Monday, June 30, 2014

Today Ava Played Hide And Seek With Me

The day began exactly how last night ended, with you standing in front of the TV watching Mickey with mom's tank top on. 

Don't get any ideas for the future, as long as I'm vertical you won't be going out in public like this!

You and mom met me at the Hall of Fame after work to enjoy a concert courtesy of the United States Army Field Band - Concert Band & Soldiers' Chorus. 

The music was great, but it was a hot one and you really wanted nothing to do with it, burying your head in my shoulder trying to get out of the sun. 

Afterwards we stopped at the Kustard Korner for a cone and once you were cooled off you were back to your normal self, making friends with everyone you saw. 

A chocolate cone at 8:30 p.m. may not have been our wisest choice because at 9:15 or so we began playing a game of chase and hide and go seek. 

"Daddy run floor" you said with those puppy dog eyes. "Ready, set, go!" quickly followed. 

When I didn't get up fast enough and run the puppy dog eyes turned into a stern growl with arms being thrust to your sides. 

"Ready, set, go!" you repeated. 

I knew you meant business so I ran around the rooms with you in tow. 

After a few laps I stopped to catch my breath but you didn't think I deserved it. 

"Daddy run floor" you said while pointing in the direction you wanted me to go. 

Again it was followed by "ready, set,go!" 

I took off but this time picked up my speed and ran down the dark hallway to turn this into a game of hide and seek. 

From my vantage point behind out bedroom door I could see you coming down the hallway giggling. 

You peered into our room and looked into the darkness, satisfied that I wasn't there you went to your room to look. 

I called for you when you walked away trying to coax you back into the room. Soon you grew impatient and went back to mom in the living room asking "where daddy go?" 

I snuck back to the living room and surprised you. Following a shriek you asked me to run again. 

We played a few more rounds - I even let you find me a few times - before deciding that it was getting late and you needed to settle down for bed. 

Surprisingly I was able to get PJs on you - not mom's tank - with little fuss. 

Here's to hoping our little games wore you out enough for a good night's sleep!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Today Ava Wore Mommy's Shirt

Always one to help out, you left the cool refreshing waters of your kiddie pool to help me finish a project on my honey-do list this afternoon.

We had decided to paint the shutters, and when time permits, the exterior doors due to fading and chipping from years of harsh sun.

Once you and I had all four shutters covered with a new coat of blue we let them dry and I checked on the garden.

This is when mom hatched a dubious plan to teach you more "Girl Power."


But, it was refreshing in the mid-day heat. 

After we all settled don for the evening I brought u a load of laundry to fold. You found one of mom's tank tops and thought it might be a perfect fit. 

It's a little big, but you didn't seem to mind. 

Since it can be a struggle to get PJs on you at night we thought this would be a suitable "nightgown" and let you go to bed just like this. 

You didn't mind at all. 


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Today Ava Channeled Her Inner Devo

I had to work for a few hours this morning as the rookies from the AFC were scheduled to tour the Hall of Fame. So, before I headed out, we took a selfie or two. 

You weren't really digging it today. I can only assume for one of two reasons ... 1.) You literally just woke up mere minutes before this photo and we all know you wake up about as quickly as molasses flows in January. 2.) My phone was blocking your view of "Mickey on TV."

Both if I had to guess. 

Tonight, a college friend on mine, Barmi, and two of his buddies are riding into town this evening so we hustled to clean the house. They are cycling from Lake Erie to New York City and we offered them a place to crash on their way. 

We hustled to clean the house and before they arrive we headed over to a reception for Karen and her new husband, Jim. 

You were cutely dressed in the dress we bought the other day at Sears. As we were getting ready to leave you began to press your face against a wrought iron handrail and peer through. I quickly grabbed the camera and snapped a few pics. 

We left shortly after and got home in time to greet everyone as they arrived. We fired up the grill and after everyone ate you began to get comfortable and settle into a silly mood. 

I turned around just in time to see you open the cabinet door and pull out your favorite mixing bowl. I knew what was coming and if mom saw it she would have as well. 

