Friday, April 4, 2014

Today Ava Sang Herself To Sleep

You're moving on from words and into song. Mostly theme songs from your favorite shows but also one other. 

It's not one that mom and I have sang to you enough for you to pick up on. Our theory is that Marissa is working with her daughters on it and you're listening in. 

What song would that be? It's the ABCs. 

We have a wooden cutout board of all the letters of the alphabet that you frequently play with. In yet another testament to mom's work with you, you can name all but a few of the letters.

She'll sit with you and help you with them as you find their place on the board then recite the letter. 

It's now graduated to song. 

Periodically you'll just bust out "A - B - C ... W - X" followed by something that closely resembles a whispered "Y - Z. Now know A-B-Cs .... next time me ..." 

One of these days I need to capture it on "film" so you can see. It's adorable. 

Soon you tired out and it was time for bed. I took you to our room to lay down and soon you were in song again. I joined you and we quietly sang the A-B-Cs before you rolled over and fell asleep.

P.S. - Sleep well. We're getting tired - literally - of waking up at 4:00 a.m. to give you a bottle of milk. It's been going on for a few nights now. Let's break this habit!

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