Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today Ava Cleaned Up

By looking at the subject line you can guess it was bath day. I used to loathe this time for about the first two months of your short life because you hated it. I'm not saying you disliked it, or that bathing was an inconvenience; you HATED it! You would scream and carry on as soon as as that first toe dipped into the water.

That's why your early baths lasted all of 30 long seconds. Get her in, get her clean, get her out, get her happy.

Gradually you would cry less, the screams would die down and you grew to like bath time.

Tonight, we had another “milestone” if you will. You've been sitting up on your own since shortly before Christmas (somewhere around the 21st or 23rd of December). Another reason why I should have started this journal the moment you were born – I'd know the exact day. I digress, but you've outgrown the little bath center we had and so for the last two baths you've been sitting in the tub and using a portable bath seat we received from Marissa, your baby sitter.

I was preparing meatloaf for dinner and your mom began to give you a bath. A few times I heard “Honey come here you have to see this!” and “Grab the camera, this is too cute!”

Once I rinsed the meat mixture from my hands, I went to investigate. There you were splashing around and checking out the water coming from the spigot. You were so intrigued by the cascading water. Your little arms and hands kept reaching for it and playing in it.

It reminded us how far you've come in nearly six months and just how much you've developed.

We know you're becoming more aware of your surroundings but this was pure joy to watch. Remind me to show you the video and photos someday.

Speaking of photos – and you'll probably get a little red in the face for these on your graduation day – we took the obligatory “Baby Butt” photos in the bath. We stood you at the edge of the tub while it was filling and you just watched the water flow and fill it up. It was prime opportunity.

On a side note – as you were standing there naked, and I was grabbing the camera, you peed. I only mention this for the humor of it. All I heard from the other room is “Ohh no, oh no, oh no!” and when I returned your mom was sitting there holding a diaper underneath you so it didn't make a mess on the floor. We're glad we didn't miss this photo opportunity.

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