Friday, January 31, 2014

Today Ava Missed Dad

At least I hope so because I sure missed you and your mom.

Again I was gone before you were up. Long before you were up. 

I flew out to New York this morning to cover the Merlin Olsen Luncheon in the city. It was a whirlwind day. As soon as the plane touched down I caught a cab for the time Warner Center at the southwest corner of Central Park. 

When the event was over I had a few hours to myself to explore before my flight home. 

I walked maybe 100yards into Central Park before saying forget it and hailing a cab back to the airport. 

Why didn't I walk around a little more and explore? Well, for one, I was by myself and it was rather boring to not have your mom to talk to and sight see with and you to chase around. And two, I had heavy camera equipment slung over my shoulder in a duffel bag.

Looking around while on the ride to the airport I saw a mom with a little girl in tow walking down the sidewalk. The little girl was about your age and bundled up in a snowsuit and snow boots. Seeing the pair go down the street  made me want to get home that much quicker. You're growing up so fast and I don't want to miss a minute of it. 

I couldn't leave you for the day on business and not bring you back some sort of souvenir, right? 

At one of the trinket shops at LaGuardia airport I picked you up a little something. 

By the time my flight landed and I got home, you were fast asleep (on my side of the bed). 

I'll let you try on your hat in the morning. I hope you like it!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today Ava Put Her Feet Up

You weaseled your way into our bed last night by standing up in your crib and screaming at about 3:15 a.m. Your head was on my shoulder and you were lights out the moment I lifted you from the crib. 

I left for work early this morning so I could swing by the mechanic and set up and appointment for your mom's car. 

Checking in with mom later this morning I asked if you were awake yet and this was the reply I received. 

No surprise here, taking over my side of the bed!
You remained out until nearly 9:00 a.m. 

But, this entry is about the photos i received from your mom after you had finished your breakfast. I'm assuming it was toast since that's all you ever ask for. 

I nearly spit out my sip of coffee when my phone vibrated on my desk and I looked down to see these. 

Keep it classy, kid. 

These might just stay in the bank for a slide show 16 and a half years from now when you graduate.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Today Ava Climbed the Bleachers

When you commit to something, there's no stopping you. 

Mom was only playing two quarters of JV ball tonight so we rushed down to Strasburg once I was able to force you into your jacket. 

I can't wait for warmer weather and no coats ...

Anyway, you weren't interested in watching the game so out to the cafeteria we went. After six quarters of pointing out the colors of the floor tiles and playing with the other young kids at the school, we went back into the gym. 

You walked in and took an immediate left and climbed to the top of the bleachers. When you got to the top you looked back at me with a look of total pride and accomplishment. 

Thinking you'd want to run around on the court, I walked you back down the steps. Once free from my grip you scrambled back to the top with me in tow making sure you didn't fall backwards. Then, you wanted my hands so you could walk down the steps like a big girl. 

I can't even begin to tell you how many times we went up and down those stairs. Had to be close to a dozen. 

Soon mom and Jessie emerged from the locker room and I was forgotten as we made our way from the bleachers to the court.

I don't catch much of the games but one of my fondest memories is watching you run across the court to give your mom a big hug after the games. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Today Ava Used Her Slide

Yesterday, as we were coming home from our errands mom commented that at Marissa's you go up and down the slide "all day long."

In her living room she has a small plastic slide similar to what we brought home from the thrift store for you this summer.

Your slide has been stored in the corner of the garage for the winter it never dawned on us to bring it in. 


When I came in the door from work this afternoon there was the slide, right in the middle of the basement floor. Mom brought it in and cleaned it up so you had something "new" to enjoy. I asked her how you liked it and she said you played on it for a little bit. Nothing too exciting

After dinner - which you refused again - we went downstairs to play. It took a little coaxing to get you to show me how you slide but as soon as your butt made it to the floor the first time, it was game on!

For the next 20 minutes or so all you were concerned with was that slide. We even made a game of it where I held your pink blanket up as you slid right into it. 

I'm glad we found something new to keep you entertained while we are forced to stay indoors with sub-zero temps.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Today Ava Refused Her Coat

Remember when I told you I gauge the way the evening is going to go based on how easily I can get your coat on at Marissa's?  Yeah ... 

