Thursday, July 31, 2014

Today Ava Gave "Plumber's Crack" a New Meaning

Mom took you out for some ice cream after a trip to the Stark County Fairgrounds for the Ribs Burnoff. 

Cone and all
You guys were right around the corner from me but I couldn't come meet up. 

As mom put it "so close but so far away."

Luckily, I was getting close to the end of a 16-hour day and was soon home. Yesterday you were pretending to sleep on mom's chest, today you had a new trick up your sleeve. 

I walked in to an empty living room. All of the lights and the TV were still on so you weren't in our room laying down. Maybe mom had you on the big girl potty? 

Then I heard giggles. 

They were coming from behind the recliner. You and mom tried playing a trick on me by hiding again. 

It would have worked had it not been for the laughter. 

A quick hug and it was on to business. We're having a new dishwasher delivered tomorrow and need to disconnect the current one so they can haul it away. 

I gathered up all of my tools and got to work. 

Little did I realize I would have an apprentice. 

 Ah, plumber's crack. 

You were grabbing tools and trying to wrench whatever you could. I apologize because a few times I got a little short with you. Chalk it up to fatigue and just wanting to chill for the night. Nothing personal. Looking back, I'm smiling at your willingness to get your hands dirty and help out. 

Eventually, with your help, we got everything disconnected.

I'll always appreciate the help! Now let's get some sleep. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Today Ava Waited Up

I knew when I heard the fake snores coming from the living room that you were still awake. 

"I have two iPads."
Mom did her best to keep you awake when I told her I might be getting out of work "early" tonight. A few things popped up but I was out the door by 9:45 p.m. this evening. 

As I set my stuff down and walked in to the living room I saw you and mom laying on the couch, your head buried in her chest with your eyes squeezed shut withd a sly grin on your face. 

I sarcastically played into it. "Aw, I really thought I'd be home in time to see Ava awake tonight. I guess I'll just put her in her crib ..." 

The grin became a huge smile and you popped up so fast and jumped off of mom and the couch to give me a big hug. 

Moments like this make life. 

In conclusion "snake poop." <----- That'll jog the memories a few years down the line. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Today Ava Fell Asleep Waiting For Me

"You better hurry home" was the message accompanying the photo below.

It was getting late and I was into my 15th hour at work today. Out the door before you woke up and home after you fell asleep. 

My boss' prophecy is coming true ... day 1.

I know it's only a week, but geeze does it suck. 

It can't be easy to be a "single mom" this week and I wish I was there to help. And of course to see you two and play and parent. 

I'll assume those duties at 5:00 p.m. on Monday. 

A few minutes later I got this:

I missed our bonding time for the second day in a row and you're fading fast. 

Pretty soon it was ... 

... lights out. 

Rest assured that when I got home I scooped you up from mom and sat with you for a little while before heading to bed. 

Somehow, you knew I had you because as I put you in your crib you awoke for a moment and outstretched your arms and said "daddy."  

That made me feel good. 

So, I brought you to our room to lay down again until you were good and out. 

You were never fully awake, but I enjoyed the few minutes we had together tonight. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Today Ava Got a New Potty

Sometimes it's the simple things in life. Like a new potty. 

We've been borrowing one of Marissa's portable toilets for a while now and you have grown accustomed to it. Mom decided it was time to get your own and ordered one off of 

It arrived today and you were overjoyed. 

I couldn't help but smile when I saw the video above. 

I was out the door this morning long before you woke up and was home just in time to put you to bed. 

Mom had already given you your bottle of milk - which I'm a little sad that I missed. There's a lot of fist bumping to "girl power" now and usually "baby bottle" time is our time to sit in the "big chair" and relax before . 

 A few minutes after mom sent me this photo I was on my way home. 

Now, this potty that you were so in love with this afternoon, you wanted nothing to do with when I got home. 

