Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today Ava made a Valentine

Happy first Valentine's Day little one! 

Today I picked you up from Marissa's and took you on  few errands. I had an idea for a Valentine for your mom and I needed your help. We ran out to Pat Catan's craft store and picked up a pair of small square canvases, some paint and a brush. 

As you can guess, since I picked you up, your mom had a basketball game but more on that in a bit. You may have guessed where I am going with this, but we made your mom a craft for valentine's day. 

Earlier in the week it was agreed that we wouldn't celebrate Valentine's day between us. I was fine with that but still thought you would like to get your mom something. 

I gave you a bottle and while you were working on that I spread some paper towels on the floor in the living room and opened the canvases. In trying to open the paint, when I poked my thumb through the seal, it splattered everywhere. It was on my pants, the floor, and unbeknownst to me, on my face. I cleaned it up quickly - luckily it was washable paint - and globbed some into a container. I dipped your little right hand into the paint and watched for a second as you looked at it in bewilderment. 

By the look on your face, I could tell that you were looking at your hand and wondering "What do I do with this? Do I eat it?" You opened and closed your hands a few times and I attempted to place your palm on the canvas. I was hoping for a nice palm print, but you had other plans. and opened and closed your palm, thus smearing the paint into an unrecognizable blob on the canvas.

We tried again, this time with a little bit of success. It at least looked somewhat like a hand print. Next was the feet. I thought this might be easier, but again, I was wrong. 

I held you up and dipped your feet into the paint. You squished your toes around for a second then I lifte you up and pressed your feet on the canvas in a "V" shape. From my description you're probably wondering what we were doing. I was attempting to spell the word "Love" on the canvas. 

I used the brush to write the L and the E and let it dry. 

After cleaning you - and the living room - up we got you into your Cavs PJs and headed out to Walsh to see mom and the game. 

I knew you wouldn't make it long, you got tired along the way. You lasted through half of the first half and we headed home. After a pit stop to Giant Eagle across campus - needed some eggs - we went home. 

You passed out, and I mean out. You didn't even fuss when  laid you on the changing table to take your jacket off. With that, I went to work finishing your mom's Valentine's gift. 

Since we agreed to not get each other anything, I used the loophole that it was from you. I'll take the cost out of your future allowance. You're welcome. 

 Earlier in the week you and I stopped at Gervasi Vineyard and grabbed a bottle of your mom's favorite wine - Tesoro. While there we also got brownie mix, bread mix, and dipping oil. I really shouldn't be allowed to go places on an empty stomach. 

I signed your name to the card and after baking the bread, set it out on the counter. This most didn't stop when you went to bed because I wanted to share our mom's candid reaction with you.At the last second I thought to record her coming up the steps so i ducked behind the counter. Below is what ensued. You may need to turn up the volume. Enjoy!

Sleep tight, Gravy!

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