Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Today Ava Enjoyed The Nice Weather

It's rare that we have the opportunity to plan ahead so like most evening's tonights plans were formed via an afternoon text. 

Once plans to take photos for Marissa fell through mom said "we can do something." 

I had been staring at the bright blue skies all day through the office window and was quick to respond "Country cones is open and Martindale Park is a stones through away from it. #JustSayin" 

Mom was down for that. Te placement of Country Cones is perfect, let you get all hopped up on an ice cream cone then let you run it off at the park. 

Perfect plan, ow let's execute! 

You ate a hearty breakfast - and by hearty I mean a piece of toast and a "chocolate" bar. Reports were that you ate nearly everything we packed in your lunch today as well. 

 To quote you "Hody Mody!"

We tried some mini corn dogs and tots for dinner. You were keen on the dogs (hindsight would have told me to make something else, you had a hotdog for lunch) but pounded some tots. Seven to be exact. 

Three meals? I don't think you've eaten that many total in three weeks. 

Now for your reward! 

With the first 70+ degree day of the year there was sure to be a line at the ice cream stand. We ended up behind a young man with a beautiful black and white mix named Lucky that you enjoyed petting for a minute. 

In your excitement you began to run laps around mom and I. This was fine until your circle got larger and larger with each lap. Much to your chagrin we had to put a stop to it. 

Soon it was our turn to order. At the window mom asked you if you wanted a vanilla, chocolate or strawberry cone. 

"Chokate" came the reply. 

As you can see, you started out alright, but then the cone started to melt ...

And kept melting ...

It wasn't long before the cone was all over you and all down the leg of my pants. "Straight to the tubby for her when we get home!" Mom said. 

I need to provide a lesson or two in the long-lost art that is fast eating. 

Next stop - the park!

We were beginning to get a chill in the air as it was windy and the sun began to dip. You really didn't seem to mind. 

After a few failed attempts to get you to swing and to slide, we went to the walking track.

I think you just wanted to get out and run and explore! 


Time for that tubby mom talked about earlier. 

We're going to have a lot of fun this summer, kiddo!

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