Sunday, August 3, 2014

Today Ava Saw Her First Football Game

I have barely seen you awake this week and when mom mentioned that she and Karen might come to the game tonight I was excited. 

That is, if she could wake you up from your nap in time...


I thought you'd enjoy all of the noise and action. Something new for you to experience.

We had a little hiccup as mom got close to the stadium. The stadium policy on bags is very strict and she had the diaper bag with her. Which is a no no according to NFL procedure. 

She left it with Jenna at the will call trailer and the crisis was averted. 

I honestly never looked at my tickets so I didn't know what seats you were in. 

I tried scanning the general area but that was impossible.  Early in the first quarter I had to rn down to the sidelines and on my way back up heard my name. I looked over to see you, mom and Karen. 

You were playing it cool with your Spider Man sunglasses on. 

Mom and I agreed to meet at the base of the press box at halftime so I could say hello. 

And what happened there was one of the most gut wrenching moments I've ever experienced. As I said, I haven't seen you much lately and when I came out of the press box and around the gold carts that were sitting there, you saw me and ran over to me. I bent down and you gave me one of the biggest hugs ever. 

Then, you kept repeating "daddy home." 

You wanted me to come home with you. Unfortunately I couldn't at that moment. As halftime ticked away and I had to go back to work, I handed you back to mom. 

She and Karen decided to leave at that point and it was difficult to walk away as you had your arms outstretched and were crying for me. 

I came back over, gave you a kiss and reassured you that tomorrow we'll be back to normal. 

I felt terrible thinking that you'd be crying the entire time mom had to carry you back to the car. 

Luckily I found out later that you were over it quickly and were very entertaining on the walk home. 

Putting your hand on your forehead as if you were intently looking for something you said "I don't see blue anywhere! Where is it? It's too dark out here! I can't see!" 

"Ohhhhhh blue car, where are youuuuuu?" 

Oh my child, how did we ever live without you?

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