Sunday, October 5, 2014

Today Ava Got Back Into The Routine

We came home on Saturday so that mom could show some homes and I could get some stuff done before heading back to work tomorrow. 

Our day began early when you rolled yourself out of bed. I'll teach you a lot during our lives together but one thing I cannot help you with is how to not move so much when you sleep. 

You're just a busy body. 

Anyway, after a quick bath we got ready and followed mom out the door. She has five homes to show so I wanted to run the errands that we needed to do while she was out so that she could relax when she got home. 

We put on your owl jacket from Jenna and then I remembered your new knit hat that Grandma Fenner's cousin knit for you. 

 Outfit complete. Totally owled out. What you can't see is the owl shirt under the jacket.

I sent mom a pick and she responded that you look like Clay Matthews with your hair tucked behind your ears. I laughed and explained my logic: with the hat on and hair tucked back, you won't have it in your face while we're out. 

I'm not a smart man, but I think my logic is sound in this case. 

First stop, Target, and you know what that means ... 

... cake pop!

It must have been good. 

We finished up at Target then continued to Aldi for groceries before heading home. 

when we got home, you wanted to work on your letters. Absolutely! I'm never going to discourage you from being excited to learn. 

We went to your room and grabbed the wooden letter board and went through A to Z. After you were done I tried to get you to recite the alphabet. We got through "S" before you lost interest ... 

I'm so proud of you. Keep learning fun!

The remainder of the day was quite busy. Grandma and Grandpa came over with Brian and delivered their old couch and loveseat to us. We brought the green furniture to the basement and now have nicer couches in the living room. 

It was nice of them to bring that over for us. 

Now, let's relax for a few minutes before it's really back to normal with work ...

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