Monday, July 28, 2014

Today Ava Got a New Potty

Sometimes it's the simple things in life. Like a new potty. 

We've been borrowing one of Marissa's portable toilets for a while now and you have grown accustomed to it. Mom decided it was time to get your own and ordered one off of 

It arrived today and you were overjoyed. 

I couldn't help but smile when I saw the video above. 

I was out the door this morning long before you woke up and was home just in time to put you to bed. 

Mom had already given you your bottle of milk - which I'm a little sad that I missed. There's a lot of fist bumping to "girl power" now and usually "baby bottle" time is our time to sit in the "big chair" and relax before . 

 A few minutes after mom sent me this photo I was on my way home. 

Now, this potty that you were so in love with this afternoon, you wanted nothing to do with when I got home. 

Mom and I tried our darndest to get you to go before bed but you kept repeating "I no have to" and crying if we tried to sit you down. 

Mom has no trouble getting you to go throughout the day when I'm not around, but once I'm home, you refuse for some reason. 

After a lengthy battle, we put a diaper on and laid down for bed. Here's to hoping your sheets are dry in the morning.

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