Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Today Ava Took Me Back

I didn't see you much at all today so I'm using this post to reminisce a little. 

I work closely with the NFL Network throughout HOF Weekend, and as their crew began to arrive today I couldn't help but go back a year in my thoughts. 

As we exchange greetings this year a few surprisingly recalled last year and asked how the baby was doing.

You see, last year at this time as I greeted my contacts and welcomed them back I also told them of my scenario and that I may have to leave. What I'm about to say - and I can see mom rolling her eyes as she reads this - is probably going to come out the wrong way, but as you grow to know me, you'll understand. I don't like certain types of attention on myself, so I was not wanting to say exactly why I may have to leave, but there really wasn't a way around it. 

I know this sounds arrogant of me, but trust me, it isn't. Two of the female contacts that I have been working with for a number of years had just the reaction I wasn't looking for. They were wanting photos as soon as you were born. They insisted on friending me on Facebook so they could see pictures. 

After HOF weekend I found out that one of them was pregnant herself, not far along - 15 weeks - so at the time she wasn't telling anyone. She's the one who sent you the NFL baby items. 

A year later, we're FaceTiming!
Going back a little further, I'll never forget the day I told my boss that mom was pregnant. He's a strong family man so he was excited for us but then the moment came that I had to tell him you would make your entrance right around HOF Weekend. 

His joy turned into a little visible dread. As if there wasn't enough stress on the weekend. Backup plans would need to be made should I have to eject. Throughout the 40 weeks she was regnant, mom kept saying "Don't worry, she won't be early."

As we drew closer to early August contingency plans were made and every scenario was thought out as to who would pick up my slack should I have to go.

I'm on stage for the Enshrinement to help get the HOFers lined up for the announcement, coordinate interviews, handle social media and photograph what I have time for. 

It was suggested - jokingly - that we add a birthing room to the stage. That way we cover two birds with one stone. I wouldn't have to leave should you be born. 

I kept my phone close as work picked up and even closer as the days ticked away into HOF Week. I felt terrible being away from mom as much as I was knowing how she was feeling. Grandma came to town to stay with mom for the weekend of the Enshrinement and Game. 

I made it through the Enshrinement without a phone call. But we still had the game to go. 

We got through the game on Sunday and the Monday after. 

Mom was right, you help off for us! Hopefully you listen that well as a toddler and teenager!

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