Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Today Ava Took Me Back

I didn't see you much at all today so I'm using this post to reminisce a little. 

I work closely with the NFL Network throughout HOF Weekend, and as their crew began to arrive today I couldn't help but go back a year in my thoughts. 

As we exchange greetings this year a few surprisingly recalled last year and asked how the baby was doing.

You see, last year at this time as I greeted my contacts and welcomed them back I also told them of my scenario and that I may have to leave. What I'm about to say - and I can see mom rolling her eyes as she reads this - is probably going to come out the wrong way, but as you grow to know me, you'll understand. I don't like certain types of attention on myself, so I was not wanting to say exactly why I may have to leave, but there really wasn't a way around it. 

I know this sounds arrogant of me, but trust me, it isn't. Two of the female contacts that I have been working with for a number of years had just the reaction I wasn't looking for. They were wanting photos as soon as you were born. They insisted on friending me on Facebook so they could see pictures. 

After HOF weekend I found out that one of them was pregnant herself, not far along - 15 weeks - so at the time she wasn't telling anyone. She's the one who sent you the NFL baby items. 

A year later, we're FaceTiming!
Going back a little further, I'll never forget the day I told my boss that mom was pregnant. He's a strong family man so he was excited for us but then the moment came that I had to tell him you would make your entrance right around HOF Weekend. 

His joy turned into a little visible dread. As if there wasn't enough stress on the weekend. Backup plans would need to be made should I have to eject. Throughout the 40 weeks she was regnant, mom kept saying "Don't worry, she won't be early."

As we drew closer to early August contingency plans were made and every scenario was thought out as to who would pick up my slack should I have to go.

I'm on stage for the Enshrinement to help get the HOFers lined up for the announcement, coordinate interviews, handle social media and photograph what I have time for. 

It was suggested - jokingly - that we add a birthing room to the stage. That way we cover two birds with one stone. I wouldn't have to leave should you be born. 

I kept my phone close as work picked up and even closer as the days ticked away into HOF Week. I felt terrible being away from mom as much as I was knowing how she was feeling. Grandma came to town to stay with mom for the weekend of the Enshrinement and Game. 

I made it through the Enshrinement without a phone call. But we still had the game to go. 

We got through the game on Sunday and the Monday after. 

Mom was right, you help off for us! Hopefully you listen that well as a toddler and teenager!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Today Ava Yelled At Dad

It's okay, it was in a good way. 

I was coming home from another 12+ hour day at work and as I came to the driveway I saw mom sitting on the front deck with you. It was nearly 9:00 p.m. so i was excited I would get to hang out with you for a little bit. 

Lazy bones.
I parked the truck, came in and fed the fish and turned off the light in the tank before rounding the corner excited for our daily meet & greet at the stairs. 

Every time I anticipate your excitement and have my phone ready to record the moment, you seem to know what I'm doing and tone down your enthusiasm. You must not want graduation slideshow material. 

Well, tonight I wish i had my camera ready ... When I turned the corner and you saw me you screamed "Dad, Dad!!!" I was astonished. It was awesome. Written words just can't do this one justice.

I really wish I had my phone recording this one. Ah well, I'm smiling as I type this. Sometimes memories are better than a visible record anyway. 

I'm still smiling.

Mom and I both were taken aback by this. "Dad" was one of the first sounds you knew you could intentionally produce. You'd walk around the house saying "Dad, dad, dad" all day. Mom was quite jealous. 

No worries though, you're now getting the hang of "Mom." "Bob" has gone by the wayside. 

As the day dragged on I was concerned I wouldn't have something to write down tonight and that mom may have to take over the reigns of this journal for the remainder of the week. Something she's dreading. 

Thanks for giving me yet another cherished moment!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Today Ava Looked Fear In The Eye

Quite literally I might add. 

I've always been impressed with your visible indifference to what some might think were fearful situations. And today, you showed it again. 

Suddenly in the afternoon my phone began vibrating on my desk as photos of you at the Akron Zoo came across my screen. I was a little dumbfounded at first. We went to the Zoo last month, why is mom just now sending me these images? 

