Saturday, March 1, 2014

Today Ava Had A Full Day

There's simply too many things from today to chose one moment to write about. So, I apologize in advance because this entry will be a scroll-fest. 

Our day together began at 5:46 a.m. when I shook the sleep from my eyes to the sound of "Daddy!" repeating both from your room and the baby monitor. It was an interesting echo to someone that wasn't quite awake yet. 

I clicked on the monitor to see you standing in your crib clutching your blanket. "Well, rise and shine, she's not going back to sleep" I thought. 

To the living room we went where you enjoyed a bottle of 2% and a few episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before we met Grandpa and Keith at B&K for breakfast.

Grandpa had a present for you that I thought for sure you'd enjoy, but you preferred playing with the jelly packets instead. 

He brought you a plush stuffed giraffe that is as big as you are. You just weren't into it at the moment though you carried it around the living room later and even fell asleep for your nap right beside it. 

You also played your little game at breakfast. You know, the one where you ignore people full knowing that they're watching you and when they leave or hang up the phone you are suddenly interested. Yeah, that one.

This morning you wouldn't let Grandpa hold you or play with you much but once we left the restaurant and he was walking down the street to his house all we heard was "Papa! Papa! Papa!" while you waved to him. 

It continued on the ride home, too. 

Once home we experienced a classic "Ava-Lanche" in the blink of an eye. 

I swear I just turned around for a second and turned back to this: 

It wasn't long and mom had to leave to show a home to a client. You quickly grew tired - not surprising given how early you woke up. I tried to put you down in our room and after a half dozen or so readings of "Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?" we finally gave up and it was back to the living room. 

I had a hypothesis that you might crash if left alone for a few minutes. I tested my theory by pulling out the Minnie couch and tucking you in with a blanket. I then went to the dining room so you'd have the entire living room to yourself. My hunch worked! It wasn't 10 minutes and you were out cold. 

I left you alone for a few more minutes before transferring you to your crib. 

Fast forward a few hours and it was time for a walk! Wait, what? 

You  read that right. With temps in the mid-40's and the sun shining I thought you might like some fresh air and a trip around the block. 

Once mom got home it was time to get out of the house again and head up to The Strip to window shop and simply stretch our legs. 

We try to be great parents, but sometimes it's easy (and fun) to get sidetracked. While on the way we taught you a not-so-pleasant phrase to use when you need your diaper changed. 


The day was capped with Keith coming over for dinner and hanging out. Whch, while he was here, we experienced another "first." 

I'm not good with putting your hair up ... I have two brothers and all three of us are bald so my experience here is little to none. with a heavy lean towards the none side.

So it's always a struggle for mom to keep your ever growing hair out of your face. She's been giving it the "whale spout" on top of your head but tonight tried a bona fide pony tail. 

 My goodness did it make you look so much older! 

What a tiring day this must have been for you. So much so that you fell asleep curled up with me in the recliner.

See what I mean? Sometimes you just leave me no choice other than to summarize your entire day.

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