Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Today Ava Learned Home Improvement

Since we moved into this house three years ago mom has been wanting to update the floors in the mud room and bathrooms. 

Well, I finally stopped stalling and we made our way to Home Depot to purchase the materials needed. 

It's funny how the simple things will stick with me, there was nothing out of the ordinary today but what I will take from it is the memory of having to keep you corralled while we tried to calculate how many boxes of tiles we would need. 

Hey look, a picture and you're not in it!
We were standing in these same aisles a mere 24 hours earlier deciding on the style of tile that we wanted and adding up the total cost of materials in our heads all while trying to keep you from running all over the store. 

You're busy, we've known that since day one and you'll get impatient if we try and hold you for too long in a store. 

"Down." is what we hear as you fold in half and reach for the floor. Eventually we cave and today was no different. You went to each individual item on the shelves that was at your level and touched it. 

I kept one eye on you while trying to give mom my attention. Soon you got too far for my liking and I had to run over to you before you wandered into the main traffic pattern. 

My calls of "Ava, stop" and "Ava, that's far enough" fell on deaf ears.

We love the desire to explore, but need you to listen to us. You may not like us for it as you get older, but trust me, someday you'll understand and thank us. It's for your own good. 

You're always eager to help and we try to include you whenever we can. When we got home this evening we began to lay out the tiles to decide on a pattern and who was our little helper? You of course! You felt so proud to get the tiles from the box and give them to us or even put them on the floor.

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