Then it hit me, she and Grandma took you back this afternoon. Needless to say - I was jealous. 

Mom had an early morning training session at work so Grandma came in to town to babysit while we both worked. Once mom was done and you had a nap, they were looking for something to do. It's a half hour drive up 77 and by presenting our ACME card we get BOGO admission so with parking it only runs $12 for the three of us to see the animals. 

It was in the mid-70s today as opposed to the mid-90s it was last time. The animals were a little more active in the cooler weather, especially the lions. 

When you approached the lion enclosure he and his lioness were pacing in front of the glass wall. Grandma stood you against the glass and the lions came right up to you and for a moment you were eye-to-eye with the King of the jungle. No reaction from you, not even a flinch. 

That's my girl! Fearless! I like to tell people you get it from me. 

In all reality, you were probably too preoccupied with trying to figure out how you could hug these giant McGee's to even notice how close they were.  

Don't ever lose that fearlessness, you'll go places.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Today Ava Was On To Our Game

Sitting on my lap, you reached across the table to mom with a chopsticks wrapper in hand. Once mom reached for your offering, you yanked it back and laughed at her.

Lady rides with mom!
Surprised, we thought we were having a moment when you were learning to share, rather, it was a moment when you saw what mom was doing with you and took it upon yourself to return the favor. 

She had been playing with you in this manner across the table, offering the wrapper and pulling it back. After a few attempts she let you have it and that's when you turned the tables on her.

Where were we? We went to one of our all-time favorite restaurants tonight, Jasmine's Asian Bistro, for a "last supper." I'm about to fall off the radar for the week and thought going to dinner as a family would be nice.

You're such a busy person that it's becoming increasingly difficult to take you out to eat, to Church, to anywhere that you'll have to sit and be confined for any length of time. At one point mom had to take you outside and have a talk about your behavior.

You had my phone in your hand watching a PBS app when our waitress stopped by to check on the table. You turned, offered her the phone and when she reached for it, you pulled it back and giggled again. You did this with her three or four times. 

Some time had passed since you were playing with mom so we were astounded that you weren't just mimicking mom but you retained and made a game out of it with others.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Today Ava Was Topless

This is a headline I better only write once!

For some reason or another you felt that wearing a shirt was too confining and cried until mom removed it. Not once, but at least twice today. We both questioned your reasoning, but let you be free and happy. 


Not sure what that was all about ... 

You weren't acting like your normal self today. Mom caught you using a binky. You haven't used a binky for something other than a chew toy since you were born. It's something that we were happy about, since we didn't want to have to go through the trauma of weening you from it. 

I asked mom if it were possible that you were swapped out last night? Where did our Ava go?

No shirt, no shoes, no problem!
It was a little chilly this evening and we had a birthday party for a family friend's daughter to attend. Mom was prepared to change you into long sleeves but I said it wouldn't be necessary. I didn't realize how chilly it was tonight. After a bit, mom grabbed a few light jackets from the car. All adult sizes. She came back with one shirt and we put you in it and tied up the sides. You were restless and walking around the yard when mom captured the photo below. One of my new faves!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Today Ava Was A Vampire

Maybe your getting this bad habit from the cats? They'll nip at you, especially McGee, when you pet them a little too hard or tug on their tail.

Sit still, this'll only hurt
for a second.
They don't have ill intent, it's just the only way they can tell you they aren't happy with what you're doing. I don't know, this is all I can think of. 

You've gotten into the habit of biting. It started a few days ago, you would bite mom when you got tired. Never me, just mom. Eventually the biting increased and all attempts at discipline are met with laughter.

I'm going to be how big?
Tonight mom was putting some laundry away and I put you in the basket and pushed you across the floor from our room to yours. After getting you out of the basket I was lying on the floor and you walked over, lifted the back of my shirt and bit the small of my back. Somewhere in the last few days you turned Vampire. 

It probably didn't help the disciplinary action that I laughed when trying to get you off of me. I need to work on that. It wasn't pleasant on my end, especially since that third bottom tooth popped in today. 