If the coat is an indication tonight, I feared we would be in for a long one. To say you refused tonight wold be like saying the ocean is a lap pool. 

I've had some difficult times before, but tonight was the worst I've seen. When Marissa's husband opened the door to let me in you were right behind him with your purple owl hat on your head yelling "Dad-O!"

I thought we were going to have a good night!

Things took a turn for the worst the moment you saw your jacket. 

You stopped listening to me and the tears began to flow. When you don't want to put your coat or even a shirt on you clench your arms to you chest and lock wrists. It's a feat of strength for us to pry them apart. 

I took you screaming and kicking, from the breakfast bar to the couch for a better handle at getting your arms into the sleeves. No dice. 

By this time the collar of your jacket was soaked with a combination of tears, mucus and saliva and you did your best to wrest from my grip.

Eventually I was able to get your right arm through the sleeve and it took more work but I finally go the left in as well. 

Once in the truck you begged for mom and weren't satisfied until we saw her. 

"Oh no, she's been crying!" mom said the moment she saw you. As I explained my ordeal I said "If we're running out to get cat food, I'm not taking her coat off. I don't want to have to do that again."

So, you went from absolute refusal to keeping your coat on for the next few hours as we ran to Target and grabbed a bite to eat at Panera. 

Once we got home, as you can see in the video below, you were the happiest little thing. 

I wish you could tell me why you hate your coat so much ...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Today Ava Wore A Helmet

Those childproof locks we abandoned on the drawers, maybe we need them on the low cabinets. 

I was doing dishes and mom was getting dressed in preparation for her open house when I turned around to see a pot and a plastic bowl lying on the floor. 

I didn't think anything of it and let it go. I turned around again to see you putting the bowl on your head and wandering into the living room. 

Without distracting you I called for mom to peek around and see this. The hilarity continued with you repeatedly put the bowl on and off your head. 

Then it was my turn. You noticed me when I came down to your level to snap a few photos and decided I needed to see if the helmet fit my head. 

Sometimes I wonder what's going on inside that little head, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Don't ever lose the imagination!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Today Ava Sat with Aunt Izzy

Earlier in the week we accepted an invite from my dad's cousin, Diane, to join other family for a get together/game night at her house.

Due to inclement weather I called to make sure the party was still on and although there were a few cancellations, Diane assured me we could still come visit. 

In the end, I'm glad we did. 

Your energy stole the show tonight and you kept everyone entertained by tossing your new owl into the air and giving everyone knuckles. You also made a new friend in Sherri, Diane's niece. Whenever she got up, you followed.

I was very excited to see Aunt Izzy at the party. She turned 89 years young on Wednesday as is the last remaining of my Grandfathers brothers and sisters. She's still sharp as a tack and is hopefully around for many more years to come. She's a very sweet lady and I hope you are ablle to get to know her and remember her. 

All night I was waiting for an opportunity to get a photo of you and Aunt Izzy together and my chance came as everyone was beginning to gather around tables to play games. Aunt Izzy was sitting on the couch by herself so I took you over to her for a photo. 

Sensing that you were getting tired we already changed you into your PJs. We were right about being tired because you wouldn't sit still. It took some bribing from mom but I was able to get a shot or two. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Today Ava Counted To Eleven

This afternoon we reached another milestone in your young life. Mom sent me a text that said you counted to eleven ... by cutting out the middle numbers. 

I'll never condone cheating but right now you don't know any better.

My story today begins as many of them do .. with a text from your mother. 

Shortly after sitting at my desk I see "Ava's vocabulary is exploding" come across my phone. I pressed for a littl emore detail and Mom responds with "Mommy. Butter needs away." 

I was stunned.  I know you're advancing in leaps and bounds, but I wouldn't have expected short sentences yet.

Yum yum in the tum tum.
Our conversation went back and forth for a minute when she hit me with aforementioned numerical stunner.

The convo continued with "And she also keeps saing 1-2-3-9-10-11 not sure where the big numbers come from." 

Curious, she sent Marissa a message asking if she were working with Liv on her numbers and explained why she asked. Marissa replied telling your mom that she's working with Liv on spelling her name but she says "O-L-9-10-11."

And there's the origin on your numbers. 

I thought I had at least another six to eight months before I needed to seriously watch my words around you. I guess I was wrong. 

