Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Today Ava And Dad Had Quality Time

It won't be long and I'll be handing over the reigns of this journal to mom. I know she'll do a great job! 

You'll be seeing less and less of me over the next few weeks as work begins to pick up. Such is life at the HOF, mid-July through early August you belong to work as the small staff prepares for the annual Enshrinement Festival. 

Chill out, dad. Relax a little with me.
When I was young and single with nothing to worry about, HOF time was an exciting adventure, then mom and I got married and it became harder to be gone all day.

That was especially true last year as you were due to arrive two days after the festivities. There was a backup plan that went into effect should I have to eject at a moments notice. We reassured everyone that you would wait to arrive until after the festivities. My boss even joked with mom that he was going to have a birthing room built onto the stage to make sure I was at the event. Mom was quick to tell him she was fine with it if he could secure a sponsorship with Pampers. We would even

True to our word, you waited. Now that you are here, it is increasingly more difficult to stay at work all day - and I've only been staying late for two days. It's going to be a long next three weeks as the hours at work take away from my hours at home.

Unless you get up early, I don't expect to see you at all for the week of the Enshrinement and Game, so do me a favor and be good to your mom. 

So, back to our quality time. I doubt you recognized it's significance, but it wasn't lost on me.

You're slow to wake in the morning. There are many similarities between you and mom and the wake up process is one of them. I don't say that as a bad thing. I pop out of bed the moment my alarm goes off or as soon as I wake up. I always have.

You and your mom wisely use the time to relax, adjust to your surroundings and get going when you're ready.

That being stated, it's a rarity for you to simply sit with us, you're constantly on the go. Typically it only happens when you're tired and ready for a nap or bed, or like today, just after I pluck you from your crib. 

I checked the monitor and you were stirring so I went back and brought you to the living room. We sat on the couch and turned on your cartoons. I expected you to come alive as Mickey's voice filled your ears. Nope. 

You just at there. Hey - I'll take it. Like I said, it doesn't happen often. We just sat together watching the cartoon and you slowly woke up and became the busy-body we've come to know and love. 

Soon, it was time for the "Hot Dog Dance" and I caught some of it on video:


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