Thursday, April 17, 2014

Today Ava Ate Dinner

"Should I save some for her?" mom asked before cutting into her last few pieces of chicken kabob. 

"Na, she won't eat it anyway" I responded. People don't typically like to be proven wrong - especially me - but in this case I didn't mind. 

My response was based on two things:

1. You haven't eaten a "meal" in what seems like an eternity. 

2. You stiffened like a board when I tried to put you in your high chair for dinner and turned the water works on. 

Needless to say, when you tore yourself away from Mickey and came to us mom asked "Do you want some chicken?" we were floored when a soft "okay" came from your lips. 

I scooped you up into my lap while mom frantically cut up some of her chicken before you changed your mind. 

She also put a scoop of the parmesan noodles on my plate to test as well. 

It looked like you had changed your mind. The first piece of chicken went in and the tell-tale look of rejection came across your face as your lips pursed and the food started to make it's way out. Then suddenly, you took it back in and began to chew. 

We could exhale!

And you continued to eat. As you ate the chicken I balked at the noodles fearful that if I changed things up you'd close up shop and want down. 

Then, you pointed to the noodles and asked for some. 

Holy cow! 

You ate nearly two large chunks of chicken and a big scoop of noodles before asking to go back to Mickey. 

We were so excited when you ate two chicken nuggets last night but now we are so relieved. Could this have been the breakthrough we've been praying for?

Time will tell. 

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