Saturday, December 7, 2013

Today Ava Loved The Owls

Before flying off into the owls, I can't resist showing you a video from this morning. I came home from breakfast to find you and mom in the living room and boy did you have the story to tell! 

Maybe you were telling us how much you wanted to go to mom's game today and see your favorite bulletin board? 

So why did I mention a bulletin board? Well, when we go watch mom's basketball games you have to enter through the cafeteria to get to the gym and off to the side is a bulletin board full of owls that you don't let me forget is there.

Now, all who know you know your love for the Owl. 

The origins of your obsession can be traced back to a pair of Old Navy PJs with owls on the shirt and owl print bottoms. It's evolved so much that we can't even put the jammies on you or when we get the laundry out all we hear is "Owl. Owl. Owl." until we hand them to you. 

The same goes for when we're out in public, if you see an owl - anywhere - you let us know and you want to go see it.

The cafeteria is the nucleus of the school which houses not only the high school but also the middle and elementary schools.

We use the cafeteria as your playground when you become bored with sitting still during the games or you need a break from coloring in the bleachers. 

On the elementary side there is a bulletin board for well-behaved students or "Owl Stars" as the board calls them. Each student has their name printed on a cutout of an owl which is then tacked to the board. 

I can't stress enough how much you love this board and how much I dread the day they change it. It might be the biggest meltdown in history when you realize it's gone.

Tonight, each time we'd walk away you waved and blew kisses to the owls.

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