma and Grandpa agreed to watch you for the night.

We hit the road at about 11:30, an hour earlier than planned, because you were tired and needed a nap. It worked out perfectly since you fell asleep before we made it to Route 30 and woke up just as we pulled in the driveway. 

Aunt Casey's hair extensions were sitting on the living room table and you made your way towards them, picking them up, studying them and eventually playing with them.

Mom clipped a few to the back of your head to give you a mullet, which was funny but the transformation wasn't complete until she put your white hat on. 

Wearing a red long sleeve shirt and jeans, from the back it made you look like a miniature long-haired Gilligan. 

Who's Gilligan? I'll fill you in. 

The extensions didn't bother you in the least, you didn't try to pull them out and continued touring the house and playing.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Today Ava Really Tugged At My Heartstrings

I normally wait until the end of the day to gather my thoughts and pick out a moment to share with you.

Don't leave me, Dad!
I'm not sure anything can trump what happened this morning so I'm going out on a limb and putting memory to "paper" on my lunch hour. 

Geeze kid, you really know how to tug at my heartstrings. It took every ounce of will power to not throw in the towel on work and take a vacation day! 

Staying home today wasn't possible but I insisted that I would next week. Make sure you hold me to my promise! We'll have an old fashioned Daddy-Daughter

Just like I do nearly every morning I excitedly ran to your crib-side at the first inkling of movement. As is our morning routine you sat up, tried to hand me your blanket then stretched your arms towards me to pick you up.

Stay home with me!
Using my shoulder, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and out to greet the day we went.

As mom and I readied for work and got you dressed you became somewhat clingy with me if I tried to set you down. Initially I chalked it up to still being sleepy.

That was just a precursor of what was to come.

We all migrated to the kitchen as it was nearing time for me to head out the door. I attempted to hand you to mom when you quickly whipped around and wrapped your arms around me.

I gave you a squeeze then tried to set you down on the floor. Crying, you reached around my leg and looked up at me.

I have a hard enough time leaving you for work when you're happy, let alone when I look down at those watery eyes and pouting face. 

It took some convincing from mom but she was finaly able to coax you to the front door so you could wave from the deck as I backed down the driveway. 

I've been re-living this moment in the kitchen since I arrived at work. Can't wait to be home and see you're cheeky grin!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today Ava Was On A Sugar High

Last night mom made a deal with Grandpa Waechter that if he came to the softball games she would bring you. 

Later this afternoon I received a text from Grandpa saying he'd be able to make it. "Awesome!" I responded "I'll tell Heather she has to keep her end of the bargain." It's good to see Grandpa done with work for the year (hopefully he fully retires soon - hint hint) and able to hang out.

Dressed in a new pair of warm sweats, a cute new jacket and an adorable pink hat, we packed everything up and headed to the ball fields.  We had the late games night, first at-bat scheduled for 8:30 p.m.

Is this Candy Land???
Family friends Jim and Kathy were also at the park tonight to watch their son, Jimmy. They have been life-long friends as Grandpa has worked with Jim for 30 years or so. 

From my vantage point at first base it looked like Two Grandpa's and a baby. You had them running all over the place. 

I'm not sure who's idea it was but someone decided it was wise to buy candy for you from the concession stand. It wasn't just a piece or two, they loaded you up! I came in from the field to see Jim holding you and Grandpa squeezing a tube of some liquid sugar - I think it was some kind of Jolly Rancher - into your mouth all while you were holding some gummy type of candy. 

You seemed to enjoy it but came out of the ordeal a sticky mess. 

Mom had to take you into the concession stand and use their sink to clean you off. 

I think Grandpa felt a little guilty. Three or four times he said he was going to buy you a hot dog and load it with ketchup to help soak up the sugar in your system. I asked him "How much dd she have?" He just looked at me "A lot." 

Hey, it's a grandparents privilege to have fun then send you home with mom and dad. 