Straight onto your head it went. It's your favorite helmet. 

You turned and proudly walked into the living room to show off. Everyone got a laugh and i got another dish to wash. 

After your rounds you asked to sit in your high chair. I gladly lifted you up and strapped you in and you began to munch on some chips. 

Each time you do this - and no, this isn't the first time - it reminds me of the '80s band Devo who were known for their silly hats and stage antics. 

 Regardless, each time I tried to take the "hat" off your head you threw a mini fit. 

The first time you tried on the bowls for size you pulled all of them out of the cabinet and took them to the living room. One-by-one you tried them on until you came to the yellow one and said "that's better" and from that point forward it's been your go-to.

So, we kept it on until you decided it was time to call it a night.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Today Ava Wanted "Miley's"

And I'm not talking about the crazy pop star. 

You kept looking at mom and saying "Miley?"

I gave mom a look of total confusion as you repeated yourself. Honestly, I had no idea what you were asking for. 

She told me to listen closely but all I heard was "miley?" 

A second later you grabbed your coloring book and a crayon and flipped to a blank page. 

Handing the crayon to mom you said it once more "Miley?" 

Mom accepted the crayon and began to draw a large circle then eyes and finished with a smile for the mouth.

A smiley face! That's what you kept asking for.  

Makes total sense to me now. I should have picked up on it because when we make smoothies in the morning you ask for a "moothie." 

Mom mentioned that she showed you how to draw a smiley face a day or so ago and it became your obsession for a little while. Reminded me a little like tossing a pebble into the water. 

With a huge "mile" on your face and laughter flowing, we finished the night with a few laps around the house. 


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Today Ava Gave Me Usolicited Kisses

We love on you a lot, asking for kisses when you get up, when we leave for work, and when you go to bed. Periodically through the day too. 

You don't get away with less than two at a time from me. 

When the softball games were over and you were done showing Grandpa Bernie "mommy's car" and "mommy's car" - we drove separate - I loaded you into the Carolla and we headed home. 

We pulled into the driveway and saw Karen's car at the house. I don't know if you were feeling silly, shy, or what but you clung to me with your arms tightly gripped around my neck. 

We met Karen's husband Jim as mom and Karen loaded KW signs into her trunk. 

Suddenly, as we all were standing there chatting you planted a wet one on my cheek. 

That was nice of you! 

Seconds later another one, followed by a kiss on my nose. 

Even if it was just out of silliness - I'll never turn down an unsolicited kiss from my little girl! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Today Ava Expressed Girl Power

The tide is shifting ... 

"Who's my girl?" I periodically ask and the response is always "Ava." 

When I follow it with "Who's Ava?" you always say "Me." 

Well, I'm beginning to wonder if I have an ally anymore? 

Tonight as I pulled you up to the recliner to sit with me for your bottle of milk like we do every night you said "No, sit mommy!" 

Hold up ... what? 

I glanced over and mom's beaming. 

"You want to sit with mom?" I asked. 

"Yeah" you replied as you slid down the foot of the recliner, bottle in mouth, and ran over to her. 

 What happened to my girl? 

As you sat there with mom she jokingly said "Girls rule!" To which you repeated the same while looking in my direction.

"Boys drool" mom continued. 

"Yeah, boys drool." you repeated while still looking my way. 

"Girl power, Ava!" mom prompted you as she held two fingers up. 

"Girl power." you said as mom worked with you to get two fingers in the air. 

I'll remember this when you ask me for my wallet the first time. 

I do want to share one other video. I've mentioned it before, but you are fearless. Prior to your feminist lesson tonight you were taking huge leaps - or as you said "I do big jump" - from the couch. 

Over and over and over. 

The ER might know us by name soon ...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Today Ava Said "Thank You" and "You're Welcome"

Your sibling isn't being very nice to your mother in the early stage of the pregnancy. She's not feeling well, has trouble keeping dinner down, and is generally tired. 

When I walked in from work this afternoon she was barely able to keep her eyes open on the couch while you watched "Little Einsteins" on the iPad.

