Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Today Ava Ran to me (sorta)

I've come to realize that there are certain feelings in life that you don't know exist until you're a parent. 

Today, I experience yet another one of those. Your mom had a game tonight against the top seeded team in the GLIAC North - Wayne State in which they came out victorious in a stunning upset

That being stated, I picked you up from Marissa's and when I got there, she answered the door holding Andrew. Usually when I get there, Marissa is holding you when she answers the door. We get your coat on, gather your stuff and head home.

I was honestly a bit disappointing to not see you as soon as she opened the door. That all changed in a matter of seconds. When you walk in Marissa's front door, you're facing a short hallway that leads to their dining room with the kitchen on the left and living room on the right. 

The floors are hard wood, making it easy for a walker to glide across. When I entered the house, down the hallway you came. In what seemed like a run - I'm sure it was more of a snail's pace, but the way I choose to replay it in my head is a run - you came trucking down the hallway in Marissa's walker. 

This is when the feeling that described earlier came to be. You were the happiest I've seen you. You were giggling and laughing as you scooted across the floor and wanted picked up. I obliged and you just created a laugh that Marissa said she hadn't heard from you all day.

It made me feel like you were genuinely happy to see me. Those 12 words don't describe the feeling properly, but to me it meant that you're making the connection to who your parents are. I really wish I was better able to put it into words.

You're growing up so fast. 

This instant lasted all of 10 seconds, but will remain with me for the rest of my days. It's these unexpected fleeting moments that I've come to enjoy. 

Sleep well little one.

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