You didn't give up either, your thirst for blood was insatiable as you kept trying to bite me for a few minutes. Eventually something else caught your attention and we went downstairs to play. 

Speaking of persistence, mom sent me the following video today. When you get your mind on something, you don't quit. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Toda Ava Made The Connection

I clicked the button on the garage door opener,  pulled in the driveway gathered my stuff and in the door I went. 

Someone love her Biscoff!
I took a little longer to round the corner than usual. Since it was late (8:45) I fed the fish and turned off the light on the tank. Most of the time I can hear you making noise at the top of the steps, tonight I didn't hear anything. 

I was honestly a little disappointed. It makes my day to see you and mom at the top of the steps when I get home. I switched the lights and rounded the corner and to my surprise there you were!

You tarted jumping and squealing like normal. I scooped you up from mom's arms and we went into the kitchen. 

Mom began to tell me that you've made the connection between hearing the garage door go up and me walking in. 

She said that tonight, when you heard the door go up that you got excited and began to make your way to the door. Too awesome. 

You're growing up o fast and call me biased, but you're so smart. 

Year one is almost in the books, I can't wait to see the development year two and beyond brings!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Today Ava Was Out Late

I left work around 7:30 tonight and came home to another empty house. Disheartening, but I knew you and mom would be home soon. 

Missed her daddy.
It ended up working out for the better because our hayfield of a yard needed mowed and had you two been home, I would have neglected the yard to play with you and chat with mom. 

I mowed, showered and had a few minutes to relax before I heard the garage door go up. I met mom at the car to help her bring you and your bag in. You woke up when she handed you to me. 

We all went up and got ready for bed. I let you sleep on my chest in our room for a bit. Jut like old times. 

That was great until Cookie jumped up on the bed. It was like you snapped out of it and right into your second wind. You just wanted to hug her and followed her all over the bed, not satisfied until your arms were round her and your head in her tummy. 

Eventually you tired and fell asleep. 

I'm glad you're home.

Mom sent me this video in the evening, you are getting the hang of feeding yourself, Have a look:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Today Ava Left Dad Home Alone

My status as "dad" was on hiatus tonight. And to be honest, it wasn't very much fun. 

When I walked into the house this evening no one was at the top of the steps to greet me with flying arms and a squeal. No one was there to eat dinner with me (or eat my dinner). No one was there to play with and eventually rock to sleep.

Cheesin before dad goes to work.
Just quiet. Too quiet. 

It was a little strange having an evening to myself. It's the first night since you've been born that I've been home alone for a period of time. This is the first but certainly will not be the last as you grow up. You'll go on trips, have sleepovers etc.

You and Mom met me at the HOF and we had lunch with a friend of ours who moved to Texas last year and was back in town for a bit. We walked around and caught up on what's new in each others lives. When we all departed you and mom went straight to Shelby. 

Mom made plans to go see the "Lion King" at Playhouse Square in Cleveland with Grandma and Aunt Casey while you hung out with Grandpa. 

He sent me a few pics through the evening, you went swinging at the playscape, and read some books to him. 

Hopefully you were well behaved for the remainder of the night! I'll find out today, we'll have a talk if the reports are not favorable. 

I'll see you tomorrow!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Today Ava Chatted With Dad

I was able to see you this afternoon ... sort of. Suddenly my phone started to vibrate across my desk. Looking down I saw that mom was attempting to FaceTime with me. 

I excitedly got up and went into one of our conference rooms. When the phones connected I saw you playing with a big box in the living room. Earlier in the day Aunt Suz sent mom and I a message saying your birthday present was on it's way and could arrive today. 

We discussed if you should open it now or wait until your birthday. You made the decision for us and began to tear into the box. Inside was a small shopping cart with space for two dolls. I received a picture from mom later where Mickey was front and center strapped into the seat of the cart. I'm not surprised. You love Mickey.

We chatted for a few more minute before I had to return to work. We laughed a little and you read me a book. 

Thanks, mom! It was a wonderful break to my day. 

Often times i end this journal with a video. Today, mom caught you combing your own hair. She was only able to capture a few seconds at the end, but it' adorable nonetheless. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Today Ava Was Pretty In Pink

I came home from work tonight to find out that you and mom had matching pink toenails.

