Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Today Ava Earned A Star

All the credit in the world to mom for her diligence. She's working very hard to get you to use the potty and to understand when you need to go. 

It's working to your advantage as you've gotten to run around naked all day. The only caveat is that you have to stand or sit on towels at all times. 

Every 20 minutes or so mom put you on the potty and would use different techniques to encourage you to go - bribery (the iPad) ...

... books ...

... and bath toys - to which she conjured up a catchy jingle. It goes something like this: "Little blue otter coming my way ... gonna go pee on the potty ... all day ..." To which you ad libbed "all day long!" 

Just before Noon I received a text showing your little right index finger placing a blue star on your "potty chart." 

That means success! 

I think you're starting to get the hang of the concept because you'll ask to sit on the potty and stay there for a while, but as soon as we let you down (literally) you'll pee on the floor. 

Is this a game you're playing with us? 

Mom's a determined woman, you'll learn that quickly, so I'm confident she'll have you potty trained sooner than later. She's not a quitter.

One thing I must add that I'll never forget is the look I got when I came home tonight. As I walked up the stairs and set my keys on the counter I heard mom quietly say "Go get him!"

Turning the corner into the living room I saw just the biggest smile come across your face and you couldn't kick the toy laptop off your legs fast enough. I crouched down as you scooted your little butt off the couch and ran over to give me the biggest hug ever. 

It was awesome. I know someday you'll be a rebellious teenager (we all hit that phase) and when it happens, I'll cling to this hug tonight knowing that all is well. 

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