Monday, December 9, 2013

Today Ava Saw Santa and Got New PJs

It was a little bit of a last minute decision to take you to see Santa tonight.

Mom brought up the idea of taking Christmas photos so we can get our cards printed and sent out. After thinking it through, we realized we need a cardigan and some leggings for the photos.

So, the thought evolved into running out, getting what we need and shooting tomorrow. Well, if we're out we might as well head over to the mall and see the big guy.

We went a little casual this year with your Old navy "Mommy's favorite gift" jammies with green Santa print bottoms.

We couldn't have timed it better. We walked right to the cuing line and were the only ones there. You started to walk to Sana then a little unsure of the situation you stopped. I told you "It's okay, let's go see him." and grabbing my hand, we walked up to him and you sat on his lap. We were able to get a few good snaps before you became squirmy.

Our favorite turned out to be a more candid moment where you and Santa looked at each other right as the photographer pressed the shutter button.

It's hard to believe how much you've grown in just a year.

We were trying to take a lap around the mall but you wanted to put on a show for the crowd by jumping and laughing. It was cute, but didn't last long because it was right in the middle of traffic.

You insisted on us swinging you as we made our lap before moving on.

We thought Target was going to be a bust and in a sense it was. They didn't have what mom was looking for but in her perusal of the clearance racks she came across a pair of - surprise -PJs.

We couldn't pass them up. Pink two-piece fleece PJs with Santa print. They would be perfect for the photos mom is looking to take tomorrow.

You can't get new jamm-o's without trying them on when we get home, right?

If mom has her way you'll be pretty comfy until the New Year. She said to me tonight "She's not changing out of these until after Christmas." 

I think she likes them.

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