Mom and I tried our darndest to get you to go before bed but you kept repeating "I no have to" and crying if we tried to sit you down. 

Mom has no trouble getting you to go throughout the day when I'm not around, but once I'm home, you refuse for some reason. 

After a lengthy battle, we put a diaper on and laid down for bed. Here's to hoping your sheets are dry in the morning.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Today Ava Tasted Competition For the First Time

And you wanted nothing to do with it.

Yesterday, I signed you up for the Kids Fun Run which is part of the Pro Football Hall of Fame's annual Enshrinement Festival.

It's an experience for kids 6 and under that are too young to participate in the 2- and 5-mile races that take place right after the Fun Run.

Mom and I both thought you'd enjoy getting out there and running with other toddlers your age.


Spot the grumpy kid in the photo above.

You hid behind your Spider Man glasses and wouldn't go near anyone.

I handed you off to mom so I could film the event for work and hopefully get footage of your excitement. 

Mom was trying to get my attention from the starting line and as clueless as I can be sometimes I thought she was waving and trying to get you to see me and wave as well. 

It wasn't until afterwards that she told me you kept calling for me and wanted me. 

My bad, mom. 

She told me that when she tried to set you down as the race started you st on your butt on the pavement, only to get up when you saw the other kids start to run. 

Even then mom had to practically drag you down the course. 

At the end of the race, all children received a little medal attached to a yellow ribbon. Again, you wanted no part of this. If we tried to hand it to you or put it around your neck, it was as if the world was ending. 

This was just your first taste of competition, I'm sure your attitude will change once sibling rivalry sets in or your a little bit older.

Hopefully in some small way you had fun today.

I was just happy that I got to spend a little time with you and mom this morning.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Today Ava's Tummy Hurt

This time of year I rely a lot on what mom tells me when I get home and we share the events of our day or photos and texts she sends me through the day. 

You've taken a step - maybe a leap - backwards in the potty training today.

I received the above picture followed by the convo you and mom had which led to this:

"Mommy, my tummy hurts really bad."

You probably have to poop" mom responded (and I'm sure she was 100% accurate).

No it just hurts."

"Need me to rub or kiss it?" 

No, need band-aid. Band-aid make it feel all better." 

Or the potty, but hey, whatever makes you feel better. 

To you, band-aids are the duct tape of the toddler world. They can fix anything. 

When I walked in the door tonight mom had one on her forehead as a fix to the headache she told you she had. 

We love that you'll do whatever you think it takes to help. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Today Ava Made Me Pretty

I've been saying it for years, I'm man pretty. But, you must have thought after 32 years I was looking a little worn and much like a car needs detailed every so often, I had a few nicks that needed buffed out. 

It started early in the morning with a little chapstick ... 

I didn't really have any important meetings at work today, but you wanted me looking good in case anything popped up. As Hall of Famer Willie Lanier once told a group of students "Dress your best every day. You never know who's looking." 

Another thing to remember is to always listen to your parents! Mom asked you to do something this morning and in dramatic fashion you climbed up onto the coffee table and pretended to sleep. 


Your poker face needs a little work. 

Following another 12-hour day it was back home for a touch up session, this time with mom's make up brush. You helped boost my self confidence by telling me "daddy look pretty." 

Thanks, kid!

Remember, always look your best. You never know who's watching.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Toay Ava Answered the Call of Dooty.

Okay, understand that I wasn't there to witness this and am relaying this story as told to me by mom. And as I recall it in my head to put onto "paper," I'm still laughing. 

I've been working nothing short of 12 hours for the past week and a half so at times like this I rely on your mom to feed me stories like this. 

She had an offer to write on a home for clients tonight so you accompanied her to the office for the paperwork. 

Suddenly, in the middle of it, you shouted out "Mom, I have to poop!" which, of course was met by some chuckles. I mean, come on, who wouldn't laugh at that? 

She excused you and herself by saying "Duty calls ..." and took you to the bathroom. 