When I got home from work mom explained to me a little more about the numbers. She was sitting at the dining room table doing a little work while you played when you went underneath the table and began counting. 

1-2-3 is an old hat for you but the 9-10-11 caught your mom's attention. She said she looked under the table to see you counting the screws that holds the table legs in place. You pointed to each and counted as you went; 1-2-3-9-10-11. 

You're incredible.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Today Ava Was So Happy!

We've been spoiled to have one of the happiest babies on Earth but today it was a whole new level. 

From the moment I picked you up at Marissa's to the time you laid your head down to sleep nothing was bringing you down from your high. 

I tend to gauge how the evening and night will go based on the difficulty I have putting your coat when I pick you up. 

On a scale of 1 to 10, tonight was a 0. For a moment I thought you were running a fever. It was almost too easy. 

You just chatted up a storm while one arm went in its sleeve and happily gave me the other to repeat the process. 

When we got home, the good times continued. 

You entertained us in the basement for a little while by coloring, passing the ball to mom and me. Which, I might ad, you are becoming quite good at! Chest passes with thumbs down. Great form for a near-18 month old. 

When you decided you had enough, you made a break for the stairs and began your ascent back to the kitchen. 

I quickly gathered our things as mom followed you up the steps to make sure you didn't lose your footing. 

I came to the stairs with enough time to see you turn around and say "Daddy?" Once you were assured I was there you scrambled your way to the top. 

Nothing makes your mom and I happier than to hear you ask for us!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Today Ava Said "Mine!"

"Already?" I muttered out loud as you lifted your head from my chest and said "room?" The clock read 8:40 p.m. as I swiveled to take a look.

"Room" is what you tell us when you're ready to go lay down for the night. 

You slid from my lap on the couch and grabbed your blanket and down the hall you went.
Your favorite dippy-do sauce? Ketchup!
I hurriedly tried to shut the TV off and kill the lights in the living room (no need to waste energy) but I wasn't quick enough. "Daddy!, Daddy!" echoed down the hallway.

I lifted you up into our bed and began singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," your favorite, to lull you to sleep. 

My awful singing had the opposite effect and you began having a conversation with me that only you understood. It had something to do with Mickey, McGee, and Mommy. 

Eventually you settled in and when I thought you were finally asleep I heard "Toot ... TOOT!" 

Oh Lord, I do NOT want to change a diaper right now ... 

As any good parent would, I quickly put nose to diaper and sniffed your behind. I was able to put my head back down resting assured that it was a false alarm. Bad dream or good joke? We'll never know.

I can only imagine in the darkness you had a sly grin and thought "Haha, fooled him!"

You didn't mutter another word for about five minutes and then I heard it. Plain as day ... 

It was soft at first. "Mine," just above a whisper. 

"No way, no she didn't! She just learned the meaning  of 'no' the other day, give me a little more time!" I thought. 

No sooner did the above race through my mind did I hear "Towel, mine!" 

Then in one motion you grabbed your blanket and rolled over with it in hand and fell asleep. 

When mom got home from her game tonight I was sharing stories of my evening with you - including this one - and she relayed to me that she thought she heard you say "mine" yesterday but wasn't 100%. 

I'm 100% I heard it twice ... let's hope this doesn't get out of hand!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Today Ava Had Dinner With Grandpa

On Sunday we made plans with Grandpa Waechter for him to come over and have dinner with us. 

With chilli on the menu I came home for lunch and browned the beef and sausage and mixed my ingredients together in the crock pot. 

Out of my own curiosity I gave you a piece of sausage to gauge your interest. You ate it and asked for "mo." 

I considered the experiment a success and added some ground beef to the sausage I set aside for you. 

You ate a good portion of ground beef and pork sausage for lunch before deciding you needed to blow your nose. 

Why would I mention that? Watch: 

After your nasal passages were cleared and the entire box of tissues soiled, I made my way back to work and waited to pick you up this evening. 

Mom had a team meeting at the office so i met her at Keller Williams and we swapped vehicles. Passed out in the backseat you were oblivious to the hand off. 

As soon as we pulled in the garage Grandpa's truck came up the driveway. 

I did my best to keep you sleeping as I took you out of the car but it didn't work. You woke up and it was obvious to us that you weren't happy about it. 