Tootsie pops
And I thought the adjustment of having a girl was getting the knack of buying your clothes. Once I conquered that I thought it would be smooth sailing. 

First a tea party, now this? My comfort zone is turned on its head once again.

I'm not saying it isn't cute, sometimes I lose sight of the fact that we're raising a little girl. You must understand, all I know is Legos, Tonka trucks and playing in dirt. 

So the last two days have snapped me back to reality. I've learned two things: 

1. You're growing up. Way too fast I might ad. 

2. Your allowed. No matter how big you get, and how much I'll need to adjust - you'll always be my "little girl."

See, the girly-est thing I've ever done in my nearly 32 years on this earth is paint your moms toe nails. And it wasn't very long ago that this happened. She was pregnant with you and could no longer reach her feet.

One thing you need to know about me ... I hate feet so it was quite an accomplishment for me and if it made mom feel better about herself, then it made me feel good too.

Stealing mom's ice cream.
At this stage in your life your I'm okay with your feet. As Uncle Shawn would say "they are still pure." You squirm and giggle when I rub my beard along the soles of your feet or pretend I'm eating your toes. 

For as little as your feet are, mom said it was quite the daunting task to get your toes all dolled up. Knowing how much of a busy body you are, I can understand.

As I write this I wonder what other aspects of raising a girl I'll need to get used to? 

1. Boyfriends. I was young once and know how they think. Advantage: me. I'll know how to scare the bejesus out of them if they try and date you. I have GREAT aim.

2. Pony tails and braids. Luckily I'll be able to adjust slowly and read up on this one as your hair isn't growing very fast. Advantage: still you. I've never had long hair so this'll be a tough one.

3. Clothes. Baby clothes were an adjustment. Teenage girl clothes are going to be an absolute nightmare. I see too many young girls at the mall looking like they are going clubbing. Advantage: you and mom. I can't handle an "ini" on vacation, I'm sure I'll hate the fashion trends but it'll be two against one. 

4. Fast talking. Teenage girls talk fast. Like too many OMGs and like this and like that and like it's all too much and like I'll need like the new Rosetta Stone "Teen Girl" addition. My head may just start smoking and explode.

Those are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure more will come but I am looking forward too it!

On a side note - tomorrow is Uncle Joe's birthday. We tried to get a pic of you holding a sign that read "Happy Birthday Uncle Joe!" but you didn't cooperate. Watch:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Today Ava Had Tea For Two

Working as much as I am lately, our moments together are becoming fleeting. Today, even thought I was working, you and your mom came to the Hall of Fame to witness a truly unique event. 

Some tea, dad?
Over the past ten days Hall of Famer Joe DeLamielleure put one foot in front of the other - yes he walked - 213-miles in support of a young man he met that was born without legs. When Joe D learned of the high cost of replacing prosthetic limbs, he decided to walk from Buffalo, N.Y. to Canton, Ohio to help raise money and awareness for the cause. 

Today Joe's walk came to an end as he stepped through the front doors of the Hall of Fame with Joey. Though it was work related, I'll always consider it a privilege to be able to walk the final mile with Joe.

I hope someday my heart is as big as Joe D's and we are able to be more philanthropic. It's something mom and I talk about often.

As we emerged from underneath the bridge that carries I-77 over Earl Schreiber Drive I spotted mom and you. I was thrilled the two of you made it. 

Greatest tea party ever.
I pray we have instilled our desires in you. Possess humility and stay humble.

We enjoyed lunch before the two of you departed. 

One of your birthday presents arrived today - a Gravy-sized activity table.

Mom constructed it for you and sent me a pic. I texted back to see what you thought of it and she responded with a pic of you in your creativity corner saying "She won't give it the time of day."

Don't worry, you did later.

I got home and after a few errands we decided to play in the basement. You were given a small plastic tea set when you were born so we decided to sit at the table and have a tea party. 

Growing up with two brothers, I can honestly say this was my first tea party. And the company was superb. 

