Sunday, July 7, 2013

Today Ava Had a Shiner

Well, my fear came true ... 

This is my "show me sympathy" face.
When you woke up I went in to get you and the first thing I looked at was your left eye. Son of a gun, black. 

Your first shiner. 

Your going to take bumps and bruises and Heaven forbid maybe even a broken bone or two while you're growing up. I can tell myself that until I'm blue in the face but it doesn't make me feel too much better since I caused your black eye.

I had kept my finger crossed that it would remain red and puffy through the night and not progress. After all, we had Church to go to this morning (which you weren't on your best behavior) and you're 11-month photos to take tomorrow. 

How awesome will those images be years down then line and I have to explain the darkness under your eye? This one might follow me for a while ... 

Other than the visible, there didn't seem to be any other effects of the pup hitting you or your head hitting the ground. You continued the day as your normal self, wearing your shiner as a badge of honor. Daring people to ask so you can show them how tough you are!

We played outside while the pork chops grilled and after dinner took you to the park. Just another day (thankfully).

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