She had you all day today and even took you to the office for the team meeting. It's my turn to parent now so she can relax. I knew we needed a few things from Target so after we ate dinner we put your sandals on and headed out. 

Cute hat, but at $12.99 we're just window shopping.
 It gave mom some much needed alone time. 

When we got back to the house we got into our jammies and just began playing with the toy upstairs, kicking your Minnie Mouse ball and the big blue ball around. 

Mom taught you a - I guess you'd call it a game - where if you hit her with the ball she'd say "Ouch! My head!" or arm, or leg, or whatever part of her the ball hit. 

Don't worry, it's just a light rubber playground ball - it doesn't really hurt. 

You caught on and would mimic her.

You don't kick the ball on the roll, rather, you stop it and place it where you want, take a step back and then kick it to me. 

You began to say something to me each time I'd roll it to you. It honestly took me a few minutes to realize that you were talking to me. You repeated it over and over and over until I acknowledged you. 

Then it hit me - you were thanking me for rolling the ball to you and wouldn't kick it until I replied with "You're welcome."

This reassured me that we're raising you with manners and respect!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Today Ava Was Silly

We were down in the basement playing this evening when you did something I hadn't seen before. 

You must have thought I was funny because suddenly you put both of your hands to your mouth, leaned your head forward a bit and started laughing. 

Covering your mouth almost like you were trying to hide your excitement. 

I have to say it was quite cute. 

If I mimicked your move a you'd squeal with laughter and try it again. 

I must add this - you also made your first bucket - at least that I've witnessed. 

Up until this point you've always dunked the ball on your little hoop but tonight you picked up the ball and tossed it towards the basket. It banked off the backboard and through the net. 

I was impressed but you acted like it was just another day at the office. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Today Ava Spoke A Sentence

Mind and mouth came together today for a brilliant show of force. 

You'll speak a sentence or two when prompted. "Ava, do you like McGee?" 

"I like McGee" you'll respond.

Moments like that happen frequently, or there's the time when you were half-asleep on my chest and popped up to say "I love you, daddy" before your head fell back to my chest. 

There are times when you'll want so badly to tell us something and we can see that your mind is working but the words just aren't there. You'll say the words you know, then struggle a bit whenthe ones you don't know won't roll off your tongue.

We'll do out best to encourage you and try and finish what we think you're telling us and repeat the words slowly so you can learn them.

But when mom told me what happened this evening, I was amazed. 

We spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa Fenner's and got home in the late afternoon. 

I came in, changed, and headed back out to mow the yard. 

I got through one side of the house, finished the backyard and hill and started on the last side of the house when I looked up to see you waving at me from the back yard. I love it. 

You and mom watched as I finished the yard, waving to me as I progressed. 

When we were done mowing I snapped together the storage container we purchased at Menards on the way home from Shelby while mom trimmed a few of the low branches on the walnut and apple tree on the hill. 

While you held he garbage bag open (always so willing to help out with the chores!) and I tossed in the trimmings from the tree mom relayed the story of how you both ended up outside. 

It went like this: 

I started the mower underneath the deck and when you heard the telltale sound you held your hand up to your ear and said "I hear daddy mowing!" 

As if that wasn't awesome enough you followed it up with "Come on, let's go see him!" 

You're mind is a sponge and amazes me more and more each day.

I can't wait to hear what you're going to tell me tomorrow!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Today Ava Saw A Big Airplane

When opportunities present themselves to take you to see and do different things, we try our best to take advantage. 

Last summer we took you to the Akron-Fulton Airport to see the world's only airworthy B-29 Superfortress - the type of aircraft that ended WWII. 

In the year since you've become quite the avgeek like me. Every time you hear an airplane engine overhead we stop and scan the sky. Your little finger pointing in the direction you think it's coming from then watching until it's finally out of sight. You'll send it on it's journey with a "Bye airplane!" 

