Today I picked you up from Marissa's and took you on few errands. I had an idea for a Valentine for your mom and I needed your help. We ran out to Pat Catan's craft store and picked up a pair of small square canvases, some paint and a brush.
As you can guess, since I picked you up, your mom had a basketball game but more on that in a bit. You may have guessed where I am going with this, but we made your mom a craft for valentine's day.
Earlier in the week it was agreed that we wouldn't celebrate Valentine's day between us. I was fine with that but still thought you would like to get your mom something.
I gave you a bottle and while you were working on that I spread some paper towels on the floor in the living room and opened the canvases. In trying to open the paint, when I poked my thumb through the seal, it splattered everywhere. It was on my pants, the floor, and unbeknownst to me, on my face. I cleaned it up quickly - luckily it was washable paint - and globbed some into a container. I dipped your little right hand into the paint and watched for a second as you looked at it in bewilderment.
We tried again, this time with a little bit of success. It at least looked somewhat like a hand print. Next was the feet. I thought this might be easier, but again, I was wrong.
I held you up and dipped your feet into the paint. You squished your toes around for a second then I lifte you up and pressed your feet on the canvas in a "V" shape. From my description you're probably wondering what we were doing. I was attempting to spell the word "Love" on the canvas.
I used the brush to write the L and the E and let it dry.
After cleaning you - and the living room - up we got you into your Cavs PJs and headed out to Walsh to see mom and the game.
I knew you wouldn't make it long, you got tired along the way. You lasted through half of the first half and we headed home. After a pit stop to Giant Eagle across campus - needed some eggs - we went home.
You passed out, and I mean out. You didn't even fuss when laid you on the changing table to take your jacket off. With that, I went to work finishing your mom's Valentine's gift.
Since we agreed to not get each other anything, I used the loophole that it was from you. I'll take the cost out of your future allowance. You're welcome.
Earlier in the week you and I stopped at Gervasi Vineyard and grabbed a bottle of your mom's favorite wine - Tesoro. While there we also got brownie mix, bread mix, and dipping oil. I really shouldn't be allowed to go places on an empty stomach.
I signed your name to the card and after baking the bread, set it out on the counter. This most didn't stop when you went to bed because I wanted to share our mom's candid reaction with you.At the last second I thought to record her coming up the steps so i ducked behind the counter. Below is what ensued. You may need to turn up the volume. Enjoy!
Sleep tight, Gravy!
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