Now, she didn't have your little potty from home so you needed to use the big girl toilet. Mom was understandably hesitant after yesterday because you refused to use the big girl potty after visiting with me at work. 

A slight fuss but you saw the bigger picture and used the potty. 

Now, understand that the bathroom at the office is very near where the offer was being written. Once you were done and mom flushed you very audibly stated "Poop all gone!!!" 

When you successfully emerged from the bathroom you were greeted by mom's client happily exclaiming "Poop all gone!" 

Everyone heard you. 

Don't worry, though, I used to work with mom's client and he's a good person. It's one of those moments that you're probably going to be embarrassed about the first time you read this but need to understand that children your age have no filter or understand how loud they are talking. 

No one laughed at you, they all got a kick out of the situation.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Today Ava Rode the Big Bus

I came down the steps at work and stopped on the landing to get your attention. You and mom were waiting for me in the lobby so we could grab some lunch. 

You had no idea where my voice was coming from and looked every which way but up. 

I came down and around the corner to a big hug! 

We ordered our food at the cafe then went upstairs to a conference room to eat. 

You were excited to tell me that "I rode big bus." 

Parking is at a premium around the HOF campus this time a year due to all of the tents going up and work being done to welcome the Class of 2014 to campus. 

You and mom were forced to park at the high school and ride the shuttle service down to the Hall of Fame. 

We stopped down at Jenna and Kay's office for a minute after eating and from there you can see the busses pull up. 

Each time you saw one you were sure to point it out. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Today Ava Thought the Ice Cream Was Yummy Tummy

I think you've forgiven me for yesterday.

I met you and mom at Kustard Korner on my way home from work. Why?

Because as mom texted me you told her "Mommy my tummy hurts. I get ice cream now!!!"

You and mom beat e there and when I got out of the car you ran over to me and gave me a huge hug.

Just what the doctor ordered after yet another 12-hour day. Mom said that on the car ride over you you kept asking for pink ice cream. You even told me that while we stood in line. But, as we waited you changed your mind to blue ice cream.

You did relatively well eating it, only a few drops got on your dress. 

The funny part was though, that while we waited in line you rubbed your belly and told me that the ice cream s going to be "yummy tummy." 

You must have recalled all the times we tried to coax you into eating something by telling you that "it's going to be yummy in your tummy." 

You never knowing what's going to come out of your mouth next. I love the randomness.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Today Ava was Not Happy With Me

Again, I was out the door this morning before you woke up. It honestly was by design. I want to see you as much as possible these next few weeks but I also don't want to leave mom with a screaming toddler if I walk out the door five minutes after you wake up. I was out the door by 7:40 this morning. 

Impromptu dinner with mom at Bob Evans.

After a 12.5 hour day I walked in the door and set my things down to come say hi to you and mom only to get the cold shoulder from you. 

Is it because I've been absent for the last week and will be for the next two? Sitting on the couch with your face buried in the iPad you whined when I picked you up to get a hug.

"Down" you begged as you crane necked to find the device. 

"Give me a big two-hand" I replied. 

You obliged but there was no meaning behind it. How do I know? You threw your arms around my neck and simultaneously tried to wiggle your way out of my grasp.

I let you back down to lose yourself in your tablet. 

I sat down to talk with mom about her day and well into our conversation she mentioned that you needed a bath but she as feeling tired.

I told her I'd take care of it and sit with you while you splashed around in the tub. I thought maybe we could reclaim some of that bond we've lost lately. 

I picked you up from the couch and as soon as your butt was off the cushion tears began to flow and screams of "I need iPad" coursed down the hall as we walked. 

You don't "need" the iPad. It's a privilege. Mom and I can take it away at any moment for any reason. Consider it executive power. We have a lot of that. 

The screams continued as I drew your bath and got you ready. 

When it was time to lift you in you switched to full survival mode as if the water were lava. 

