Saturday, January 18, 2014

Today Ava Ran Across The Court

After a following you up the bleachers a few times this afternoon I was finally able to corral you in the front row.

You settled to watch the girls warm up and when you sensed that my guard was down, you tried to make a break for the court.

My biggest fear since taking you to games was that you would break free from my grasp and end up in the middle of the court during a game. So far, it hasn't happened but the fear is real.

I caught you a few steps in to your escape attempt and when we sat back down I looked up to see mom across the court encouraging you to come see her.

I let you go and your run just kills me. Gosh, I wish I could describe it properly. Those that have seen it, know what I'm talking about.

Your gate is between a hi-step and a run. You don't quite have the stride of track athlete yet and though you don't fall, your balance is a little subject. Your arms bounce up and down opposite of which leg is pushing off. It's getting better each day but is just so cute to watch.

Following a few high fives with the team you grabbed a ball and made your way back towards me.

You really enjoyed putting on a pre-game show for the fans of your passing abilities before we had to return the ball and watch the game. 

For the record, Strasburg topped East Canton today 47-11.

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