Earlier in the week I caught wind that Diamond Lil, the B-24 owned by the Commemorative Air Force (the same outfit that owns the B-29) would be stopping at Akron-Fulton through the weekend as part of their summer tour. 

Due to work and other commitments today would be our only chance to see the vintage warbird. 

On our way to Akron we went! 

Knowing how much you like airplanes I was excited to let you get up close and walk through one of histories greatest aircraft. I also know that my writing will be your only recollection of the visit, but that's okay.

And my excitement quickly diminished as mom and I heard silence from the back seat. Yep, you felt the half hour ride in the car was a bit too boring and fell into a deep sleep. 

So deep that when mom was carrying you onto the tarmac and tried to wake you you simply lifted your head, pointed to one of the aircraft and promptly fell back onto her shoulder. 

A minute later you came around and saw the "big airplane!" as we walked towards it. 

 We stood under the port wing while waiting in line for our turn. You pointed out the green and black color in the camouflage paint before it was our turn to board.

Mom, armed with my phone, ran to the other side while you and I manned the Browning .50 cal in the waist, keeping our eyes open for incoming German fighters.

While we waited our turn in line you spotted the small yellow Piper Cub on the other end of the field and proudly proclaimed it "Ava's airplane!"

Maybe someday. I'll start wearing mom down now. :)

A tent was near the Cub with flight and science activities for young visitors. You enjoyed coloring and making your own "vortex" or tube that when thrown like a football will glide through the air. 

The highlight of the day though came when we spotted a small Cessna going through his pre-flight checklist.

We watched as he taxied down, ran up his engine, then continued on to the runway. 

Soon he rolled down the runway gaining speed and eventually lift. The way I was holding you I couldn't see your face, but mom said that as soon as he lifted off the ground you smiled and had a look of amazement on your face. 

I really hope you continue to enjoy discovering new things! I'm glad the weather held and we were able to come take a look. 

I'm looking forward to next year and what will fly in. Until then maybe we can make a trip to the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Today Ava Hung Out With Grandma

"I did tell you my mom was coming in today to watch Ava, right?" mom asked me as I was getting ready for work this afternoon. 

"Nope" I replied, chalking the oversight up to pregnancy brain. 

 Soon thereafter I was out the door in hopes of a speedy day to bring on the weekend.

The clock always seems to spin faster when there's a lot on the plate and before I knew it I was walking back in the door. 

I came in and you were sitting on the floor with mom while she was chatting with Grandma. You ran up and gave me a big hug - which I've come to enjoy as much as when you would greet me at the top of the steps each day. 

After making general conversation I found out that you slept for most of the day. Four hours to be exact. 

Maybe I should change the title of this entry to "... napped with Grandma."

Mom can normally get you down for two to two and a half hours whereas I'm lucky if you'll sleep for 45 minutes for me. 

Four hours?!? I immediately feared we'd be in for another night like last night. 

Luckily you hadn't had any sugar that I was aware of. 

I need to learn Grandma's secret to getting you down for a good long nap!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Today Ava Had A Sugar Rush

"Never again ... never again" mom said as I peeked my head into our room to see if you were sleeping yet. 

You had just shut your eyes but when you heard me you popped up and continued to pinball off the walls. 

Mom took you home after my first game tonight so you could get to bed at a decent hour. I said my goodbyes and good nights to you and watched the two of you get into the car. 

Following our second game I checked the time on my phone and was greeted with this photo:


"Still not sleeping" was the message attached to the image with a time stamp of 10:05 p.m.

"She's wound for some reason" I thought after chuckling about the photo. Time to head home and see what the deal is. 

"Two cake pops, a cookie and M&Ms" Mom said as you ran from our bedroom down the dark hall. 

That explains the flustered "never again."

I'm on board with that. It's now 10:45 p.m. and you're going strong. 

I met mom and Karen at Starbucks right after work so I could bring you home while they went on a showing. 

You were about halfway done with a cake pop, to which I would find out later was your second one. 

Not wanting to go home right away and with plenty of time to kill before my games, we went to the mall to walk around. 