We play a game when we're walking through the store that you'll grip my neck and I'll let go and say "oh no, you're falling!" and let you slide down a little bit before catching you again. 

Well, it was something similar trying to get you into the bath this evening, but it wasn't a game.

You gripped my neck like never before and tried your darndest to scale me and get out of the tub. 

It was quite the scene and the screams were real. Mom eventually came in and remedied the situation like only a mom can. 

She started filling the tub with bubbles. 

It was as if all was forgotten. That is, until it was time to get out. 

The clock was already falling into the 9 'O clock hour so it was time to get dried off and ready for bed. 

As always, you disagreed. 

Another fit ensued as I lifted you out and dried you off. 

"I need more bubbles!" you cried as we walked back into your room.

It continued even as we walked back down the hall and returned to the living room. 

The screams weren't squelched until we sat down for a bottle of milk. 

Mom said you were an angel all day. Not sure why you were reluctant to let me do anything. 

Not to worry, after Hall of Fame week, I'll reclaim my title. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Today Ava Looked For "White Ducks"

Grandma Fenner was kind enough to come in to today to watch you for a while since I had to work and mom and a few showings. 

After I got home we decided on grabbing a bite to eat and your grandma suggested Gervasi Vineyard. Who are we to say no to that? It's one of our favorite places. 

It was busy this evening and we were eight deep on the list for a table. 

Thinking it might go quickly we put our name in and began to walk the grounds. 

Walking around the lake looking for fish we eventually spotted the Swan's on the property. The vineyard now boasts five after an apparently successful mating season. 

It took a second for your eye to catch them, but once you did, it was all about the "White ducks." 

Those are swans, honey.

"No, white ducks." 

Swans ...

"Like white ducks." 

I'm arguing with a two-year-old. I'll let you have this one.

After watching the "white ducks" for a few minutes we made our way back to the hostess table at the patio to see where we stood. 


The live music people kept people at their tables longer than normal so we removed our name from the list and moved on. 

It's alright though, it was a muggy evening so somewhere with air conditioning was fine with me.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Today Ava Made Silly Faces

I woke you up from a sound sleep to go to breakfast. I hope you don't mind. My logic is this: you will take a nap during the day and if I don't bring you there's a chance you'll wake up before I get home so if I do bring you with me, it gives mom a chance to sleep in. 

Make sense?

You know you're a part of the regular crowd when the servers bring you a cup of apple juice with our coffees as soon as we are seated. 

You insisted on drinking your juice like dad and Uncle Dees were drinking their coffee. A legit member of the breakfast club. 

After breakfast it was off to work for me yet again. At least we were able to hang out for a little bit this morning. 

I wasn't at work for very long when i got a series of photos from mom via a text message that had me literally laughing in my cube. And with as many hours as I've been at work this week, i needed a good laugh. Thank you. 

So without further adieu, I'll wrap up this quick post with the images mom sent me. 

It's safe to say you get the silly faces from the Fenner side. :)

That's your mom when she was your age - 23 months - and your Aunt Holly. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Today Ava Saw Balloons

Like I eluded to yesterday, I was out the door before the sun came up.

I actually caught the sun coming up from the roof of the Hall of Fame. 

But, it was when the sun went down that we were able to see some of your favorite things ... balloons! 

Hot air balloons to be exact. 

Tonight was the launch of the Jackson/Belden Food Fest and Balloon Classic. Each year numerous hot air balloons fill the skies of Canton to "kick off" the Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival. On the first evening they partake in what is known as the "night glow" where the balloons are inflated and when it's dark the pilots light them up with their burners. 

We went last year and you had fun, but were a little too young to understand. Being a little older this year we thought you'd really enjoy it. 

We must have timed it right as it's always crowded but this year we found a close parking spot thanks to people leaving early. 

