Sunday, June 15, 2014

Today Ava Went Berry Picking

My Father's Day got off to a great start this morning, not only did you give me a big squeeze when you woke up but you also gave me a new coffee mug!

A few weeks ago the mug I've been using since I graduated high school nearly 15 years ago finally gave out and the handle broke off as I tried to wash it.

It's been replaced by a hand-painted ceramic mug compliments of your artisitc mind.

Thank you!

Mom also brought out new T-shirts and a much needed pair of lounge pants.

If the day stopped here, it would have been wonderful. But, it played out better than I could have imagined.

In fact, toward the end of the afternoon while we were sitting on the patio enjoying popsicles I commented to mom "now this is living."

After I opened my gifts we decided to get breakfast down the street at the Sunrise Cafe. It's a nice little mom & pop restaurant with good food and affordable prices.

Mom saw first-hand your favorite meal.

Surprisingly she was still able to eat her own food after witnessing that.

After breakfast we tossed around ideas of what to do with our afternoon. Amich country was out - it's Sunday. Mom had the idea to go pick our own strawberries. What a great thought that turned out to be.

After a quick search on Google mom found Waltz Strawberry Patch in Paris, Ohio. 

We got changed and loaded up the car, punched the address into the navigation and off we went. 

Just under thirty minutes later and we were there. 

Unsure at first, your competitive nature quickly took over and you were working on your shot by tossing fresh berries into the bucket. 

Then, the hunt was on as we encouraged you to find the reddest berries and pick your own.

One thing's for sure, we're definitley going to have to focus on your finesse. Once we got home and washed the berries, quite a few were crushed by tiny little fingers. 

Picking strawberries wasn't our only surprise for you this afternoon. Your kiddie pool somehow got punctured in the garage so we made a side trip to Walmart on the way home to pick up a new one.

Chalk up another bright idea to mom - she thought to pick up a sprinkler to let you run through as well. 

When we got home I brought the hose and sprinkler to the backyard while mom squeezed you into a bathing suit that's a little too small. 

The end result is quite possibly my favorite photo of the summer. 

I love the pure joy on your face. 

Here are a few more shots to enjoy: 

There's many more where the above came from but I just picked a few of my faves. 

Much to your dismay we had to end the fun when your lips turned blue and your teeth began to chatter. I wrapped you up in a warm towel while mom went in and grabbed some popsicles from the freezer. 

We sat and enjoyed the peace with a frosty treat. 

We took a break from the excitement for dinner then once digested it was off to finish the evening at the park where you did some more belly-first sliding!

With all of the activity today we never had a chance to put you down for a nap. You didn't let it show until 9:00 p.m. when - after a bottle - you rolled over onto my chest as we sat in the recliner and fell asleep. 

On this Father's Day, thank you for reminding me what it's like to be a kid again!

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