Both games were done within an hour as we beat the other team pretty handily tonight. Let's keep our fingers crossed for you to crash and sleep soundly!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today Ava Played With Grandpa Waechter

We made chili for dinner tonight so this morning I called Grandpa Waechter to see if he cared to join us. I didn't have to twist his arm too much to pry him off the lake from a day of fishing. 

Mom had a listing appointment this afternoon and since this was the first time she met face-to-face with these clients you and I tagged along for added security. When we arrived back at the house Grandpa was already in the driveway waiting for us. 

Once freed from the restraints of your car seat you lit up when you saw him. Presumably you were excited to get to hang out with him at the house and have a chance to play. 

He sat down and you brought him some books to read. Mom and I breathed a sigh of relief and joked with Grandpa that it's his turn to read! He didn't mind at all. Reading was a big part of our upbringing so book after book you read while we prepared dinner. 

We made you half of a grilled cheese sandwich and much to our surprised you ate it and some of mine. Maybe next time you'll get your own whole sandwich. 

After dinner you were happy as could be and used the living room as your own personal playground. Toys everywhere. We're used to it now and looking forward to the day that you can put your own things away when your done with them. 

You even treated Grandpa to a game of "Where's Ava?" and he returned the favor with "Where's Grandpa?"  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today Ava Was A Regular At Carter's

So mom takes you to Carter's often, huh? 

We needed to make a Target run this evening and that's when your mom spotted it. Like a beacon in the night - "Save up to 70%" signs at Carter's. 

Always in search of a deal, signs like this draw her in. I'm sure you know by now and you're her closest ally. 

I parked between the two stores and we made out way inside Carter's. Mom lured me in by saying "We should stop at Carter's first. We know we have to buy things at Target and I just want to look at Carter's."  

I think I gave her some smart remark though my exact words fail me at the moment. 

In we went and were immediately greeted by the staff. What I thought was just the associates being friendly was actually them recognizing you and saying hello. 

One of the them said "What can we get you this week?" And referred to you as "a regular."

Oh boy ...  But, on the plus side, it's better to be a regular here than other places.

On a side note .. I caught one of my favorite things on "film" during dinner tonight. Have a look:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today Ava Tried to Tell Us What She Wanted

When you woke up I was unsure of how the day would play out. You were fussy and not much seemed to please you. 

When you want something you know to point in it's direction and like a game of "Hot, Cold" we'll eventually narrow it down to what you want. Such was the case this morning with your bottle of milk. Since nothing could please you took me a few minutes longer to solve the riddle of what you wanted but once I found the milk, all was well in your life. 

You were just thirsty. 

You mood got better as the day went one, mom tried one of your winter hats on - a pink cat that comes down over your ears with little pom poms on the end. I'm a sucker for hats and it was adorable. 

Anyway, back to my point of this entry. 

After you excitedly greeted me at the top step it was off to the books. While mom and I decided on dinner you and I read. 

We went through the dozen small books, then close to a dozen more out of your library. You must have been a book worm ALL day because mom showed me a video of you "reading" to yourself this morning. Opening the book, mumbling some inaudible words that made sense to only you, and repeating the process with each turn of the page. 

Sweeping is one of my fav after-dinner activities!
All of this talking and pointing today leads me to this. As we were enjoying dinner - homemade mac and cheese - from your high chair you began to point at something on the counter and intently "telling" us what you wanted. We asked you to tell us what you wanted and your frustration grew, not because you were angry, but because you were honestly trying to tell us exactly what it was you wanted and getting mad that you couldn't properly communicate it to us. 

Mom and I both commented on how we wish you could talk to us and tell us what it was. We felt guilty that we didn't understand. 

Here, I got this!
I'm have a difficult time putting this to words but this was a different kind of frustration. You knew exactly what it was you wanted, the pointing was more directed at something than in a general area, you looked at us when trying to say what it was you wanted then looked back at it. 

We tried - unsuccessfully - to give you a few items from the counter.