Dozens of food vendors line the campus of Kent Stark and first things first, we grabbed some grub. I was surprised when you willingly ate the meat from my philly sandwich and asked for more. If you're willing to eat, I'll gladly let you have as much as you want. 

We met up with Roy and your friend Keelie whim you ran in circles with while the adults chatted. Soon we were making our way through the masses to find a spot to watch the glow. 

You loved seeing "Annie's balloons" - likening all of the hot air balloons to an episode of Little Einsteins in which Annie sings "I love balloons, I love I love, balloons." 

You also took a liking to the "Skully" balloon - a giant peg-legged parrot dressed as a pirate. Skully is the parrot on the cartoon Jake and The Neverland Pirates. 

It was a fun evening and I'm glad we were able to do something as a family tonight. The next couple of weeks are going to be long. Be easy on your mom for me!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Today Ava Didn't See Me

Today was day 1 of not seeing you awake. 

Things seem to have picked up a week earlier than normal. I mean, we're busy normally, but not this busy. Nothing short of an 11.5 hour day so far and the rest of the week isn't looking any more promising. 

The next two weeks are going to be just as long if not longer.

I had to be in early again today and quietly crept out the door so you and mom could sleep as long as possible.

I also had the late softball games tonight which meant that'd you be fast asleep before I got home. Thankfully mom periodically sends me texts and photos so I'm not totally in the dark about the day. 

I thought I would have some time - albeit a few minutes to give you a big squeeze before heading to the ball field but as it turned out mom needed to go to a client's house for paperwork at 7:30 which is when I was finally released at work. So, I missed you guys. 

When I got home from my games you were fast asleep in our bed. I didn't have the heart to put you in your crib so you crashed with us for the night. 

I have to be in at work around 6:00 a.m. tomorrow to film a time lapse of our retail tent installation and I know you won't be up by then so hopefully you'll still be up when I get home!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Today Ava Made Me Laugh

The morning was moving along quickly while you slept. As the clock ticked closer and closer to 7:30 I decided it was best if I ducked out for work now rather than you wake up and I leave five minutes later. I feared a lengthy early morning fit and I didn't want to leave mom to deal with that so early. 

Before heading over to my workstation I touched base with my boss and in conversation told him about this morning. He in turn shared a story about one Hall of Fame time when his kids were younger that he didn't see them for 11 days. He was out the door before they woke up and back home after they were in bed. Luckily you're a night owl.

We laughed it off, but on the inside I told myself "I don't want that." 

I made my way over to my office to face the day, hoping that it would be shorter than yesterday. 

My hopes were dashed as the clock yet again fell over into my twelfth hour. 

Even though I left the house before you were up and back home in time to put you to bed you did provide me with two good laughs today. 

Potty training is progressing and to the victor goes the spoils. We've showered you with praise, star stickers on your potty chart and even chocolate. All of which you couldn't care less about but still continue to go (at times even without pressure from us). 

This morning you - the victor - brought mom your spoils - a full potty.

 "Mommy, look at pee!" 

I'm sure that's exactly what she wanted to do, but I got a legit laugh out of it when I saw the text message come through. 

A little while later another message came through and it was even better than the first. 

There's really no description needed. 

This picture is worth way more than a thousand words! I mean who doesn't watch their cartoons topless, in a winter hat while wearing gardening gloves ... in July????

There's never a dull moment with your free spirit. 

Poor mom had to deal with the craziness all by herself today but I was able to break out of the office and spend some time with you two at mom's checkup. 

For the first time you were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. 

When asked today if you were having a baby brother or baby sister you responded "baby brudder." 

We'll know in a few weeks if you're correct.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today Ava Popped Bubbles

Pulling in the driveway after an 11.5 hour day at work I was happy to see you and mom at the top playing with bubbles. 

I wasn't the only one excited. When you saw the car pulling up I smiled and waved as you hopped around with excitement. 

