Monday, February 11, 2013

Today Ava was Happy

Today began like all typical Monday's do. Once you woke up we hung out until 7:45 when I had to shower and begin getting ready for work. After getting ready I left the house and headed off to the job. 

While I was at work, there is one thing of significance to note. Marissa sent your mom a text asking if we have been working on waving with you. She thought you were trying to this afternoon.Your mom has been working with you on this and I'll wave to you when she's holding you and you look over at me. I try to accentuate the wave and "Hi" or "Hello" when doing so in hopes that you'll make the connection. Sounds like our efforts are potentially paying off.

I've written before of how your mom will sit with you at the top of the steps and wait for me to come around the corner. I've mentioned your excitement at this, well today, you didn't disappoint.

I've never seen you squirm so much with anticipation as as I did today. Your smile was wider than I've ever seen and luckily your mom was holding on to you because if she weren't you may just have tumbled yourself down the steps with excitement. You really began to stomp your feet and wiggle uncontrollably. I wish I would have thought ahead to have my cell phone out to record it. 

I've always commented on how happy of a baby you are, but today took the cake. I've never seen you this happy and it continued right up until you went to bed.

I look forward to everyday with you, but days like today simply can't be beat.

Out for a cruise.
Pushing your motorcycle around the basement.
People say your life changes forever when you become a parent. That's a statement you can take one of two ways. 1. You'll never be able to do the things you did before, be as free as you were before and be disappointed about it. or 2. You'll never be able to do the things you did before and be freer than you've ever been knowing that your every move influences the bright young mind you're blessed to call your son or daughter. 

I choose the later. The six months you've been with us have been pure joy. We don't do many of the things I used to do, and I'll speak for your mother and I both and let you know that we wouldn't trade it for the world.

One other point to note is that I really think you'll bypass crawling and go straight to walking. As I've said before, you no longer like to lay down, well now your thing is to try walking. With support of course. 

You're still very wobbly and not quite coordinated enough to stand on your own, but when we let you grip our finger and stand behind you, you really get your little feet gong and want to truck around the house. 

Your mom told me today that you're really getting the concept down and starting to pick your feet up to try and walk. She paraded you around Marissa's house this afternoon before bringing you home. 

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