It was a whole new experience and really showed how your putting things together and the associations you're making in your mind. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Today Ava Played Cornhole

You met your new BFF, Briley, for the first time this afternoon. We went to Lexington to see Kristi and Ben's new baby before making our way to Shelby for Skylar and Steven's going away party.

Steven's an Army MP and following a year deployment on Guantanomo Bay he'll be stationed at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas for the next two years.

The property we were at had a huge backyard and a few cornhole boards set up.

Towards the end of the evening when one of the games completed you walked over to the boards and began to place the bags in the hole.

Once they were all in the hole, you meticulously picked them out one-by-one and repeat the process. This went on for the better part of 20 minutes.

I just kept watching as you went to work and you guessed it, I took photos and some video. 

It was fun to watch from underneath the boards as you tried so hard to reach the final bag at the bottom of the pile. 

A few times I helped and you eventually showed you that you could get underneath the board to get the bags. 

I didn't think you picked up on this as you continued your thing for a few more rounds then suddenly I looked up to see the crown of your head poking through the hole in the board. 

Like a mouse trap, you got in, but couldn't figure out how to get out and quickly became frustrated.

Does that count for three points?

I freed you from your captivity underneath the board and soon it was time to head back home.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Today Ava Enjoyed Some Tea

Of all the things that can happen in a 24-hour period, often times it's the fleeting moments or the little things that stick out to me. 

We've had a tea party before, and this afternoon, we did it again! I think what gets me about our tea parties is how focused you are. You'll sit there and watch me "pour" the tea and even bring the cup to your lips and "drink" it followed by your signature "ahhhhh" as you set the cup back down. 

You seemed so proud of yourself as we sat there. And I was proud of you. 

Dressed in your Ohio State cheerleader uniform and I in my Buckeyes shirt, we pre-gamed the British way. 

You napped through the entire game, but not to worry ... it was a pretty decisive 76-0 win over FAMU.

Maybe we should sit down for tea every Saturday morning if this will be the end result.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Today Ava Went to Dave and Buster's

We took you to Chuck E. Cheese's once, so that makes you experienced enough for the adult version, right? 

But before I get into that, I want to share a photo mom sent me this afternoon. You went to the Akron Zoo this afternoon with Marissa and her kids. Their new exhibit, Grizzly Ridge, proved to be a lot of fun for you today. The ears were swimming and playing right in front of the visitors and you really got a kick out of it.

Now, Mom told me yesterday that I have to be out of work on the nose at 5:00 p.m. tonight. That statement gave me a heads up that something was going on tonight, otherwise I would have been clueless. See, I turn 32 tomorrow (I know, I'm an old man) and I'm not too much into surprises or this type of attention.

I hurried out the door and when I got to the house Keith was already here. Clue #2. 

I changed and got ready and out the door we went. Where might we be going? I kept trying to guess for the entire drive. Parasson's for dinner? Nu uh. Indians game? No. Cleveland Aquarium? Nope.

I was stumped, then as we got closer it suddenly dawned on me ... Dave & Buster's!

When we got there, mom had more surprises in store as our friend Sara was there waiting for us and a few minutes later your grandma and grandpa Fenner arrived. 

The seven of us enjoyed dinner and drinks and you enjoyed your fries.

I don't know if you like even numbers, or just need balance in your life but you double fist everything. 

If I hand you one veggie straw, you look at me until I hand you another one. It's like this for everything. 

Grandma put some french fries on your plate and you grabbed a healthy handful with your left hand and quickly realized the right was empty. In a moment you had two handfuls of fries and began gnawing in them. 

After dinner we all headed to the game room. It was getting late, but you were a trooper. There were so many new sights and sounds for you to take in. Though there wasn't too many games at your level, you still had fun. Mom set you down in front of a skee ball machine and you enjoyed trying to roll the ball up the ramp and watching her as she did so. 

Your mom was one heck of a basketball player and she showed us tonight that she still has it. They have regulation hoops in the back and once she got a taste, it was on!

