Friday, July 19, 2013

Toay Ava Was "My Sharona"

If someone ever tells you they hate 80s music, they're lying through their teeth.
Tonight you saw the premier 80s tribute band, New Wave Nation, at the Balloon Classic/Jackson-Belden Food Fest.

We took you 1. to get you and mom out of the house and 2. for new sights, new sounds and a new experience. It could be argued that you were here last year as well being that mom was nine months pregnant so some of the sounds may have seemed familiar to you.

It's a popular local event that "kicks off" the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Fesitval. 

We parked and made the long trek to the entrance and weaved our way around the food vendors. The music was playing as we found a lemonade stand near the concert stage but it was background noise as we figured out where to stop for a drink. I waited in line while you and mom got a closer look. 

A minute later I hear "New Wave Nation!" off to my left and turn that way. Mom was telling me who was playing. 

That change the course of the evening for the better. We've heard them play a few times during our courtship and marriage and enjoy each show. We found a spot in the grass and let you out of the stroller to dance. 

You enjoyed the music, but let us know that we were too close by covering your little ears with your hands. We moved back and eventually down to where the balloons were going to have their "Night Glow." Each year when the sun goes down the balloonists inflate their craft and use the burners to make them glow. Thousands of local supporters attend the event and when the weather cooperates it's quite a site.

We went back up, listened to some more music and eventually at dark made our way down to the balloons. We got caught up in the music so we didn't see much of the glow, coming to find out that the wind kept the pilots from lighting up their balloons for as long as they had hoped. 

In all, mom and I agreed that you enjoyed the evening. Seeing all of the news sights and sounds. Who knows, maybe when you're old enough we'll go see NWN at a show.

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