Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today Ava Was In My Dreams

Your red catching gear on you walked towards home plate with that  signature gate in your step every catcher has as they carry all that extra protection to the plate. I nervously inched closer and closer to the chalk of the first base line so I could see through the crowd of people and watch your debut without obstruction.

You crouched behind the plate and in came the overhead pitch. My heart racing as I anxiously awaited the smack of the ball into the mit, you caught it and I breathed a sigh of relief. I could feel a proud smile extend across my face.That's my girl!

All seemed normal - a 90 mph overhead pitch in a little league girl's softball game - until the all too familiar blare of my alarm yanked me from your World Series run. Once I came to, I realized how outlandish that scenario is.

It was just a dream, but could it be an omen of the future? Only time will tell. 

Some of your favorite toys are in our basement, a container of baseballs, softballs and a tiny wooden bat that we use as decor. I can only speak for myself, but your mom and I are former athletes and this makes me prideful to see. 

I could be biased, but I think you're hand-eye coordination is exceptional at your young age. We sit you down and roll a ball to, your eyes find the ball and watch it the whole way in then grab it once it's in reach. It's rare for one to get by you. Hence a new nickname - shortstop. 

So, why you were a catcher in my dream last night, I have yet to figure out the meaning behind it. Maybe as a catcher you have to watch the ball in the whole way? That's my only guess. 

I woke up excited, maybe a look into the future? Though, I hope to be coaching rather than sitting on the sideline.

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