Monday, December 23, 2013

Today Ava Threw A Fit For The Ages

Terrible twos at 16.5 months?

Speaking of twos, mom and I learned a pair of valuable lessons tonight. 

1. DO NOT under any circumstance go to Target two days before Christmas for non-Holiday related items. 

Timing was bad on our part as we needed diapers. We like the Up & UP brand (cheap and durable) and are planning on ordering them online from here on out. But, unfortunatley we didn't have enough at home to be able to do so this time. 

We knew the stores were going to be a madhouse but had to brave it. And a zoo it was. Getting a moderately close parking space, we thought things were going our way. How naive we were.

This brings me to our second lesson learned ... 

2.YOU ARE CAPABLE OF THROWING EPIC FITS (when you don't get your way). On a normal day we would let you down and walk around on your own - under extremely close supervision of course. Well tonight, I was leery because of the crowd and I also know that if you pick something up from a shelf, you automatically assume it's yours. When we try to put it back, the tantrums begin. 

Such was the case tonight. We gave you a taste of freedom, letting you down for a few minutes, before we we made our way through the store. 

When I picked you up, you began to bend over and try to get down. Nothing out of the ordinary here. As we got closer to the register the screams became louder. I gave the items I was holding to mom and told her you and I would be in the car.

I paused near the door thinking you might calm down. Nope. 

To the car we went and I hope no one was watching me. If they were, they got a treat. I do my best not to lose my cool, especially in public. I'll be stern with you, but don't want to be the crazy parent you see in stores. I feel that the calmer we are, the quicker you relax. 

I tried to put you in your seat but you instantly stiffened up and screamed louder than I've ever heard you scream before. 

I even took you out and tried to console you in the cold. No dice. 

Mom paid for our goods and came to the car in time for the scene described above to unfold. 

Fatigue must have been setting in because we were able to get you into your seat and buckled in. The top-of-your-lungs screaming continued though. 

It got to the point that we figured there's no way this can still be related to the tantrum in the store. Something has to be bugging you or your in pain. 

We fought the Holiday traffic, eventually making our way home. Once home and upstairs the waterworks subsided and you were back to normal almost immediately.

That was one (and better be the only) for the ages, kid! 

Parents are like elephants, we're not going to forget this one. 

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