Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Today Ava Said "Thank You" and "You're Welcome"

Your sibling isn't being very nice to your mother in the early stage of the pregnancy. She's not feeling well, has trouble keeping dinner down, and is generally tired. 

When I walked in from work this afternoon she was barely able to keep her eyes open on the couch while you watched "Little Einsteins" on the iPad.

She had you all day today and even took you to the office for the team meeting. It's my turn to parent now so she can relax. I knew we needed a few things from Target so after we ate dinner we put your sandals on and headed out. 

Cute hat, but at $12.99 we're just window shopping.
 It gave mom some much needed alone time. 

When we got back to the house we got into our jammies and just began playing with the toy upstairs, kicking your Minnie Mouse ball and the big blue ball around. 

Mom taught you a - I guess you'd call it a game - where if you hit her with the ball she'd say "Ouch! My head!" or arm, or leg, or whatever part of her the ball hit. 

Don't worry, it's just a light rubber playground ball - it doesn't really hurt. 

You caught on and would mimic her.

You don't kick the ball on the roll, rather, you stop it and place it where you want, take a step back and then kick it to me. 

You began to say something to me each time I'd roll it to you. It honestly took me a few minutes to realize that you were talking to me. You repeated it over and over and over until I acknowledged you. 

Then it hit me - you were thanking me for rolling the ball to you and wouldn't kick it until I replied with "You're welcome."

This reassured me that we're raising you with manners and respect!

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