Again, I was out the door this morning before you woke up. It honestly was by design. I want to see you as much as possible these next few weeks but I also don't want to leave mom with a screaming toddler if I walk out the door five minutes after you wake up. I was out the door by 7:40 this morning.
Impromptu dinner with mom at Bob Evans. |
After a 12.5 hour day I walked in the door and set my things down to come say hi to you and mom only to get the cold shoulder from you.
Is it because I've been absent for the last week and will be for the next two? Sitting on the couch with your face buried in the iPad you whined when I picked you up to get a hug.
"Down" you begged as you crane necked to find the device.
"Give me a big two-hand" I replied.
You obliged but there was no meaning behind it. How do I know? You threw your arms around my neck and simultaneously tried to wiggle your way out of my grasp.
I let you back down to lose yourself in your tablet.
I sat down to talk with mom about her day and well into our conversation she mentioned that you needed a bath but she as feeling tired.
I told her I'd take care of it and sit with you while you splashed around in the tub. I thought maybe we could reclaim some of that bond we've lost lately.
I picked you up from the couch and as soon as your butt was off the cushion tears began to flow and screams of "I need iPad" coursed down the hall as we walked.
You don't "need" the iPad. It's a privilege. Mom and I can take it away at any moment for any reason. Consider it executive power. We have a lot of that.
The screams continued as I drew your bath and got you ready.
When it was time to lift you in you switched to full survival mode as if the water were lava.
We play a game when we're walking through the store that you'll grip my neck and I'll let go and say "oh no, you're falling!" and let you slide down a little bit before catching you again.
Well, it was something similar trying to get you into the bath this evening, but it wasn't a game.
You gripped my neck like never before and tried your darndest to scale me and get out of the tub.
It was quite the scene and the screams were real. Mom eventually came in and remedied the situation like only a mom can.
She started filling the tub with bubbles.
It was as if all was forgotten. That is, until it was time to get out.
The clock was already falling into the 9 'O clock hour so it was time to get dried off and ready for bed.
As always, you disagreed.
Another fit ensued as I lifted you out and dried you off.
"I need more bubbles!" you cried as we walked back into your room.
It continued even as we walked back down the hall and returned to the living room.
The screams weren't squelched until we sat down for a bottle of milk.
Mom said you were an angel all day. Not sure why you were reluctant to let me do anything.
Not to worry, after Hall of Fame week, I'll reclaim my title.