We eventually cashed in our tickets for prizes, one of which was a Gravy-sized playground ball that you clutched the entire drive home, even after you cashed out for the night.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Today Ava Saved Me A Spot

 Sitting in the basement playing tonight before I headed to softball, you apparently got thirsty. Before we knew it, you grabbed the water bottle mom brought with her and used your teeth to lift the cap and get yourself a drink.

Who needs bottles? You're a big girl!

As fun as that was to watch you solve yet another problem, it isn't the subject of this post. 

I know that when I get home after you go to bed for the night there's nearly a 100% chance you'll be on my side of the bed. 

Mom enjoys snuggling with you as you both get tired so I don't mind. 

I joked with mom about how I'll just head to the couch for the night as soon as I get home. But, much to my surprise, you had saved me a spot. 

When I got home and came into the room I noticed a piece of paper propped up on my pillows that read "Reserved for Daddy" with you lying beside it. 

What a great thing to come home to!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today Ava Danced Through The Mall

I'm convinced dancing is your favorite activity. From Mickey, to the radio, to any inkling of a musical note, you're mood changes and you get light on your feet. No matter where you're at, it's a dance party. 

Tonight, you're stage was the entire Westfield Belden Village Mall.

Finding my dancing shoes!

You weren't very well behaved at dinner; mom and I feel that you're not content sitting still. Once the few patrons left that were seated in our area you had free range. I followed you around as you weaved between tables, checked out the logo on the rug and said hi to a couple seated at the bar.

Following our meal, we decided to head across the street to the mall and browse the shops. It was our hope relieve some of your energy. Upon exiting Sears (in which you made out pretty well - new PJs and a dress) you began to get really excited. Rather than get accidentally punched in the face by flailing arms, I set you down. Before feet met tile floor, you were busting moves.

It was getting late so the mall wasn't very crowded which gave you plenty of room.

An older gentleman, probably in his 60s, who works as part of the Mall's custodial staff saw you and stopped to chat with us for a moment. You could tell it made his night to see such energy coming from you.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Today Ava Chased The Geese

It was a cute little moment that was total happenstance for me.

Mom and I had arranged a photoshoot for this evening with her cousin Skylar and her husband Steven. He is home from his Army deployment after spending a year in Cuba and they asked if they could come to town and have some one-year anniversary photos taken.

Hello fountain. We meet again.
Your Aunt Holly and I shot their wedding so of course I agreed to this. We shot at a few locations - Downtown, the Hall of Fame, and we were taking a few quick shots at Monument Park when I looked over and you were in hot pursuit of a gaggle of Canadian Geese. 

Normally these beasts are quite mean but you had them terrified! 

We had to move fast tonight due to the quickly setting sun but I did tell myself to stop for a second and soak in the moment. You're growing up fast and I don't want to miss any of it.

Mom was pulling double duty tonight. She's the brains behind our photography operation - setting up poses, keeping me organized and on top of my game, etc. But tonight she was also your babysitter. Long ago are the days of setting you in the stroller while we shoot. 

You're on the go now! We even joked that we should have brought your little buggy as that would have kept you content.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Today Ava Was Tiny Dancer

Far from "Tony Danza" you were "Tiny Dancer" this evening.

Always stretch before dancing!
Mom had a home inspection she needed to be at so you and I decided the nice cool night would be perfect for some home made soup. I picked you up from Marissa's and we headed for Giant Eagle where we picked up the ingredients and headed for home. 

We were hopeful you would be hungry because the recipe made enough to feed a small army. 

You've been finicky as of late with your eating - I think another tooth might be close to popping through - so you didn't have more than a couple bites.

Once we were done with dinner and everything was cleaned up, I asked you "Do you want to go back to your room and have a dance party?" In the way only you can say "yes" I knew you wanted to release some energy. 

We went back and turned on the radio that sits on the bottom shelf of your changing table ad it didn't even take two notes for you to stop digging through your closet throw your arms in the air and start twirling. 

