Monday, April 7, 2014

Today Ava Sang Her ABCs

It started out soft, as it always does. A near whisper. 

You were nearly done before my ears made sense of what you were doing. 

"X ... Y ... Z ... Now my A-B-Cs ... won't meeeeeee!"

You were singing your alphabet again! I mentioned the other day that you quietly sang yourself to sleep with a serenade of your letters.

Belt it out next time, sister! Let the world know what you're doing. 

We had just finished picking up a few items from the store for dinner and I was placing you in your seat in "daddy's truck" when you began singing. 

I was hoping you would continue so I could catch a video or two at home. 

You granted my wish and then some. 

It sounds so sweet, have a look: 

We want to give you the opportunity to try as many things as possible. You don't have to do everything, but we want you to try and continue with what you like and enjoy. Therefore, music might be our next venture.

On a side note ... you really need to start eating, kiddo. Pizza sauce doesn't constitute a meal. Maybe we're not offering what you want and need to come up with different meal options for you, or we're eating when you're not hungry? Either way, waking up at three or four in the morning is not cool with mom and I. 

You'll normally fall right back to sleep after a bottle of milk and then sleep well for the remainder of the night. But, we need to eliminate the late night cravings. 

This morning you woke up and told mom "tummy hurt." Which she quickly realized meant you were hungry. 

She offered you breakfast which took the tummy ache away. 

Marissa made a comment to your mom this afternoon that you want to play all day long and she has to tear you away from what your doing to get you to eat. 

Mom and I have noticed that at times as well so for someone else to pick up on it we need to get this figured out. 

The games, the toys, the fun will be there, but sometimes you need to take a break when your tummy hurts and get some food!

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