Thursday, December 17, 2015

Today Ava Was Overjoyed by Santa

Let's begin with a morning selfie. 

And a little sister bonding after I left for work. 

Now, to what I want to remember from the day ... 
As we were leaving Chuck's one year well visit at Family Physicians this afternoon, in walked Santa Claus. 

I overheard the lady behind the counter tell someone else that it's just their accountant who dresses up every year and stops in the office. 

That didn't matter to you. 

As I stood there to checkout and schedule AJs next appointment, mom told you to go look around the corner, Santa is here. 

You cautiously stepped forward until you could peek around the corner to your left in the lobby. As soon as you saw him, you began to hop in place excitedly. 

Santa played right into it with a boisterous "Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!" 

I couldn't see the exchange between the two of you, but when you returned you couldn't have been happier. 

I just love seeing the pure joy on your face and hope it never fades. As adults, we tend to lose sight of the little things. Please don't. 

Not only did Santa make your day, but as one of the nurses began to walk a patient back to the rooms, I heard her say "That just made my day, seeing that little girl so excited." 

See, the excitement is contagious. 

We could all use an extra smile in our day.

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