Dance recitals, lots and lots of dance recitals are in my future. Not a doubt in my mind. 

You've added some new moves to your repertoire, most notably the spin. Call me a proud poppa, but the coordination shown by a 13-month old who spins as she dances is rather remarkable.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Today Ava Hit Play

Tonight as I motioned for your mom to come down the hallway and quietly observe as you watched videos of yourself on her cell phone my mind wondered a bit to thoughts of my youth and how much more advanced technology is. 

To give a little insight into how my mind works, I vividly recall years ago thinking that if I'm ever blessed with children that I will do my best to understand their toys and how they work so that I can enjoy time with them. 

I fear being the clueless parent (and eventually grandparent) that you won't come to when you want to play since I don't understand the technology.

A few things that your Uncles and I had that didn't exist when my parents were young come to mind, one in particular - Nintendo. I remember when Uncle Kris and I were in grade school your great grandma Kessler bribed us that if we got good grades, she would buy us the new video game system. 

We knew otherwise we could never afford one and you better believe that motivated us to bring home high marks.

It took just a few seconds of us quietly observing you to have the above flashback. It was quickly back to reality and simply just stare in wonderment as you watched video of yourself welcoming grandma that mom recorded earlier this morning. 

Grandma Fenner and Aunt Casey came in to town to watch you this afternoon as mom had an open house she offered to work for another agent and I was her security. 

Once we were done we went to dinner at Max & Erma's then it was home for the evening.

We eventually found our way back to our room - the reason why escapes me - and thought you were in tow when we walked back to the living room to relax. 

We heard your "voice" coming from the back room, then a minute later heard it again. Then again, and again. Cue the light bulb - you were watching the video of yourself. 

I went Ninja style down the hall for a peek into our room to find you standing at the foot of the bed, hands full of cell phone and head down watching. Once it ended, your little finger tapped at the play button until it started again. 

That's when I turned to get mom's attention so she could watch as well.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Today Ava Was Good And Bad

Mom and I are by no means perfect parents. We'll be the first to admit it. Everyday may be a learning experience for you, and it for us as well.

We see where we are going right and things that we need to work with you on. Today was no exception. 

It got off to a great start, you and I went to breakfast with Grandpa Waechter and Keith. You were well-behaved and even showed them how you play peek-a-boo.

You were patient when I drove around on the way home seeking FSBOs for mom to contact later (we found four). Then napped for nearly 2.5 hours before helping mom and I clean the windows. 

After the windows were clear again mom scrubbed the basement carpets (Cookie has been having some stomach issues lately). The noise from the machine scared you a bit so you and I went outside to take down the hammock. 

To keep you occupied I brought out your plastic golf club set. We hit a few balls then you proceeded to hit a few on your own.. 

In what I consider a genius parenting move I used the bed of the truck as your play yard while I stored the hammock pieces in the garage. Why am I patting myself on the back for this? Well, I didn't want to leave you unsupervised in the front yard or in the driveway where you could go rolling down to the street. Then, suddenly the light bulb turned on ... the bed of the truck. The sides and tailgate are high enough that you can't get out and it's big enough for you to run around in. I handed you two plastic golf balls and you were content to watch me put the hammock parts away. See, pretty inginuitive (yes, I think that's a word) if I do say so myself. 

Once the carpets were cleaned and the hammock put away, we all got cleaned up and headed to the Davis' for your friend Hadley's first birthday party. 

All was going well, the dogs got your curiosity for a bit, you ran around in their backyard and played with Corbin's toy mower. 

Soon, though, as Hadley began to open her gifts things went South. You showed mom and I what we need to work on as parents. Right now, I think it's just part of your youth and non-understanding of manners yet ... but we'll certainly work on this. This isn't how we were raised and isn't how you'll be raised. So what did you do exactly?

One of the gifts Hadley received was the same learning chair you have. You went up to it as Hadley was checking it out and shoved her out of the way. Yes, you literally shoved her out of your way so you could play with it. 