For the first ten minutes or so you were clingy to me, which is normal when you wake up early before you're ready. 

After that you became almost inconsolable. Still thinking you were unhappy with being awake I did my best to calm you down. I decided to see if you needed changed and you did and found the source of your discomfort. 

You must be teething again. That's all you need to know. I'll spare you the embarrassment of the details here.

Not surprisingly what calmed you down was your Minnie Mouse puzzle game on the iPad. You sat with Grandpa and showed him the finer points of putting a digital puzzle together. 

Once we deemed you calm enough, we went to the table for dinner. You sat on Grandpa's lap and ate more sausage and ground beef and some shredded cheddar cheese as we enjoyed the chilli. 

After dinner we made our way downstairs to play. You showed Grandpa your quad, how to dunk a basketball and enjoyed catching your balloon as we punched it into the air for you. 

After a little while mom came home and we all sat and chatted for a while before you took off down the hall to the "room." Our bedroom ... to go lay down. 

It was grandpa's bedtime as well and after a squeeeze and kiss goodbye you were of to bed and se was he. 

I'm looking forward to summer so we can hang out with Grandpa outside and throw the ball among other things like he used to do with us when your uncles and I were little. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Today Ava Hunted For Treasure

With a little confusion in my voice I asked "Where did you get that?" as you came from the kitchen to the living room combing your hair with a cat brush. 

You offered the brush to me then quickly turned around and made your way back to the kitchen.  I few moments later you came back to the living room with a packet of soy sauce left over from one of our take out meals from Main Moon.

Cue the proverbial light bulb illuminating above my head. You were hunting for treasure in the kitchen. 

I wasted a lot of time childproofing the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen ...

The three drawers to the left of the dishwasher have stops on them that only allow you to open them a few inches before they catch and you (the toddler) can no longer pull them open. 

The stops do a great job of keeping you from pulling the drawer all of the way out, potentially dislodge it from the tracks and injure yourself. But what they don't do, and in my naive rookie parent thought process was their intention, to kee you out of the drawers. 

In fact, until I typed the paragraph above it never dawned on me that the purpose of those stops is to keep you from injuring yourself. I always thought they were defective because they didn't keep you out of them. 

See, even I can be taught something. 

Since you've been upright, the contents of these drawers has intrigued you. Once, you even snuck over to the drawers and fished around for whatever your hand could find and lost your footing. Mom, who was doing dishes, turned around when she heard the commotion to find you sitting on the floor with your arm lodged in the middle drawer. 

Now that you're taller and more nimble on your feet you like to get on your tip toes and peek in to see what you can find. 

After handing me the soy sauce, I let you go and just watched from a distance as you dug around in the middle drawer. As soon as you found something I quickly went back to my seat as you excitedly offered me a packet of lemonade mix and turned around to do it all over again. 

In all, we ended up with the cat brush, two packets of soy sauce, lemonade mix and a Swiffer duster.

Not a bad haul.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Today Ava Cheered On The Teams

Mickey, Doc McStuffins, Octonauts ... we know them well and you watch them often. But that's about it, you'll watch them. You'll excitedly point out the characters during the intros, but if we're ever getting ready in the morning and it's eerily quiet in the living room we know what's going on. Your elbows are rested on the coffee table with your head tilted back watching the program. 

This afternoon we were watching a little football. The Broncos were taking on the New England Patriots in Denver for the AFC Championship. During the game you suddenly made a connection in your mind with what was happening on television.

A runner (I can't recall who) broke away for a decent gain when you suddenly yelled "Go!" 

Mom and I have said this a lot over the past 17+ months ... "Did that just happen?!" 

We're convinced it did. You were looking at the TV watching the action on the screen when you said it. 

"Ava likes sports!" I thought as I breathed a sigh of relief. 

Could it have been a coincidence? Maybe. But you did the same later in the evening during the NFC game that turned our hypothesis into theory.

Two separate instances must be deliberate, not coincidental, right?

I don't want to wish the days away, but I'm looking forward to quality family time over sports!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Today Ava Ran Across The Court

After a following you up the bleachers a few times this afternoon I was finally able to corral you in the front row.

You settled to watch the girls warm up and when you sensed that my guard was down, you tried to make a break for the court.

