Thursday, November 19, 2015

Today Ava Smelled Slobber

Yeah, you read that subject line correctly ... proud parents we are. :) 

Sitting on the couch as a family, Arlee tucked nicely in the crook of mom's arm and you sitting between mom and me, I looked over to see you smelling your fist. I wasn't sure what you were doing but I cast it off without another thought. 

Seconds later you shove the thumb side of your fist under my nose and say "Smell my slobber." 

Um, what? 

"Smell my slobber, it's gross" and pressed your fist further into my nose. 

Yeah, kiddo, it's gross! 

As mom and I start laughing we both look to see you lick your fist, sniff it and proceed to do it again. 

If you ever have a boyfriend I don't like, I'm pulling this story out of my bag of tricks! 

I must share this though, I left work around 3:30 today so mom could get to the MAPS Air Museum for the CE course she had signed up for. After you and AJ waved from the dining room window, I asked if you wanted to go to the store. 

"To the bread and cheese store (Panera)?" you asked. 

Well, that wasn't my intention, but sure. 

Once you had your fill it was off to our original destination ... the mall, more specifically Sears. Earlier in the week mom had pointed out a few items that she liked and I figured we had the opportunity now to go get them without her knowing. 

All went well until mom got home. 

She was barely in the door when ... "Mom! We went to bread and cheese store!" 

"Oh, you did?" mom replied. 

"Yeah, and we went to the other store and another store and got you a new purple dress and pants!" 

I couldn't react fast enough to stop your blabber mouth. :)

When we were at Sears I was holding AJ and sorting through the pants mom wanted to find her size. You were doing your thing looking at costume jewelery and asking to ride the escalator. 

At one point you walked around the table I was at and found a purple "dress" and said "Mom would really like this dress." 

I looked up and thought, you're right. And I thought it would be extra special since you picked it out all by yourself. 

After the cat was out of the bag about our trip, I decided to give mom her gift now. 

By this time we were all in the basement playing so I ducked out to the car where the bag was stashed, ripped off the price tags and brought it inside. 

I handed it to you to give to mom and she opened it up. 

She tried on your shirt and I'll tell you what, I'm smiling as I type this because to see the pure joy on your face when she told you he loved it was nothing short of heart wearming. 

Standing in front of her and looking up you said 'Awww, you love it? and when mom said yes, you hopped up and down uncontrollably and jumped into her arms. 

Moments like this are why I love being a parent. Seeing that emotion from you made giving the gift early worth it all.

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