We picked up a cute dress at Sears and and on the way out of the mall sat down for a cookie. 

When we got home I saw that mom had decorated the chalkboard how we had discussed so I setup the lights and put you in your dress for a few photos. 

It's time for the big announcement. 

We can now let the world know you'll be a big sister! 

You cooperated wonderfully for the photos and then it was time for a quick change so we could go to the park. 

Getting our game faces on!
I could see you guys behind the dugout from my spot at first base and when I came back in from an inning noticed you munching on M&Ms. Never once did I give thought to the effect all of that sugar would have on the rest of the evening ...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Today Ava Earned A Star

All the credit in the world to mom for her diligence. She's working very hard to get you to use the potty and to understand when you need to go. 

It's working to your advantage as you've gotten to run around naked all day. The only caveat is that you have to stand or sit on towels at all times. 

Every 20 minutes or so mom put you on the potty and would use different techniques to encourage you to go - bribery (the iPad) ...

... books ...

... and bath toys - to which she conjured up a catchy jingle. It goes something like this: "Little blue otter coming my way ... gonna go pee on the potty ... all day ..." To which you ad libbed "all day long!" 

Just before Noon I received a text showing your little right index finger placing a blue star on your "potty chart." 

That means success! 

I think you're starting to get the hang of the concept because you'll ask to sit on the potty and stay there for a while, but as soon as we let you down (literally) you'll pee on the floor. 

Is this a game you're playing with us? 

Mom's a determined woman, you'll learn that quickly, so I'm confident she'll have you potty trained sooner than later. She's not a quitter.

One thing I must add that I'll never forget is the look I got when I came home tonight. As I walked up the stairs and set my keys on the counter I heard mom quietly say "Go get him!"

Turning the corner into the living room I saw just the biggest smile come across your face and you couldn't kick the toy laptop off your legs fast enough. I crouched down as you scooted your little butt off the couch and ran over to give me the biggest hug ever. 

It was awesome. I know someday you'll be a rebellious teenager (we all hit that phase) and when it happens, I'll cling to this hug tonight knowing that all is well. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Today Ava Refused To Take Off The Gloves

This post really could be broken up into three separate entries, but before I comment on the gloves, let me talk a little about potty training.

It's quietly been our goal to have you out of diapers by your second birthday and today was our first real attempt at making that goal a reality. 

After your bath mom put you in some big girl "unnies" for you to get used to the feel. 

Soon thereafter you peed all over the floor. 

I wish I could be there to help more, but unfortunately unless we work hard on the weekends, the bulk of potty training will fall on mom when she's home with you during the day.

After about 6 accidents on the floor and "look mom, I made an A" comment, it was back to diapers. 

All of this info was relayed to me via text while I was at work and like I said. I wish I could help more. 

Soon, it was time to meet you and mom at the doctor's office for her check up. We were really excited to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time and even more excited that you'd be able to share in the moment with us. 

While waiting for the nurse practitioner to come into the room, you fell asleep on my shoulder. I guess that's what happens when you wake up at 5:30 a.m. 

So, you slept through the whole thing. Not to worry - like we did with your heartbeat - we recorded your siblings as well. 

So without further adieu here is the first time we all heard your siblings heartbeat:

When mom was pregnant with you we began a tradition of stopping by Robek's for a smoothy after each appointment. It's a tradition we're continuing and now making you a part of. 

Though you slept through this as well, not waking up until you were back in your car seat. Maybe next time you'll be a little more into it.  

After work, I met you and mom outside the Hall of Fame so she could drop you off and head to her scheduled showings. 

When I looked in the backseat of the Mazda I saw you dressed in a cute yellow romper - one that mom is justified in bragging about that she paid less than $2 for lat summer - and a pair of pinkish/purple sunglasses. But what really caught my attention was your other accessories - the blue gardening gloves.

I looked at mom when I noticed them and she kind of shrugged her shoulders. I asked you if we could take them off and you said no. 

Okay then. 

We both gave mom a kiss goodbye then thought about what we wanted to do with the afternoon. 