My biggest fear since taking you to games was that you would break free from my grasp and end up in the middle of the court during a game. So far, it hasn't happened but the fear is real.

I caught you a few steps in to your escape attempt and when we sat back down I looked up to see mom across the court encouraging you to come see her.

I let you go and your run just kills me. Gosh, I wish I could describe it properly. Those that have seen it, know what I'm talking about.

Your gate is between a hi-step and a run. You don't quite have the stride of track athlete yet and though you don't fall, your balance is a little subject. Your arms bounce up and down opposite of which leg is pushing off. It's getting better each day but is just so cute to watch.

Following a few high fives with the team you grabbed a ball and made your way back towards me.

You really enjoyed putting on a pre-game show for the fans of your passing abilities before we had to return the ball and watch the game. 

For the record, Strasburg topped East Canton today 47-11.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Today Ava Refused to Sit In Her Booster Seat

This isn't the first time this has occurred, but it felt like a good day to let you know about your ill-will towards high chairs and booster seats. 

Bed hog ^^^

Mom and I can't figure out why this began but about a week or so ago you stopped sitting in your seats. We ordered a booster seat for the dining roo mtable thinking that if you were at are level, sitting in the same chairs we were sitting in, that you'd feel like a big girl and enjoy it. 

We were sorely wrong. 

After a quick back and forth between mom and I  ... "What do you want for dinner tonight?" "Eh, I dunno, you?" And a raid of the pantry we all sat down to dine on an exquisite meal of Aldi brand sloppy joe's. Heck, we didn't even have buns in the pantry so it was a-la wheat bread. I know, healthy, right? 

Understanding your love for beef - aside from snacks, cow is about all you'll eat at this point in life - I saved some before adding the sloppy joe sauce to the browned meat. 

You were eating every last morsel, that is, until I urged mom to try and sit you in your booster seat. "Do you think we should? She's actually eating." asked mom. "I think so, she has to learn. We can't keep giving in." I said. 

Wrong answer ... let me put it in writing ... your mom was right.I repeat, you were right, dear. Whew, that was tough to admit, but there, I said it. 

You stiffened up like a board until mom caught you in a moment of weakness and was able to get you seated and buckled in. With that, the screaming and water works began. 

After a minute or two, we caved and got you out of your chair but by this time  al momentum with your eating was lost and you wanted down. 

I wish you could tell us why you won't sit in your chairs and why we have to hold you for each meal?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today Ava Worked On Her Colors and Letters

This journal began with a clap and the hope that you'll someday appreciate reading through the joy we've had as parents raising you.  We constantly hear "They grow up so fast" and I've even used that phrase myself, but today, not only did you look like a child - not the baby we like to think you are - you also blew us away with your latest feat.

You're becoming a bright young lady right in front of my eyes.
Mom, who was again working hard teaching you new things this morning, sent me the video below. The caption simply read OMG.

Without a doubt, OMG. I didn't expect that when I opened the video. You're growing up too fast.

You might be thinking "So what? Once is just a fluke." The video above is just one of many "A's" made this morning. 

As if this wasn't enough, mom also shared with me a video of you understanding your colors. 

Mind = blown. Since you're the oldest (and at the moment I'm typing this only) child, I have nothing to compare your achievements to. I like to think you're ahead of the curve.

Keep up the good work, we're proud of you!

Today Ava Was So Happy!

From the moment I picked you up from Marissa's to the moment you decided it was bedtime you were just pure joy.

I love seeing you this happy. It makes mom and I smile.

You let me put your coat on while you just sat there and chatted away. How smoothly the coat goes on is my litmus test for how the rest of the night will go. Not always accurate, but close most of the time. 

You're naturally a happy baby and we're thankful for that, but tonight was over the top. If I were to fast forward 15 years I'd of thought you were playing me to get some money or my okay to go on a date (don't ever expect the latter).

Being that it's too cold outside to go anywhere or do anything, we stayed in and did our normal routine of spending some time in the basement. Coloring books, your Minnie Quad, you name it and we played with it. A total ball of energy. 

You let us know when you were done by breaking for the steps and making your way back upstairs.

Mom and I hurriedly gathered our things and she watched you while I fed the fish for the night. 

I got to the steps in time to see you hesitate, turn around and say "Daddy?" 