Mommy's dinner date at CiCi's!
I set my stuff down after getting out of the car and made my way to where you and mom were playing. She was blowing bubbles from a large wand and you were giddy as you popped them, saying "I got it!" over and over as you ran to each bubble.

Mom told you to give me a quick hug and you listened, a little too well. I scooped you up just long enough for you to throw your arms around my neck before wiggling your way down. 

It was a quick hug. Back to bubbles. 

I took over for mom who said you had been outside playing with the bubbles for the better part of a half an hour. It was already nearing 8 when I pulled in. 

We played outside for another ten minutes or so before heading in so I could find something to eat and mom can relax. 

Mom and I chatted about our text conversation morning. You see, she was feeding me messages about your potty progress after I left for work. Apparently I missed some pretty entertaining stuff. 

Potty progress and entertaining? I know, I questioned myself too as I typed those words in the sequential sentences. 

It began innocent enough, with mom relaying to me that you were using the potty. Which I'm proud of you for! Bit, it got better from there. 

She continued to tell me that as she got ready for work this morning you walked over to her and said "Mommy I got potty" then sat down and went. All on your own. 

Mom leaned down, got nose-to-nose with you to praise you and you grabbed both of her cheeks, squeezed, and told her "no." 

A few minutes later and I get another message. This time it read: "And it continues ... I've been in the bathroom for 5-10 min and before I came in I moved her potty over by the door against the wall. Before I came in here, I just went over to her and told her where I put it if she needs to go so she could find it. Came back into the bathroom and she runs down the hall just saying "see!" So I went to see what she was talking about and she walked me over to the potty and pointed to her ee and said "see" with a huge grin on her face." 

But wait, there's more! 

Shortly after that ... "Omg now I'm back in my room and I hear "mommy look." I walk down the hall to see her carrying the potty with pee in it to show me." 

You simply can't make this stuff up. 

It was time for a celebratory dance:

That's a lot better than "Jump, jump, shake your booty." 

You're growing up so quickly. Keep up the good work!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Today Ava Made Me "Walk Pillows"

I'll be honest, I was a bit on the tired side when I finally got home tonight. It's getting to be the time of year where you'll gradually see me less and less until August. 4. 

5 O'clock means nothing this time of year so I knew I'd be working over, but thought I'd be out the door before 7:30 tonight. 

Needless to say, by the time I got home, it was a quick dinner and time to relax. 

While we were preparing dinner mom said to me that she could easily lay down and fall asleep right now. I can't speak for her, but it seems that this pregnancy has really been taking a toll on her. From being sick to being exhausted, it hasn't be an easy go for her. She continued by telling me that she thought she was getting in the clear because she just had a week or so of good days. 

Today though, she was exhausted as well. 

After mom and I ate (and you dipped your hands in ranch dressing), we all gravitated towards the living room to take it easy. 

We were watching the Cavs summer league game when you walked over to the recliner where I was sitting and said "Daddy, walk piddows" and pointed to a line of pillows on laid out on the floor. 

We've done this before and I knew exactly what you wanted. 

So I got up and theatrically walked across the pillows as if they were a rickety old wooden bridge - you know, something like you'd see deep in the jungle on a movie - and pretended that I was going to fall off with each step. 

You loved it and even told me where on the loveseat to eventually fall. 

 After I fell I told you it was your turn and you mimicked my theatrics. 

Once thing that I have failed to mention was that as you can see from the video above, you were wearing mom's shirt. I brought up a load of laundry to fold before we started playing and you wouldn't do anything until you had mom's shirt on. 

Then, we started to walk together. I grabbed your hands and would walk you while swaying side to side and front and back helping you to "keep your balance" even though it was me that was pulling you in all directions. 

When we'd get to the end of the line I picked you up and tossed you gently onto the loveseat. 

I love the laughter and the giggles. 

You may not meet me at the top of the steps anymore when I get home from work but my new motivation to come home are the giant "two hands" as we call them (big hugs) I get when I come upstairs after a long day.