Thursday, July 24, 2014

Toay Ava Answered the Call of Dooty.

Okay, understand that I wasn't there to witness this and am relaying this story as told to me by mom. And as I recall it in my head to put onto "paper," I'm still laughing. 

I've been working nothing short of 12 hours for the past week and a half so at times like this I rely on your mom to feed me stories like this. 

She had an offer to write on a home for clients tonight so you accompanied her to the office for the paperwork. 

Suddenly, in the middle of it, you shouted out "Mom, I have to poop!" which, of course was met by some chuckles. I mean, come on, who wouldn't laugh at that? 

She excused you and herself by saying "Duty calls ..." and took you to the bathroom. 

Now, she didn't have your little potty from home so you needed to use the big girl toilet. Mom was understandably hesitant after yesterday because you refused to use the big girl potty after visiting with me at work. 

A slight fuss but you saw the bigger picture and used the potty. 

Now, understand that the bathroom at the office is very near where the offer was being written. Once you were done and mom flushed you very audibly stated "Poop all gone!!!" 

When you successfully emerged from the bathroom you were greeted by mom's client happily exclaiming "Poop all gone!" 

Everyone heard you. 

Don't worry, though, I used to work with mom's client and he's a good person. It's one of those moments that you're probably going to be embarrassed about the first time you read this but need to understand that children your age have no filter or understand how loud they are talking. 

No one laughed at you, they all got a kick out of the situation.

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