Mom assured you I was coming. Satisfied, you continued your ascent.

After a bottle it was off to our room to lay down for the night.

Words are failing me right now to properly describe your mood, but I'll remember this night and your zest for years to come.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today Ava Kept Her Hat On

On our way to Marissa's I looked back to see what you were doing. You were quiet, strangely quiet. 

This is what I saw:

I couldn't help but think "Is this what I have to look forward to tonight?" Mom has an away game so it's Daddy/Daughter night at the Waechter household. 

Periodically the thought crept into my head at work "I wonder how's she's behaving?" It wasn't long and my shift was over and I was on my way to find out. 

Marissa said you were good, ate most of your meal (surprise!) and all of your snacks (no surprise there) and took about a 1 hour and 45 minute nap. I was relieved to get the good report. You said goodbye to Laney - still refuse to say "Liv," but at least you waved goodbye to her today. 

One thing Marissa told me was that for most of the afternoon you insisted on wearing your hat around the house. "Let me guess, backwards?" I asked. She laughed and said "Yep, backwards." Every time you put your own hat on, it's backwards. I'd blame it on Kris Kross but you have no idea who they are.

Anyway, we got home and you ran to the tub wanting in. It ended up being the shortest tubby time since you were an infant. No sooner did your toes touch the water did I start hearing "Out." 

Thinking you were just messing around with me again I dumped your toys in the bath after washing your hair and getting you cleaned up. "Out?" "Out?" "Out!"

You really wanted out. Okay. 

"Out" quickly became "Owl" once the PJs were on. You found your owl hat and on your noggin it went.

It's apparent you have my fashion sense. Nothing matches. 

In no time at all the basement was a mess as toys were pulled out, looked at, and discarded for something else. 

We went for piggy back rides too! As we were laying on the floor coloring you suddenly popped up and jumped on my back. I think it was a strategic ambush. Lure me to the floor with crayons and pounce when I'm not ready. We ran a few laps around the basement. "Mo!" never gets old. 

Then the Minnie quad caught your eye. You found it hilarious as you tried to run me over and I ducked and dodged out of your way. 

Not long after the attempted vehicular assault we made our way upstairs.

My phone buzzed to lt me know mom sent me a text. She asked if you were still awake. I sent her a pic of you sitting on the couch trying to get your iPad to work. Your efforts were in vain as the battery had died earlier in the evening.

Once you realized it was not gong to work, you slid off the couch and made your way down the hall. I  flipped the light on in time to see you take a left for our room. "Ava what are you doing?" was answered with a light "Daddy." 

I turned the bedroom light on to see this:

As a captain of the obvious, I'm going to say you're ready for bed. If only you'd run to YOUR bed when you're tired. 

Sleep tight, I'll see you when you wake up!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Today Ava Needed Supervised

Not that we would ever leave you unsupervised at this age, but it's to the point where we can't focus our attention on something else for even a second. Who knows where you'd be or trouble you'd be in or injury you'd have if we did.

I noticed this yesterday when you were going down the stairs. Up until now I've had no concerns with you sliding down the steps on your stomach. But yesterday you became distracted by Cookie going past you and you slipped. Had I not been in front of you you catch you it would have been head over heels to the bottom of the stairs.

Tonight, when you and mom came home from practice we were filling each other in about our days when she mentioned how she couldn't focus on practice because you needed constant attention. She showed me a few pic her phone and posted the following on her Instagram:

The caption reads "I turn my back for a second."

She's right. We can't. 

It's the phase we've reached in our life. Explore your surroundings, we encourage it. Just make sure we've got an eye on you!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Today Ava Had a thing For McGee

Poor kitty. He was your sole focus tonight. 

You were a fun little ball of energy when I picked you up at Marissa's today and it continued when we got home. 

Cookie and McGee greeted us at the steps and I'm pretty sure both, especially McGee, immediately regretted their decision.

As soon as he caught your eye all I heard was "Mi-Tee, Mi-Tee!, Mi-Teeeeee!!!"

You wanted out of my grasp so badly that it took everything I had to not drop you as we came up the stairs. When we got to the top I set you down and quite literally you hit the ground running. 

If I could speed up time and add wacky Benny Hill-type music it would have been a scene from a movie. Under the dining room table, through the living room and eventually into the office you followed him, grasping at air as you reached for his tail when you got close enough and he took off again. 