It was out of my comfort zone but I better get used to it!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Toay Ava Was "My Sharona"

If someone ever tells you they hate 80s music, they're lying through their teeth.
Tonight you saw the premier 80s tribute band, New Wave Nation, at the Balloon Classic/Jackson-Belden Food Fest.

We took you 1. to get you and mom out of the house and 2. for new sights, new sounds and a new experience. It could be argued that you were here last year as well being that mom was nine months pregnant so some of the sounds may have seemed familiar to you.

It's a popular local event that "kicks off" the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Fesitval. 

We parked and made the long trek to the entrance and weaved our way around the food vendors. The music was playing as we found a lemonade stand near the concert stage but it was background noise as we figured out where to stop for a drink. I waited in line while you and mom got a closer look. 

A minute later I hear "New Wave Nation!" off to my left and turn that way. Mom was telling me who was playing. 

That change the course of the evening for the better. We've heard them play a few times during our courtship and marriage and enjoy each show. We found a spot in the grass and let you out of the stroller to dance. 

You enjoyed the music, but let us know that we were too close by covering your little ears with your hands. We moved back and eventually down to where the balloons were going to have their "Night Glow." Each year when the sun goes down the balloonists inflate their craft and use the burners to make them glow. Thousands of local supporters attend the event and when the weather cooperates it's quite a site.

We went back up, listened to some more music and eventually at dark made our way down to the balloons. We got caught up in the music so we didn't see much of the glow, coming to find out that the wind kept the pilots from lighting up their balloons for as long as they had hoped. 

In all, mom and I agreed that you enjoyed the evening. Seeing all of the news sights and sounds. Who knows, maybe when you're old enough we'll go see NWN at a show.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Today Ava Was A Lover Not A Fighter

It's about time for a change kid. I keep telling myself it's only a few weeks but as I say that, I also look ahead, years down the line to memories potentially missed as work consumes my life and my summer. It was difficult but manageable prior to your arrival, but this year is different. I don't want to miss you growing up.

Even though i've only been working late this week so far, it's just going to get worse until Aug. 5. 

Technology can be a blessing and a curse. A blessing because mom keeps me constantly updated on what you're doing by sending me pictures and videos but a curse since it makes me want to be home that much more. The pros of technology outweigh the cons right now.

I'm putting these thoughts to "paper" as my promise to you that I'll work diligently to change this scenario and we'll get to spend our summers together as a family. 

What does mom send me throughout the day? Well, this afternoon it was photos of how much you love your cats. I can't guarantee the feeling is mutual, but you adore them

You can't escape my love!
Your latest kick is hugging. I know McGee can handle it, he's young and beefy. Cookie on the other hand is old and frail, so I worry a bit about her. We know you have no ill intent, but poor Cook isn't too fond of the affection. You might say she's a bit of a grumpy old lady.

If they are laying in the sun, or just sitting around and it catches you're eye, they're doomed for some love. You'll head their way and before they know what's upon them, you're on the ground they're in your clutches Typically it looks like a yoga pose - on your knees with arms extended over your head and holding on to them with your head resting on their sides. 

McGee will tolerate this to an extent, but Cookie will try and immediately wiggle out of your grasp. 

I have an idea, hug mom and I! We'd be fine with that. 

One other thing that I feel compelled to share is a video from this afternoon. It's been in the 90s all week and mom took you outside to play with your water table. I think you enjoyed it:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today Ava Was In My Dreams

Your red catching gear on you walked towards home plate with that  signature gate in your step every catcher has as they carry all that extra protection to the plate. I nervously inched closer and closer to the chalk of the first base line so I could see through the crowd of people and watch your debut without obstruction.

You crouched behind the plate and in came the overhead pitch. My heart racing as I anxiously awaited the smack of the ball into the mit, you caught it and I breathed a sigh of relief. I could feel a proud smile extend across my face.That's my girl!

All seemed normal - a 90 mph overhead pitch in a little league girl's softball game - until the all too familiar blare of my alarm yanked me from your World Series run. Once I came to, I realized how outlandish that scenario is.