Needless to say, mom and I were thoroughly embarrassed and mom immediately took you away and had a little talk.

Mom is going to inquire with Marissa to see you're behaving this way at her house during the day. We sure hope this was an isolated incident. 

We'll do our best to ramp up parenting skills to make sure this was a one time deal.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Today Ava Played Peek-A-Boo

You've been playing "Where' Ava?" with us for months now. Today, you added a new twist and played peek-a-boo. 

We had just sat down for dinner when mom looked at you and said "Show dad what you learned." 

I looked at her in wonderment. She works with you on various things throughout the day when she's home so I was excited to see what she taught you this time. 

"Peek-a-Boo" she said, "Ava, show dad how you play peek-a-boo." Before she could finish your hands flew in front of your face to cover your eyes and your four bottom teeth made a showing as you smiled wide. 

You were so proud of yourself and your accomplishment. Dinner was getting cold as we played for a little

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today Ava Shared Her Snacks

I don't know why this sticks out in my head the way it does, but as I reviewed the day and contemplated what to write about, one thing comes to mind.

It wasn't the video that mom sent me showing you pointing out certain objects in your book, it wasn't your first pair of tennis shoes, your refusal to nap this morning or the person at the softball fields marveling at how well coordinated you are for your age.

This evening at my softball games you shared your snacks with me. 

You and mom are very supportive of my softball teams and come watch whenever you can. Tonight, mom let you run around and you even made friends with a three-year-old who was waiting on our games to end so his mom could watch her significant other in the late games.

Between innings I come over and play or just hold you to give mom a few minutes of reprieve.

Check out my new kicks!
As we got towards the later innings and you started to slow down, I had you on my lap and you were picking snacks out of your cup. 

You've always been one to share your food - usually after you've already chewed it and pulled it from your mouth. Tonight though, you pulled a fresh snack from your cup, looked up at my and shoved it right in my mouth. It caught me off guard so I obliged and ate it. 

You tried a few more times, I ate one or two more but saw that your cache was running low so I started to refuse. I hope you weren't offended! 

You were a trooper tonight as the games turned into a marathon. The late games - scheduled to begin at 8:30 - didn't get underway until nearly 9:15. As we loaded you into the car you're eyes looked as heavy as bricks and it wasn't long before you were home and out for the night.

Like I said, I will never know why it was this moment that sticks out so vividly in my mind from the day, but something was telling me to write it down for a memory later.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today Ava Went For A Morning Stroll

You and I were getting ready for our day and just as Mickey ended and you finished your Hot Dog Dance, I realized I didn't have to rush to work this morning. 

"Let's go for a walk!" I thought. So we did. 

We grabbed your cup of water, loaded you into your buggy and hit the pavement. For 8:00 a.m. it was surprisingly muggy as we made our way to the swings in the park.

I pushed you back-and-forth until your heart was content and your eyes caught the slide. On my lap you sat as we went feet first for the mulch. 

Unfortunately it was soon time to head back to the house. I had a delayed start, not a vacation day. 

Morning's like this make long days a little more bearable. It's a great way to kickoff the day.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Today Ava Was Defiant

Knowing we didn't have much in the house to prepare for dinner, mom suggested we go to a local favorite, Baja Pizza Fish for their special of the day: $2 tacos. 

 We each ordered a couple and got one for you. 

We sat you in a high chair and soon our name was called and our order was ready. Almost immediately you began to try and stand up in your high chair. You put your hands on the sides and lifted your bucket out of the seat. 

It wasn't a huge deal, but we're trying to teach you discipline and get you to know your boundaries. I told you to sit down and you did. I thought we were on to something. But you quickly lifted yourself up again and smiled at me. 

I told you to sit down once more and you complied, only to try and get up again. 

This cycle went on for most of the meal and at one point you lifted up and leaned in really close to me and smiled ... fully aware that you were testing your limits. 