Eventually the big man was cornered in the office. He found what he thought was a safe spot behind the wooden biplane and wedged between the wall and rocker. That was only a minor setback for you. As I watched you surveyed the surroundings and within a minute were able to get to him. 

With all this energy needing a good release (and McGee needing a breather) I decided we could go to the mall so you could be free for a little bit. 

I needed to fire off a quick email before we left and that was just enough time for you to offer McGee his food dish. I heard something heavy hit the kitchen floor and in a moment of panic looked over to see you in front of McGee picking up his dish again and following him into the living room trying to offer him an empty plate. 

A few moments later we were off the the mall to blow off some steam. After a lap, a sandwich at Steak Escape, some time at the coin operated rides and a few trips up and down the Sears escalator wee made our way back home. It was like deja vu when we got home. We weren't even out of the truck yet when I heard "Mi-tee?" 

Poor fella. He might be as skinny as Cookie by the time you're done with him. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Today Ava Pigged Out

When you eat, it's noteworthy. 

We've struggled for a few weeks now to get you to eat regularly. You'll devour the salty stuff, veggie straws, pretzel sticks and cheese crackers, but a homemade meal ... not a chance. 

Uncle Kris tipped me off to an excellent rib roast recipe that we decided to try. Admittedly I overcooked it a bit, I know you're shocked. When you read this you'll know and appreciate my culinary skills. 

My transgression aside, we offered some of the roasted red skin potatoes. "No." 

Maybe a forkful of sweet corn? "No."

It turns out you have caviar taste on a SPAM budget. We were down to our ace in the hole, the prime rib. Mom sliced a few small bites and you devoured them. A couple more, sucked up like a vacuum cleaner. 

You ate, and ate and ate. 

You were eating it so quickly that mom didn't have a chance to eat her own meal. I finished my portion and took over for mom so she could eat. 

Your assault on the roast continued from my lap. I was beginning to worry we might run out of meat but your belly soon filled and you wanted down. 

For your efforts at the dinner table, mom took you on a victory lap:

If only we could get you to sit in your booster seat or high chair ...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Today Ava Drove Around The Basement

Note to self ... we have some work to do over the next 15 years before you hit the road.

You were excellent today, doing everything we asked of you - accompanying us to moms property showing and traveling to Malvern for her basketball game - that we thought it would be nice to let you do what you wanted to do this evening.

Mom and I were sitting in the living room watching you run in circles around the kitchen and dining room and back to the living room when I said to mom "I'm surprised she hasn't ask to go ..." and with my hand pointed to the basement so you wouldn't hear.

Our basement has become your personal play room. Toys, crayons, markers, books ... you name it and it's strewn about the space.

Mom replied "Yeah, but we should let her since she was so good today."

I agreed and simultaneously we asked you "Ava do you want to go downstairs?" Once you realized what we asked, you slammed on the brakes and made a bee-line for the basement.

We slowed you down long enough for mom to get in front of you as you slid feet first on your belly down the stairs.

You entertained yourself for a little while and then mom asked if you wanted to rive your Minnie Mouse quad.

You hopped on and pressed the button to make it go The look on your face ... priceless. A huge sense of accomplishment.

We have a few points to work on before you take to the road. Steering: You go where the wheels point. Into the couch, the TV stand, over other toys. Smoothness: As you can see from the video, constant applied pressure to the go button needs some work. Though we did get a laugh out from the jerkyness of you're driving. 

Mom can handle the homework, I'll take the driving lessons.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Today Ava Said No!

Well, it's here ... the day I've been dreading for 17 months and two days. 

You learned how to properly say "No!" 

I was doing my best to feed you. Yes, sometimes it can be a struggle. You seem to have entered a phase where nothing sounds appetizing. 

A few bites of mom's homemade play dough sure was tasty, though!
Holding you in one arm, I opened the applesauce pouch I was holding with my free hand and brought it to your mouth. 

You quickly said "No," pursed your lips and turned your head away. I do my best to be one step ahead of you, but I didn't see that one coming. 

Oh boy ... here we go. 

A few ore attempts at getting you to eat were all met with "No."

Safe to say, the word is part of your vocabulary now. 

Let's get to work on "Yes!" Shall we?