Monday, July 14, 2014

Today Ava Made Me "Walk Pillows"

I'll be honest, I was a bit on the tired side when I finally got home tonight. It's getting to be the time of year where you'll gradually see me less and less until August. 4. 

5 O'clock means nothing this time of year so I knew I'd be working over, but thought I'd be out the door before 7:30 tonight. 

Needless to say, by the time I got home, it was a quick dinner and time to relax. 

While we were preparing dinner mom said to me that she could easily lay down and fall asleep right now. I can't speak for her, but it seems that this pregnancy has really been taking a toll on her. From being sick to being exhausted, it hasn't be an easy go for her. She continued by telling me that she thought she was getting in the clear because she just had a week or so of good days. 

Today though, she was exhausted as well. 

After mom and I ate (and you dipped your hands in ranch dressing), we all gravitated towards the living room to take it easy. 

We were watching the Cavs summer league game when you walked over to the recliner where I was sitting and said "Daddy, walk piddows" and pointed to a line of pillows on laid out on the floor. 

We've done this before and I knew exactly what you wanted. 

So I got up and theatrically walked across the pillows as if they were a rickety old wooden bridge - you know, something like you'd see deep in the jungle on a movie - and pretended that I was going to fall off with each step. 

You loved it and even told me where on the loveseat to eventually fall. 

 After I fell I told you it was your turn and you mimicked my theatrics. 

Once thing that I have failed to mention was that as you can see from the video above, you were wearing mom's shirt. I brought up a load of laundry to fold before we started playing and you wouldn't do anything until you had mom's shirt on. 

Then, we started to walk together. I grabbed your hands and would walk you while swaying side to side and front and back helping you to "keep your balance" even though it was me that was pulling you in all directions. 

When we'd get to the end of the line I picked you up and tossed you gently onto the loveseat. 

I love the laughter and the giggles. 

You may not meet me at the top of the steps anymore when I get home from work but my new motivation to come home are the giant "two hands" as we call them (big hugs) I get when I come upstairs after a long day.

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