Mom and I wanted to laugh but we know that we need to be disciplinarians when we're teaching you manners and how to behave in public.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Today Ava Went To Bed

Sounds simple, right? Mom and I were thrown for a loop when you walked her back to your room, pointed to your crib and went to sleep. 

We assumed you might be up until midnight following two 1.5 hour naps today but that wasn't the case. After dinner you looked like a wild child running all over the house yelling and screaming. 

I have to admit, it's humorous to watch. I wish I would have captured some of it on my phone to embarrass you with later. That would have been perfect graduation video fodder. 

At one point in the evening you found mom's makeup brush and made sure all of our cheeks were powdered to perfection. 

About a quarter after nine mom asked you if you were ready for bed, you seemed to be going strong still but quickly changed your direction and headed down the hall towards your room. Mom and I looked at each other perplexed and she followed you down the hall. 

A few seconds later she came back alone and tossed the monitor to me. Looking at it, you were already lying down and sound asleep. 

She told me that when you got to your room you pointed to your crib so she asked you if that's what you wanted and with a noise that resembled "yeah" she picked you up and put you to bed.

We both sat there amazed at what just went down.

Before I conclude this post I want to share a video mom sent me this afternoon. 

Since you have realized that you can open lowe cabinet doors and drawers we childproofed them over the weekend. Or so we thought. 

The consummate problem solver, you've beaten our puzzle and found a way to get what you want. 

Have a look:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Today Ava Played In The Mulch

It's as simple as the subject line says, for Christmas all you're getting is a bag of mulch. You forwent the slides and the swings and decided the mulch was all you needed for entertainment this evening. 

It was a nice cool evening so after dinner we decided on a walk to the park and a little swinging. We loaded you into your buggy and down the street we went. Typically you will swing for as long as we'll let you but tonight you soon wanted out. 

We headed for the slide and you enjoyed the thrill for about as long as you were in the swing.
It wasn't long before you plopped your bucket right down into the mulch and began raking it with your fingers and tossing it into the air. 

Sometimes it's the simple things in life. The mulch kept your attention for the remainder of our time at the park. Not even two passing dogs could take your attention from the rough chips of wood. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Today Ava Went To Work

The Pro Football Hall of Fame turned 50 today and as such held a Community Celebration Day with activities for kids, roundtable events with Hall of Famers and more. 

I had to go into work but in our quest to get you involved and outside as much as possible mom brought you down for the event. I'm not opposed to working on the weekends, but it's always more enjoyable when you and mom are able to be there too. 

If you overheated today, you can blame us. It's Saturday which means Buckeyes football and the weather report said a high of only about 70. We dressed you in your warm Buckeyes football uniform and quickly learned what a mistake that was as the sun came out and the temp read nearly 80. 

At 11:00 a.m. our outgoing President/Executive Director Steve Perry gave a welcome to the crowd in which you and mom were in attendance and following the event I was able to catch up with you two for a minute. Mom was talking with an acquittance of ours and I watched you as you ran around the parking lot. 

When you're able to run around openly we refer to you as a "free range baby." 

I had set my camera equipment down and it quickly caught your attention. Are you looking for a career as a videographer?

I had to go back in and work but mom continued on with the activities taking you on a train ride around the parking lot and grounds, playing on the inflatables, seeing some of the mascots on hand, and grabbing a bite to eat. 

I was able to make it back outside as mom was finishing lunch. We let her eat while we ran on the FieldTurf and totally dissed the Cleveland Cavaliers mascot Sir CC. He crouched down to say hello and in a humorous moment you sidestepped him to go have a chat with the Stark Parks mascot who was dressed as a frog. 


And what a conversation you had! He (and I) had no idea what you were saying but you sure chatted him up.

You eventually warmed up to Sir CC and later posed for a photo.

You were getting overheated so we took you inside for a minute and to see Jenna and then mom took you home for the day. She sent me a text of you in your car seat in just a diaper and passed out. 

I think you enjoyed your day!