It was just a dream, but could it be an omen of the future? Only time will tell. 

Some of your favorite toys are in our basement, a container of baseballs, softballs and a tiny wooden bat that we use as decor. I can only speak for myself, but your mom and I are former athletes and this makes me prideful to see. 

I could be biased, but I think you're hand-eye coordination is exceptional at your young age. We sit you down and roll a ball to, your eyes find the ball and watch it the whole way in then grab it once it's in reach. It's rare for one to get by you. Hence a new nickname - shortstop. 

So, why you were a catcher in my dream last night, I have yet to figure out the meaning behind it. Maybe as a catcher you have to watch the ball in the whole way? That's my only guess. 

I woke up excited, maybe a look into the future? Though, I hope to be coaching rather than sitting on the sideline.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Today Ava And Dad Had Quality Time

It won't be long and I'll be handing over the reigns of this journal to mom. I know she'll do a great job! 

You'll be seeing less and less of me over the next few weeks as work begins to pick up. Such is life at the HOF, mid-July through early August you belong to work as the small staff prepares for the annual Enshrinement Festival. 

Chill out, dad. Relax a little with me.
When I was young and single with nothing to worry about, HOF time was an exciting adventure, then mom and I got married and it became harder to be gone all day.

That was especially true last year as you were due to arrive two days after the festivities. There was a backup plan that went into effect should I have to eject at a moments notice. We reassured everyone that you would wait to arrive until after the festivities. My boss even joked with mom that he was going to have a birthing room built onto the stage to make sure I was at the event. Mom was quick to tell him she was fine with it if he could secure a sponsorship with Pampers. We would even

True to our word, you waited. Now that you are here, it is increasingly more difficult to stay at work all day - and I've only been staying late for two days. It's going to be a long next three weeks as the hours at work take away from my hours at home.

Unless you get up early, I don't expect to see you at all for the week of the Enshrinement and Game, so do me a favor and be good to your mom. 

So, back to our quality time. I doubt you recognized it's significance, but it wasn't lost on me.

You're slow to wake in the morning. There are many similarities between you and mom and the wake up process is one of them. I don't say that as a bad thing. I pop out of bed the moment my alarm goes off or as soon as I wake up. I always have.

You and your mom wisely use the time to relax, adjust to your surroundings and get going when you're ready.

That being stated, it's a rarity for you to simply sit with us, you're constantly on the go. Typically it only happens when you're tired and ready for a nap or bed, or like today, just after I pluck you from your crib. 

I checked the monitor and you were stirring so I went back and brought you to the living room. We sat on the couch and turned on your cartoons. I expected you to come alive as Mickey's voice filled your ears. Nope. 

You just at there. Hey - I'll take it. Like I said, it doesn't happen often. We just sat together watching the cartoon and you slowly woke up and became the busy-body we've come to know and love. 

Soon, it was time for the "Hot Dog Dance" and I caught some of it on video:


Monday, July 15, 2013

Today Ava Had a Conversation

With anyone who would listen!

Looking so grown up!
I've wanted to know what you've been trying to tell us since you first figured out that you could create noise.

Lately it's turned into full-blown conversations. 

I've written about your "screams" about "Dad" and "Button" but today it was a whole new level. Mom showed me a few videos she captured today of you yelling at the TV, the cat, pretty much anyone who would listen. And with the tone, everyone within ear shot couldn't help but listen. 

I've replayed the video a  number of times and laugh just as hard each time I see it. 

I sent your Uncle Kris the video telling him if your cousin is anything like you, neither of us will get a word in again, ever. He agreed, saying we're both screwed.

It's something the written word simply can't describe, you just need to see it for yourself. 

Enjoy, we sure have: 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Today Ava Had a Dance Party

With each passing day you're becoming more and more animated. 

This was never more evident than tonight when you had yourself a little dance party. Since you were tiny (I refrain from using the term "little" because you still are) we've danced and sang with you. I fear - jokingly - that you're beginning to pick up some of my bad habits. 

Do my a favor, when you learn to drive and are dancing and singing in the car, keep both eyes open. Ask your mom. 