It's touching 90 degrees so I'm thinking something outside. I asked you and got a soft "Yeah." 

You seemed a little tired and mom did comment that you were almost asleep again. 

Stadium Park is right around the corner and seemed like the perfect idea. 

We did some swinging ...

And some sliding ...

All with the blue Mickey gardening gloves on. 

The gloves didn't come off until you realized you couldn't hold your ice cream cone with them on.

You did amazingly well with your cone. I was the only one that dripped any onto myself. 

I can see your mom reading this and shaking her head while saying 'Is that really a surprise?"

No, not really.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Today Ava Played In The Rain

I went downstairs to my old office area in the basement at work today to photograph some items that needed to be pushed out via our social media channels. When I left my office it was cloudy but you could still see some blue through the holes. 

Ten minutes later when I sat back down at my cubicle it was ominously dark wit torrential rains. 

I knew you and mom were about due to be home from her scrimmage at Colonel Crawford and didn't want to text in case you were still on the road. I wanted to make sure you two were okay and off the road.

I waited to hear something while keeping one eye on the weather outside. Then my phone vibrated and I saw "Wife" come across the screen. 

She sent me the following video that reassured me you two were safe at home:

Apparently the sprinkler just wasn't enough.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Today Ava Went Berry Picking

My Father's Day got off to a great start this morning, not only did you give me a big squeeze when you woke up but you also gave me a new coffee mug!

A few weeks ago the mug I've been using since I graduated high school nearly 15 years ago finally gave out and the handle broke off as I tried to wash it.

It's been replaced by a hand-painted ceramic mug compliments of your artisitc mind.

Thank you!

Mom also brought out new T-shirts and a much needed pair of lounge pants.

If the day stopped here, it would have been wonderful. But, it played out better than I could have imagined.

In fact, toward the end of the afternoon while we were sitting on the patio enjoying popsicles I commented to mom "now this is living."

After I opened my gifts we decided to get breakfast down the street at the Sunrise Cafe. It's a nice little mom & pop restaurant with good food and affordable prices.

Mom saw first-hand your favorite meal.

Surprisingly she was still able to eat her own food after witnessing that.

After breakfast we tossed around ideas of what to do with our afternoon. Amich country was out - it's Sunday. Mom had the idea to go pick our own strawberries. What a great thought that turned out to be.

After a quick search on Google mom found Waltz Strawberry Patch in Paris, Ohio. 

We got changed and loaded up the car, punched the address into the navigation and off we went. 

Just under thirty minutes later and we were there. 

Unsure at first, your competitive nature quickly took over and you were working on your shot by tossing fresh berries into the bucket. 

Then, the hunt was on as we encouraged you to find the reddest berries and pick your own.

One thing's for sure, we're definitley going to have to focus on your finesse. Once we got home and washed the berries, quite a few were crushed by tiny little fingers. 

Picking strawberries wasn't our only surprise for you this afternoon. Your kiddie pool somehow got punctured in the garage so we made a side trip to Walmart on the way home to pick up a new one.

Chalk up another bright idea to mom - she thought to pick up a sprinkler to let you run through as well. 

When we got home I brought the hose and sprinkler to the backyard while mom squeezed you into a bathing suit that's a little too small. 

The end result is quite possibly my favorite photo of the summer. 

I love the pure joy on your face. 

Here are a few more shots to enjoy: 

There's many more where the above came from but I just picked a few of my faves. 

Much to your dismay we had to end the fun when your lips turned blue and your teeth began to chatter. I wrapped you up in a warm towel while mom went in and grabbed some popsicles from the freezer. 

We sat and enjoyed the peace with a frosty treat. 

We took a break from the excitement for dinner then once digested it was off to finish the evening at the park where you did some more belly-first sliding!

With all of the activity today we never had a chance to put you down for a nap. You didn't let it show until 9:00 p.m. when - after a bottle - you rolled over onto my chest as we sat in the recliner and fell asleep. 

On this Father's Day, thank you for reminding me what it's like to be a kid again!