Saturday, June 21, 2014

Today Ava Saw A Big Airplane

When opportunities present themselves to take you to see and do different things, we try our best to take advantage. 

Last summer we took you to the Akron-Fulton Airport to see the world's only airworthy B-29 Superfortress - the type of aircraft that ended WWII. 

In the year since you've become quite the avgeek like me. Every time you hear an airplane engine overhead we stop and scan the sky. Your little finger pointing in the direction you think it's coming from then watching until it's finally out of sight. You'll send it on it's journey with a "Bye airplane!" 

Earlier in the week I caught wind that Diamond Lil, the B-24 owned by the Commemorative Air Force (the same outfit that owns the B-29) would be stopping at Akron-Fulton through the weekend as part of their summer tour. 

Due to work and other commitments today would be our only chance to see the vintage warbird. 

On our way to Akron we went! 

Knowing how much you like airplanes I was excited to let you get up close and walk through one of histories greatest aircraft. I also know that my writing will be your only recollection of the visit, but that's okay.

And my excitement quickly diminished as mom and I heard silence from the back seat. Yep, you felt the half hour ride in the car was a bit too boring and fell into a deep sleep. 

So deep that when mom was carrying you onto the tarmac and tried to wake you you simply lifted your head, pointed to one of the aircraft and promptly fell back onto her shoulder. 

A minute later you came around and saw the "big airplane!" as we walked towards it. 

 We stood under the port wing while waiting in line for our turn. You pointed out the green and black color in the camouflage paint before it was our turn to board.

Mom, armed with my phone, ran to the other side while you and I manned the Browning .50 cal in the waist, keeping our eyes open for incoming German fighters.

While we waited our turn in line you spotted the small yellow Piper Cub on the other end of the field and proudly proclaimed it "Ava's airplane!"

Maybe someday. I'll start wearing mom down now. :)

A tent was near the Cub with flight and science activities for young visitors. You enjoyed coloring and making your own "vortex" or tube that when thrown like a football will glide through the air. 

The highlight of the day though came when we spotted a small Cessna going through his pre-flight checklist.

We watched as he taxied down, ran up his engine, then continued on to the runway. 

Soon he rolled down the runway gaining speed and eventually lift. The way I was holding you I couldn't see your face, but mom said that as soon as he lifted off the ground you smiled and had a look of amazement on your face. 

I really hope you continue to enjoy discovering new things! I'm glad the weather held and we were able to come take a look. 

I'm looking forward to next year and what will fly in. Until then maybe we can make a trip to the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton!

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