In life you'll quickly figure out what lessons to take from me and what to learn from mom. Trust me, take your dancing skills from her. 

When the "Hot Dog Dance" isn't on Mickey, you opt for something a little more risque and mainstream: Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines." I swear you can name that song in 2 notes. That beat comes on and your arms and hips start going. 

The living room, basement, wherever we are at immediately transforms into your dance floor. 

I'm glad your mom caught some of it on video. No way will I ever be able to demonstrate this one. 

How many years of recitals are in my future?

Keep dancing little one. As the sating goes "Dance like no one is watching." 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Today Ava Went To The Zoo

Today was the day. I didn't have to work and the weather was right. 

We've had he desire to take you to the Akron Zoo for a few weeks now, especially since I'll be MIA until mid-August. Work is about to get busy, really busy. 

I hope you don't forget who I am. 

Hey penguin, over here!
We arrived at the Zoo a little after Noon and it wasn't long for you to make it memorable. The first exhibit you see when you walk in are the penguins. You were curious, pointed to them, looked around.  After a few minutes we moved on and found ourselves underneath a waterfall. Mom began to hold you out and I saw dripping water. 

I couldn't figure out how you were getting wet from the waterfall. Then mom said it "She's peeing on me." In our excitement to get out of the house and spend a fun day together as a family we forgot to change your diaper. Oops. 

Good thing mom was holding you!

Luckily we weren't too far into the tour at this point and it was easy enough to take you back to the bathrooms and I changed your outfit while mom ran her shirt under the hand dryer. 

We always carry an extra outfit for you, preparing for the unexpected. Maybe we should start bringing a change of clothes along for ourselves.

Once everyone was changed and dry, we continued on. You were excited to see the animals and all the new sights and sounds.  

We rounded a corner and you were soon face-to-face with a snow leopard. Scared? Not a chance. You laugh in the face of danger! Literally.


We soon came upon a carousel and for $2 mom took you on your first ride. Sitting on a jaguar, the ride began to spin. As you always are, you were unsure at first, but soon came to enjoy it as the ride went around. 

We then stopped for lunch in their cafe. Mom ordered two soft pretzels which she split with you and I had chicken tenders and fries of which you also indulged.

Losing steam.
The cafe is in the same building as the aquarium portion and it was in here that you had the most fun. It wasn't the fish or the touch pool that had you giddy. It was the plastic molds of a beach, a reef, and waves that had you beside yourself. 

To you, these were worth the price of admission and I'm sure you'd still be there slapping the coral or sitting on the plastic sand if you could. 

You really wanted nothing to do with the touch pool. The horseshoe crabs and rays didn't catch your attention.

As we walked through the heat began to take its toll on you and you became tired. After we stopped and you fed the goats, it was about time to go. You were slowing down and so were we. 

You fell asleep as we were walking towards the exits and didn't wake up until we got home. 

All in all, it was a great day. I'm glad we went. 

Here's a few miscellaneous shots from our trip:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Today Ava Went To Taggart's

Mom told me you had been in a bit of a crabby mood since waking from your afternoon nap. How were we going to cure this? With some ice cream of course! 

Mom came across a forgotten $10 gift card for Taggart's in the office desk. Bingo, let's go. Taggart's is a little ice cream shop in your hometown of Canton that's been in existence since 1926.

Showing mom all the cool stones in the path.
Walking in, it's like you went back in time. It has that old ice cream parlor feel to it which to me is part of the allure of the place. 

We didn't have plans for this evening so mom and I decided to take you down there for some of their famous ice cream. Mom ordered a brownie sundae, I had an old fashioned banana split and you enjoyed a vanilla kids cone.

We had a family beside us with a little girl eight months older than you. The two of you chatted in only the language the two of you understood. Mom and I exchanged pleasantries with her parents and once we were done with our ice cream, we went to the park for a swing. We also exchanged a few words with the elderly ladies on the other side of us. 

While mom was paying the tab, they asked me if you re always this happy. 

Of course you are!

