There's a little more to this subject
line than meets the eye. You stretch all the time, it's seemingly a
game to you when your mom and I are trying to change your diaper.
We'll get your diaper off, get you
cleaned up and as soon as we try to put the new on on, you stretch
your legs, refusing to relax them. That makes it really difficult to
put a diaper on a baby. You'll find out someday!
Why the subject line? You didn't physically stretch so much today as you have grown as a whole.
We have a habit of laying you across the couch at times throughout the day. Sometimes you don't want to be held anymore, sometimes your tired, other times you like to take a bottle while lying on the couch. Since it's microfiber and soft, it's always been a go-to resting place for you.
Well, today I just happened to notice that you're getting longer. We used to be able to lay you across the couch and you fit perfectly within one cushion. It's like it was made for you. Snug.
I laid you across the couch cushion this morning for you to take a bottle and saw that your feet and ankles hang over the cushion into the divide.
As much as your mom and I love having you this little, we know it won't last forever. You've already grown so much and we're excited for what you'll become. But, for the time being, just stay our “little” girl!
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