Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Today Ava Looked Like Princess Anna

Someday I'm going to have to learn to braid your hair ... and it won't be pretty (and might be  little painful for you at first).

It wasn't long into my Tuesday that I received the following photo from mom. 

She said "Braided piggies like Anna." 

Your hair is getting so long. If it's not pulled back or clipped over, you're constantly brushing it out of your face. Being bald - and a guy - I've ever had this problem, but seeing you always swiping at your face gives me anxiety and it's not even my hair. I can only imagine what you go through. 

It's funny to me that you'll sit quietly for mom when she tries to braid your hair but hate (that's a strong word, but totally appropriate here) to have your hair combed after a tubby. 

"I no want to comb my hair!" you'll tell us as you do your best to get away from us. Eventually you give in and reluctantly sit there while we quickly get the tangles out.

One other thing I want to note is that your vocabulary is ever increasing and you're becoming more of a conversationalist than just a talker. 

What do I mean? Well, rather than just saying words to say words, you're stringing thoughts together and putting them into words. As I sit here and type I'm struggling to come up with a specific example. Every time I realize it's happening I'm not in a position to jot down a note. 

I'll keep my ears open for an example in the next few days. 

I love watching you grow every day. 

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