Thursday, April 3, 2014

Today Ava Was Ornery

"Ava, want a bottle?" 

No response other than a few giggles as you turned away from me and ran through the dining room and kitchen. 

I didn't even give chase. You don't understand the concept of circles yet and don't realize that  the way our house is setup when you run away from me you'll eventually come right back to me. 
Might look sweet & innocent here, but mom and
I know better!

I scooped you up and tried we went to the recliner. 

I tried again, "How about a bottle of milk?" 

This time you opened your mouth, filled your lungs with air and gave me the longest raspberry you possibly could. 

Oh you want to play that game do you? Trust me, I've never been accused of having weak lungs. 

I began to take a deep breath for retaliation and you followed suit. Cue the challenge music. 

I'm not going to say you won, but I couldn't help but bust out laughing and when I did, so did you. It was a draw. 

Mom feared you might need another bath "You both are probably soaked!" 

We went back and forth a few more times chuckling the whole way, until you got bored and took your bottle. 

I win.

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