Sunday, August 24, 2014

Today Ava Has Entered The Terrible Twos?

Our days are becoming increasingly filled with "I no have to!" and "I no want to!"

Have you entered the dreaded "terrible twos?" 

Hopefully not, maybe today's problems were due to a nap cut short.

The day started off wonderfully. Like washing the car yesterday, you wanted nothing more than to help us tear out the bush in the front corner of the yard. It was your job to throw each cut up piece into a trash bag. 

The bush wasn't unsightly but it was blocking our view of oncoming traffic as we back out of the driveway. Mom and I have had enough of crane-necking around it to see. Trimming it wasn't doing the trick anymore.

Mom has wanted it gone for a few weeks now and we finally had a few minutes to get the job done before Church this morning.

Mom was busy hacking away at the branches while you put the pieces in the bag and I worked on ripping up the stump. After the stump was free of the Earth I took over for mom and she held the bag while you continued to fill it. 

Once, while trying to trim a long branch I accidenttly swiped a leaf across your face to which you looked at mom and said "Daddy hurt me!" Mom and I couldn't help but crack up at this.

Luckily it was 8:30 or so in the morning and in our front yard rather than at a store

With the bush transferred from our yard to three large trash bags it was time to get cleaned up and ready for Church. 

This is where things started to go downhill. 

"I no want a tubby!" 

Sorry kid, against your wishes you got one.

Mom and I thought you might pass out at Church - which would have been fine with us since we have Laney's party at 2:00 p.m. which is close to your normal nap time.

It's hard enough to keep you content for an hour n public let alone in the confines of a narrow Church pew. 

You caught a second wind and were a handful for the Mass. 

"Lemme down!" you cried as you folded yourself in half while reaching for the ground. 

At one point I had to apologize to the lady in front of us because you grabbed her foot as she was kneeling. 

Thankfully I feel that most people at Church are understanding of toddlers and kids and don't get upset. The lady cracked a smile as I said "we're sorry." 

 When mom is home with you during the week she has fun and teaches you things that might be out of the ordinary for two-year-old. One of those things surfaced this morning. I was holding you and shortly after giving the peace offering to those around us, you reached your hand out over my shoulder to the gentleman behind us and not so quietly said "nice to meet you" as you shook his hand. 

You repeated the gesture with the lady beside him and would have continued if more people were within reach. Those around us got a good laugh out of it. 

Mom explained to me later that's one of the quirky things she's taught you. I had never seen it before. 

"Daddy, all done?" you asked as Church was minutes from letting out. "Almost honey. Hang tight for a few more minutes." 

You fell asleep as we neared our house and had a good hour and a half nap before we needed to head to Marissa's for Laney's party. 

We were hesitant to wake you early because we all know how you can be if woken up before you're ready. 

Such was the case this afternoon. 

You were fixed on the swing in Marissa's back yard. You'd probably still be there if we didn't force you out. 

You had been in the swing for ten minutes or so when Liv came up and asked to swing. You had been in long enough and to try and teach a lesson on taking turns and sharing I lifted you from the swing. 

Cue the screams and water works. 

We had to take a walk around to the front of the house to calm you down. 

I chalk it up to being tired, really, and soon you were back to your normal self, running and playing with the kids. 

So, maybe it's not so much "terrible two's" as it is a short nap. 

We'll just have to wait and see.

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