Thursday, August 28, 2014

Today Ava Opened A Door For the First Time.

I knew someday this would be upon us, and now it's here. Today you turned the knob successfully for the first time ever. 

But first, a morning selfie. 

Bear with me as I share a quick story before sharing how you gained one more step of independence.

I came home from work this afternoon to find a package by the mail box. It was addressed to you from Aunt Suz and Uncle Kris. 

When mom got home she opened it up. I didn't think anything of it until i heard "I'm going to kill BOTH of your brothers!" 

I turned around to hear - and then see - a pair of bright red maracas emerge from the box. 

You grabbed them and went to town. 

Your Uncle Joe is notorious for the noisy gifts and I never would have expected this from your Uncle Kris. 

He seemed to have a lapse in judgement as your cousin Adelynne will celebrate her first birthday next month. It's on. 

Okay, moving on to the task at hand. 

We were in the kitchen, probably discussing dinner, when mom and I both turned around to find you in the pantry. Simultaneously we  did a double-take and looked at each other. 

"Did you let her in there? " I asked mom

"No, did you?" she replied. 


We shut the door and let you stand in front of it to see what would happen. 

Here is the result: 

You don't quite have the grasping and pulling down yet, but you've got the concept and it worked. 

Looks like I'll be locking the bathroom door from now. 

Opening doors is your feat of the day. Maybe sometime soon I'll be writing about how well mannered you are a the dinner table. 

Until then, we have this: 

Yeah, there's some work to do here.

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