It's interesting to me how we have met and talked to so many people since you've been born that we wouldn't have normally conversed with. It's not that we're arrogant or introverted, the common denominator is the children. I'm not putting my thought into words properly, it's just one of those things I didn't understand until I became a parent. 

At the park we met a couple that came to the swing beside us with their two and a half year old granddaughter. We made small talk for a few minutes before parting ways. As we walked you to the car  a lady with her eight-month-old daughter stopped us to as a few questions about when you started walking, you're teeth, etc. I think she was curious as to when her daughter would start doing some of the things you're doing. 

I'm really enjoying this part of life. Let's hope it continues!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Today Ava Learned A Life Lesson

Easy transition from baby to boss.
Today went by rather quickly. After work it was out to the yard to clean up the remainder of the bush we removed from the front yard and mow. 

We also threw a quick dinner in the mix before it was off to the late night softball games. Although I'm sure it was a little chilly for mom, the weather was pleasant. She brought you out to the first game. It was here you learned your first life lesson from me "Do as I say, not as I do." 

I've been in a bit of a batting slump lately but tonight got a hold of one and sent it to the fence. 

It had extra bases written all over it. Feeling good I rounded second and hustled for third. In I went standing up ... and was quickly tagged out. You saw the whole thing, and yes, had I not been lazy and slid, I would have been safe. 

So please, if I ever have the good fortune of coaching you in softball, do as I say. Not as I do. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Today Ava Went to Steak 'N Shake

We had a pretty severe storm roll through this afternoon. I was at work and you were napping when the tornado sirens went off and the emergency alerts began to flood our cell phones.
Not happy to be short-changed on a nap!
I texted your mom to make sure you both were safe and recommended going to the basement. She was hesitant to wake you - and I don't blame her Ava Bear - but she did and off to the basement the two of you went.

At work the staff and guests were corralled into the safest area of the building for well over an hour.

Eventually the all clear was sounded and everyone went about their business.

Mom had an appointment with her first client - a co-worker of mine - at 6:30. Since the bulk of the bad weather had passed, she kept to the schedule. She offered to show me her new office so you and I went with her a few minutes ahead of her meeting.

You've been to her office a few times so you knew the layout, I saw some of it, but will need to go back to finish the tour. Mom and Lillian got right to work so we went out on the town.

Over it. Mom makes everything better.
One thing you need to know about your mother if you haven't realized it already is that she's extremely goal oriented and will work her fingers to the bone to achieve her goals. She knows what she wants and will go get it.

We took the car and hit up Burlington Coat Factory, Marc's and eventually the mall before mom called to say she was ready to go.

By now it was 7:45 and we were hungry. Chinese buffet and overeat or Steak 'N Shake for quick and cheap? We chose the latter also figuring there would be more food options for you.

I wrote yesterday about how you were a social butterfly, well tonight at dinner you were the center of attention.

Our server adored you, you were having quite the conversation with her. You would talk in your language and she would respond with "Oh, you don't say" or "Really, that's wonderful."

There was a table caddy corner to us that kept commenting on how cute you are and how you were bringing back memories to when their children were your age.

As we ate dinner, we made sure you looked the part as well. With the kids placemat was a cutout race car complete with stickers. We let you play with destroy the car and put the flame stickers under your cheek. It took a little coaxing but you also wore the old school Steak 'N Shake paper hat.

On a sad note - we walked outside and one of the ladies at the table I described earlier was standing outside and uttered "A**hole." She apologized not realizing we had just stepped through the door, but her words were justified. 

We looked up towards the street to see a gaggle of geese crossing the busy street and one injured bird flopping around the obviously hit by a passing motorist. She told us a guy in a white bronco intentionally hit the poor thing. 

Helpless, we watched as the animal writhed in pain, eventual became still and its head lifelessly lower to the ground as his feathers were blown by the wind down the street. 

This all happened within a minute but the image will remain with me for a long time. If there is a moral to this it would have to be to live, laugh, and love.You only get one shot at this thing called life and It can be over in a second. So enjoy every minute of it and laugh along the way - often - even in the face of adversity!

if there is ever a time I don't kiss you good morning or good night or tell you I love you, give me a nudge to remind me!