Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Today Ava Sat in The Basket

Certain things you learn from me, the smart hings from your mother and other stuff while you're at Marissa's. Yet there's still a few things we're not sure where you pick them up from. 

I do think, oddly enough, that you recently picked one thing up from the cats and thankfully it's not peeing on the furniture.You like to climb into odd objects like baskets or boxes.

You have an interesting habit of taking your stuffed toys out of their wicker basket home and placing them on the couch, in the recliner, or a laundry basket - whatever other storage system is available. Once their stacked you'll then put them right back where you found them. 

After emptying your toys this evening you climbed right into the basket and sat down to watch TV. 

Whatever floats your boat. 

Per the norm, we stuggled to get you to eat tonight. It was more of a paint the counter session with our tomato soup. 

Eventually you asked me for some chocolate. I hate to reward you with candy since you didn't eat dinner but it's at least something in your tummy. I went for the M&M's but you refused and walked over to the pantry. The light bulb went off. You wanted a granola bar. 

I offered you what you asked for and after gladly accepting it was right back to the basket to munch on your snack. 

I know this won't be enough to get you through the night so we'll see you at 4:00 a.m. for a bottle of milk.

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