Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Today Ava Said "Excuse Me"

It came with a lot of giggles but I think it was an attempt at being polite. So I'll take it. 

Let's continue on this path. 

Speaking of paths, and continuing, we are still working on the potty training. No tangible results yet, but a breakthrough is looming. I can feel it. 

Only one accident at Marissa's today on the carpet and no accidents at home, but nothing in the potty yet. 

Mom had a showing this evening and I wanted to try something new for dinner so we needed to head to the store for ingredients which meant you'd be diapered for a little bit. 

On our way out the door you saw your pink car and begged for a ride. 

How could I turn it down? 

Once back in the driveway we swapped pink car for blue car and headed to the store. 

The moment I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the ingredients we needed, the waterworks started. You wanted Mickey on my phone so badly the entire store knew it. 

"I need it!" you screamed and added "Mickey .... Mickey ... Mickey ..." 

No, you don't need it and mom and I are going to curb your dependency on electronic devices. 

Finally we made it home and it was time for Nakey Ava. 

I began getting dinner ready while keeping one eye on you looking for signs of needing to go as you paraded around the house in your birthday suit.

Mom was home a few minutes later and she joined me in my watch and dinner prep. 

Dinner (a few chips and salsa after snacking on half a bag of cheese puffs) must not have agreed with you and soon you were filling the house with noxious fumes. 

You thought this was a riot and would fess up to it and say "I tooted!" 

Which is a step from laying the blame on me. 

What you said next surprised both mom and me. 

"Excuse me!" we heard. 

That cute little voice combined with us not expecting that out of you was too much. Mom and I both started to crack up. 

Noticing this you ran with it. 

"I tooted! Excuse me!" you kept running around saying with a sly grin on your face and laughing as you went. 

Once or twice you even boasted "I farted!" 

As much as we laughed with each other tonight, a little discipline was necessary. At the end of the video you'll see that you bit the blanket at mom's toes. You ignored us as we repeatedly told you to stop. 

You spent a little time in the corner for not listening. 

We don't seek out opportunities to discipline you, but when it's necessary, we will. 

It's all part of growing up and learning your boundaries. 

Let's have some more fun tomorrow!

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